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Hi everyone!

Hope you are all doing well and you're enjoying that summer time vibe (is that what people call it...I literally heard someone say that once and then never again so maybe not).

Spiral here with week #2 of our newest patreon exclusive segment! In case you missed week #1 you can read it here!

re:TYE Re: (or re:TYE Replies!) is a new monthly Q&A segment where we ask our team a question of the month. Each week of the month, we will showcase the answer of a different team member (and maybe some of the others may want to add in a comment or two!) and we can learn a bit more about each of our re:TYE pals! Maybe we can finally learn which re:TYE member you're most like...kinda like one of those old school online quizzes LOL

Patreons of any level can submit their own questions (as many as you want so don't be shy!) either in the comments or via DM for us to answer on another month's Q&A so feel free to submit some questions and we'll agonize over an appropriate answer!

We've had some cool questions submitted so far so keep them coming in!

This month's question is:

'What is an anime or TV show you think everyone should watch?'

Following suit with July 2023 week#2 is Merobean's answer!


July 2023 - Week #2 (Merobean)

This is Mero’s all time favorite anime:
Natsume Yuujinchou
If you need something to calm your mind! Very wholesome, very lovely

SKET Dance
SO SO GOOD - a turn your brain off kind of show! Then you’ll cry when it ends because that’s how good it is. :’ ) It’s also written by the assistant of the Gintama author!!

Katekyo Hitman Reborn
I’M STILL NOT OVER THIS!! It’s such a wholesome show about friendship and family!! You’ll love the main cast!!! TTTT

Anime I really like:
Death Parade
Gets very philosophical about ethics and has a tiny bit of thriller element to it if you’re a weenie like me

Carole & Tuesday
For some good music and space stuff :3

Anime I really like but too ashamed to admit!
No Game No Life
They’re so smart!! I love the brain games!! And the siblings!

Additional re:TYE member comments:

Spiral: The use of GIFs is very inspired LOL I appreciate that you included the little Carole and Tuesday lore/exchange with Jefferz where he just replied with contempt LOL Truly an answer full of art. P.S MAN DEATH PARADE IS SO GOOD

Rachellular: omg MERO I'm DYING at No game No life


Tune in next week for another answer from one of our team!

Who will it be? (I say as if I know it isn't me LOL) Be sure to submit your questions if you want to know the answers (I'm once again admitting that apparently we will answer almost anything LOL).

Have a great day everyone!



Would you ever make a cover of Casshern Sins op 1: Aoi Hana