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To spice things up for these coming months, I am looking to hear input on what our followers would like to see from us. Whether it'd be Sunderance related (faster updates, deleted scenes or a motion comic), Hereafter(sequels, one-shots), Wilde Academy (currently on a hiatus) or anything that's fresh.

I am mainly toying with the idea of producing a motion comic for Sunderance, but I'd like to be certain that there is a solid interest before diving into any such project. If not, I'd love to see what new ideas people might offer. Could be anything from small WildeHopps one-shots or other characters entirely, Canon, Alternate Universes, pure or naughty. I'm opening this journal to allow such discussions.

And as there are likely going to be multiple proposals, Kulkum and I will select the best stuff we fancy and make a poll, as we always do.

Go forth and impress us.


What is a motion comic?



Happy to see whatever you guys feel passionate enough to produce!


I mean, I think we would all absolutely love faster updates for Sunderance, but I don’t want it at the expense of quality of the comic or if it’s going to stress you guys out. So I think I would be all for a motion comic!


Can't wait to see what you guys create but not gonna lie I would love to see Wilde Academy return I'm dying to see why happens with our bunny/fox duo I know it's mostly smut but I feel like our love birds were getting a lil deeper. Also more Sunderance and I know it wasn't an option but I would love to see more Savage Dark


I would love to see anything you all want to put out, but I’m with Puaohaialii, I would LOVE to see more on the Savage Dark and/or The Wilde Academey


I just want some new hot fox on bunny action in stories/comics. ;) The existing stuff is getting stale.


Well, I'm here for the WildeHopps stuff so anything that has to do with that, I'm in. One thing that I do miss from you guys would be content surrounding the canon Nick and Judy. All these AU's are great and I think you're doing a terrific job with them, but I'm just missing seeing Judy and Nick being more closer to the canon material. The drop box suggestions have definitely been great in that regard. So yeah, some small slice of life one-shots (funny, sexy and/or romantic) with beat cops Nick and Judy (or just Nick and Judy at their days off) would be something I would love to see.


I completely enjoy everything your group does. You are endlessly talented and creative. Sunderance(7), Hereafter(6), and Savage Dark(10) are in my top 10 favorite WildeHopps stories. However, my favorite story by Kulkum is Red and Grey (#2 on my list) because they are closer to canon, and when Judy realizes what she wants (her fox!), she goes out and gets him, despite the walls and masks that Nick puts up. That Nick/dragon and Judy/dragon-rider AU looked like a lot of fun. Some -slice of life- stories like 'how to hide the evidence when you rutted your fox silly on your lunch-break ' would also be great. How would -reverse- Hereafter look with Judy as a top warrior archangel who learns too much and gets cast down to Luxuria and conquers the House and then Hell itself with Loyalty (and Lust), just like Lucifer once did. Whatever you decide will be great.


motion comic ftw!


I would also love whatever you two create. But would like to see more of the savage dark. However, the motion comic of Sunderance would be really cool to see. Again, I am sure whatever you two make will be spectacular.


I'm here for anything wildehopps, but i'd love to see more Wilde Academy (kind of at a cliffhanger at the moment isn't it?) and savage dark.


A motion comic sounds interesting, but I'm worried it might be too much work for you guys to deal with, on top of everything else. Personally, I would like more "Hereafter" content; but, above all else, I want to see the return of updates to "The Savage Dark." The last chapter of The Savage Dark ended on a huge cliffhanger just begging to be continued!


*Cough* Animated Wilde Academy *Cough* >_>


Wilde Academy!!!! ^^

Colonel Arbuckle

I think a Sunderance motion comic would be cool!


I'm also in the Wilde Academy and Savage Dark club. Savage Dark is what "hooked" me on your writing and it's been pending for far too long given the cliffhanger.


I'd love to see this with Wilde Academy and Savage Dark. Savage Dark also hooked me - here was great writing and fantastic comics. Sunderance I like for the story, but I'd like it further along before you consider a motion comic. And I agree with @nathanper546 that Savage Dark has been pending far too long.

Leo G.

I'd love to see more of Wilde Academy and Sunderance. Savage Dark is the only other thing that I've really followed, so I need to give it an honorable mention. More of it would be great too.

Angelo B.

Without a deviant art account I'm getting redirected. But I've seen other moving comics and I'm sure whatever you put out will be top tier.


Also I thought Hearafter was written by ScaraMedn and only featured art by Weaver. :/


how about you make tiers for us to select ex: tier 1-non porn content (only) , tier 2- porn content (only) , tier 3- non porn and porn content (both tier 1&2 together).


its just an example and an idea, you do however you seem fit, i just wanted to put that idea out there.


Wilde academy side story featuring Fangmeyer and Wolford


Sunderance comic. Motion comic could be cool after its finished.


A bit late to the party, but the "At Her Feet" series/Savage Dark have been what really got me hooked, and I'm dying to read/see more. Wilde Academy is good too. And now that I think about it, Red and Gray is amazing as well.