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My piece for a Nandermo zine, Heartguard! https://twitter.com/nandormemozine

It's already completed and is shipping, so unfortunately I don't think you can buy it anymore :( But please enjoy my art for it anyway~

My experience with this zine was kind of weird, like I got real up in my own head about it? I had a lot of the other artists blocked on twitter for putting anti stuff in the nandermo/wwdits tags and didn't really realize it until after I joined. Nobody was unpleasant to me while working on it and the mod I was in touch with was very kind, but I still felt kinda strange being there; since I have a lot of them blocked but they don't have me blocked I feel like the aggressor, when it's really just that I don't want to accidentally interact with their art. I really like this ship but man, I feel so out of place in the fan spaces. Obviously, don't make this public or anything, I have literally no beef with them and nothing happened. It just felt like... a place I wasn't really supposed to be. 

Hah sorry for the vent, at the very least pls enjoy sleepy bodyguard and his stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID master. Did I mention I drew this back in May? I had no idea how bad things would go in s4 for these boys, oh my gosh, I was so innocent and hopeful. Never trust a show until it's over, friends. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred it'll break your heart.




Can I just add...stupid stupid master


I totally understand getting in your own head about interactions (ie, “am I being aggressive or protecting my own space?”). In future situations like this, you could maybe mute them instead of blocking, and they’d be none the wiser 😏(I think). Regardless, I love the art and you sold me on Nandermo when I joined 😂


Yaaaay!!! I'm just curious, do you think because of this last season that they aren't going to be together or something? I'm a little confused. I feel like if anything they seem more likely to get together, ya know? Like I feel like Nandoor was misdirecting his love of Guillermo toward Guillermo's boyfriend and maybe now he's more likely to realize he's actually in love with Guillermo? Especially if Guillermo gets turned into a vampire maybe it will make Nandoor feel like they're more on the same playing field?


Yeah, I should probably do that more rather than blocking, but I'm also so so tired of the anti stuff. Like if I just mute then they can still interact with my work and stuff and I just don't get to know about it. I just wanna be in a bubble ;w;


As a buyer of the zine I was so happy to see this lovely piece! I do know what you mean about feeling out of place in the fandom, it is so strange to see Antis stanning a show about a bunch of kinky, amoral, murderous bloodsuckers like WWDITS! That makes fanworks like this all the more precious. I'm still rooting for these two, as stupid as Nandor is, haha!


This is a very sweet work. I love Nandor's nails, too. I hope your interactions with fans continue to be nice. My rant: anti stuff is deeply obnoxious to me. I, myself, challenge antishippers to NOT interact with things that bother them and be adults in the situation. It's overstating the harm of entertainment and art and, to me, in the vein of calling certain works "degenerate." Art is a safe space to interact with upsetting things because if someone doesn't want to interact with the thing, unlike real life, you can close the book, exit out of the browser window, or change the channel. Conflating the real harm of abuse with fictional depictions of it is nonsense and I can't put up with it.


Hm, so, I feel like... They leave a lot of things vague enough that they could go either way, but apparently in interviews they keep talking about how toxic it would be, which makes me think that rather than Nandor shaping up, they could decide Guillermo's happy ending will be moving on. I think it's easy to get the reading you did out of the situation (they dropped plenty of hints that Nandor really cares for Guillermo) but I can also get the reading that Nandor is platonically dependent on him and his arc could just be learning how to be a good friend and let Guillermo go. Like, they have these two conflicting things, where they talk about toxic relationships and how respectfully they treat Guillermo's identity and story, but on the other hand they're a comedy and they toss character development aside for jokes all the time. Like Nandor going through this season long thing with Marwa just to poof her at the end for a joke and reveal he's basically learned nothing but somehow experienced no consequences? Idk, I could be wrong, but I just don't really trust them. But yeah, it doesn't stop me from having shmoopy feelings about the fanon versions of these guys lol~


Yeah, I pretty much agree with your points, I find the anti stance very very frustrating. More than anything it bothers me because it almost always slips into harassment. I don't think there's any harm in thinking about whether or not "degenerate" art should exist, because I think asking the question and actually giving it critical thought (in good faith) can be valuable, but the harm comes from deciding that stuff is bad (without giving it real critical thought) and that by extension the people who made it are bad too. There's stuff I've had these thoughts about and still wonder about, but also I know it's none of my business what other people make and I can choose to just not engage with it. Like a grown up :)) Thank you for sharing your thoughts!



Sweatpants Joe

I love this art. It's so sweet... Even if the experience is weird at least it was a cool zine to participate with. I generally think the anti vs pro stuff is just... reductive. Like it feels like it's assigning a black and white interpretation to something that's inherently complex and full of grey area. Also antis can't seem to all agree on the specifics of what is bad which leads to witch hunts. It's bonkers... I think you choosing to block people like that and cut off problems before they happen is a wise choice. You're taking matters into your own hands. And the antis can't complain because you're ultimately limiting what they see online. Seems like a winwin.

Christine Tweddle



Good point! I was just thinking, I you didn’t want to worry about “the optics” of if you were the aggressor, etc. A sneaky mute while you work on the zine and then back to a block might fix it 😂 But then again, protect your bubble! Antis aren’t worth the emotional labor on your end. ❤️