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"Mmm, if my godfather catches us in his classroom-"

"You'll just keep bouncing that sweet ass of yours on my cock like you're doing right now, baby girl." Squeezing Dahlia Malfoy's hips tighter, Harry Potter grinned as he pulled her back hard onto his stroke, his balls slapping against her as he buried his cock deep inside her tight ass. "And I checked the Marauder's Map before we started. He's five floors away right now. Besides, it's not like you can deny me anything."

Dahlia turned her head to the side, blushing faintly in the dim light of the potions classroom as she offered a small smile. "I haven't been able to yet, have I... Daddy?"

As always, Harry felt his cock throb a little harder inside her at that word. Pulling almost all the way out, he waited for her faint whimper of need before driving his cock deep up into her ass once more. "You're nothing more than Daddy's little slut, are you?" Dahlia let out a loud moan in response, pushed up onto her toes by the force of his thrust. Grin widening, Harry gave another hard thrust into her ass, rocking her body forward again. "Say it!"

"I'm Daddy's little slut!" As Harry continued to pound her ass, Dahlia began pushing back into the strokes, the slaps of her thick ass meeting his hips growing louder and louder as they fell into a rhythm. "Harder, Daddy, fuck my ass harder!"

Harry let out a loud grunt as he slid his hands up her sides, groping her breasts roughly for a few seconds before resting his hands just above them, allowing him to start pulling her back into each thrust he made. "How does it feel, Dahlia? How does it feel to know that you were made to be a cum dumpster? How does it feel to know that this body was literally made for people to use?"

Bringing her hands up to rest atop his, Dahlia met Harry's gaze with adoring eyes. "I love it because it means that I'm just the little girl you want, Daddy." That earned her one of his hardest thrusts yet, making her eyes roll back in her head. "Daddy... I'm cumming, Daddy. I can't help it. You make me feel so good."

Even with her warning, the sudden tightness around his cock caught Harry off-guard and he let out a loud gasp as he found himself joining her, driving his cock as deep as he could into her thick ass before delivering spurt after spurt of cum deep inside her. Despite his late start, they finished at almost the same time, Harry pressing his chest against Dahlia's back and nuzzling her neck as they both gasped for air. And as she began to work her hips in a slow circle, trying to tease his cock back to hardness inside her, Harry found himself wonder if Draco could have ever imagined that he'd end up where he was now back when he first introduced himself to Harry aboard the Hogwarts Express that fateful day...

Art © Me

Dialogue © Joe - His Patreon



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