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A political upstart who rose to prominence during the contentious Embers Election, where her significant contributions delivered Leodore Lionheart the prized mayorship of Zootopia. This victory secured Akemi Kyubi and her vulpine associates, [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], participation into the central government, where she began to [REDACTED] and the founding of the Dominion party.

A heated political war thundered through the state's central branches, where the ever growing influence of the fox club ferociously resisted the Commonwealth's representatives, who [REDACTED] within six months, the Commonwealth’s leadership all but exhausted the public's goodwill, opening doors for powerful vulpine figures to seize the highest positions of government. [REDACTED] led to the disastrous loss of the Freedom of Entry for every leporid citizen, which consequentially expelled an entire specie from the capital city. An infamous event which came to be known as the Rabbit-Ban Act.

In a desperate dash to restrain the outgrown authorities foxes now possessed, the Mammalian Assembly proposed the creation of a new office held by an "Administrator", intended to rein in the badly imbalanced Council to a more fairer plane. This was dramatically subverted when the Assembly [REDACTED] inexplicably transitioned the duty of appointment over to the Council, which they then unanimously purposed it to prop up yet another fox.  

Within the span of a few short years, Kyubi is believed to now hold near dictatorial powers over Zootopia and its territories.  




Those {Redacted} made me kinda feel like I was reading the old Scp files formats. Idk why, but I liked that detail :p