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Hey folks!

Just wanna give you all a heads up that comics will be a little weird this month; I'm going to work on each comic on a different week instead of doing a couple pages of each for each week. I just need to change up my workflow a little, so this isn't a permanent change!

On that note, thank you for the previous responses on my idea for changing up doodles. I really appreciate that many of you are willing to give me the flexibility and the benefit of the doubt to work at my own pace and comfort level. 

I'm currently making a big GIANT list of theme ideas which I'll pull from each month, so I wanted to ask, if anyone feels up to it, please share some themes with me! I'm talking like, very simple themes, pairings, properties etc, not full prompts like usual. 

For example, my first theme list might look like this:

  • Hannigram (nsfw or sfw, no AU, no repeats/continuations of previous pics)
  • Geraskier (nsfw, monsters preferred, omegaverse preferred, no repeats/continuations of previous pics)
  • Nandor/Guillermo (nsfw, I wanna draw the sexy chubby boy)
  • Nicky/Joe (nsfw, maybe their first time?)
  • A horror franchise I haven't done before (nsfw)
  • Something from mythology I haven't done before (sfw or nsfw)
  • Art history (sfw or nsfw)
  • Wild card - Anything goes, but must be something I haven't drawn before

Themes like that!

Reminding me what ships you like, what types of artworks of mine you like, and getting into secondary aspects like popular AUs, kinks/tags, etc, would be very helpful to me while I build out the bigger list. If I have a lot of options, hopefully it'll be easier for me to come up with 8 each month, at least for a little while~ I'm tryin to keep it simple/not too convoluted while still exercising a bit more control over what I'm going to draw that month.

I might not use everything in the end, so please don't spend a lot of time/energy on it; just even taking a moment to drop a couple of your favorite ships in the comments would already be very helpful to me! 

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I realized this might be confusing; this isn't the prompt post! I'm just looking for general theme ideas to help me build theme lists like the example above!




I'm always a fan of Vampires/werewolves, demons, maybe some fun sci-fi or period specific prompts?


Oh jeeze, now with the option my mind is blank🤣


I'm really excited to see you work off a format like this!!! You mentioned art history, and my thought went to the old sexy Japanese woodblock prints- maybe your take on The Fishmonger's Wife (husband)?


Always down for monster loving, and size difference 🎶


Oooo I love Greek mythology so much so I'd absolutely love seeing Helios and Icarus! Or even Helios and Apollo fighting over Icarus (and possibly a threesome of the two gods sharing Icarus as their lovely bottom 👀)


Geralt getting boned down by a Hydra would be sexy! Maybe the three different heads all having their opinion on the situation or who Geralt should take out of their three tentacocks first?

Matt Worthington

My favorite ship is Cherik, Charles/Erik from the X-Men First Class arc and beyond. I really like the idea of exploring superpowers when it comes to nsfw times, plus the differences in their ideology making the relationship difficult is so real 🥺. Another ship I'm a fan of right now is Varus/Kayn from League of Legends, cuz in Lore that's literally just three humans inside if two otherworldly demons... Complicated, but so worth it. I also really enjoy the sex pollen kink, or something related to "I wasn't into it but my body is WAY into it, oh no!" And I also very much like it when the bottoms look like they're THRILLED to be there, like... Smiling and moaning and all that, just really losing their marbles.


Ah, I realized my wording is confusing, this isn't the prompts post! I'm looking for general help with themes, like the example list~ You can save these for the prompts post I'll put up next week tho, this is good stuff PPP:

Jessica Hausoul

May I suggest you pick a pair every month, and then have two or three wild cards that follow the old format?

Jessica Hausoul

Also I’m gay/straight/curious for whatever art you put out >.<


I think this is a really great idea! I absolutely adore your Geraskier art, and I’d love to see NSFW Geraskier with sex pollen, bottom Geralt preferred. Can’t wait to see what you end up choosing!


Geraskier, hannigram, spirk, wrut. Nicky/Joe, maybe even Nicky/Joe/booker. I'm always soft for thorin/Bilbo as well, love the way you draw thick Bois. Your monster stuff is Always Appreciated, and werewolf AUs rock.


I will consider it! The trouble is that I want to draw a variety, but I also want to hit on the ships that convinced ppl to pledge to me in the first place, so that's why half of them are ship themed. And the wild card is such a wide open theme, I can get myself into real trouble if I don't restrict it quite a bit. I'm hoping the combo of ships + a few more general themes + one wild card will still give everyone lots of freedom with their prompts but also help me be firm about the actual number I'm doing.


Oh an I loved the return to homesense this last month. 💚💚


Anything Hannigram makes me very happy 💞 I love the dark nsfw themes but also soft and cuddly themed Hannigram pieces too. Bottom Will is my favorite.


Ah I forgot about Cherik, thanks! I haven't seen a lot of the sequels but gosh the first one was such good ship material ;w; And I will add those kinks to my list!


Bottom Geralt is becoming the only Geralt in my heart lol, I don't know how to draw him topping tbh owo

Sierra McCutchen

General themes: Pirates, Werewolves, Service Employees, Doctor/Hospital AU and Warrior/Soldier?military AU. Also, I do enjoy seeing characters from different Historical Time Periods from the United States' history.

Tyler Woodard

Ships We Stan in This House 🏠 Characters (to name a few): Will x Hannibal (Obviously) Galo x Lio Stiles x Derek Cap x Bucky Roadhog x Junkrat Eddie x Venom Poe x Finn Sugimoto x Ogata (Mostly because... scars) Batman x Superman Yuki x Toya And Various Archetypes... Big Bottom x Small Top (Always and Forever 💖) Angel x Demon Devil x God Brain x Brawn Moody x Happy Beam of Joy Prince x Knight


Oh! More thick boy/man loving. Heckin love your Deadman and Cole


Yeah I love Deadsam, and Homesense :) :) Quick question: for a horror movie you've never done before, would you maybe put like, a few examples like "I'm feeling Hellraiser this month" or is it more of a "prompt me horror movies and I'll pick one I haven't done before" kind of a thing? <3 <3 I'm so glad you're feeling comfortable with the switch up, hope it helps w/the creative flow.


Hannibal x Will, anything Star Trek, I love your Deadman x Sam and their family w Lou, Greek mythology and mythology in general


Might be in the minority for this but I love your Lighthouse and Death Stranding (deadman/sam) art - would love to see them added in a ship list if they still inspire you! As far as themes, maybe fairytales/legends? Also aliens (general space aliens, not just the alien franchise) By the way, does "no AU hannigram" mean "purely canon stuff" or "no What if Will Was a Giant Eldritch Angel and Hannibal was a sinner"? Could someone prompt for an AU where they get together in the museum in Italy, for example?


Oooh, how about an 80's movie month xD


Oooo you could do a NSFW Dragon series with them being elemental and whoever they are fucking having to deal with the challenges boning said dragon brings (like not being set on fire) Some I thought of pretty easily were Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Steel, Light, Dark, Magic, Sand, etc but of course they could be more complicated and obscure things


These are great!! Some ships I forgot about in there lol, I was still meaning to draw GaloxLio at SOME point hehe~ Thanks so much!


That's a good idea, thanks! A lot of folks wouldn't know what "franchise" entails, huh~ I will work on it!


I could pretty much always draw some Lighthouse art but I know it's very self indulgent and the majority of folks aren't into it haha~ Thank you for the themes! And yeah, "no AU" would be more like your first example and not so much canon divergence; it's mostly because I'm getting a lot of repeated requests for AUs I've done and requests for AUs for ships that I feel still have a lot of meat on their canon bones, if that makes sense lol. But something like what you suggested would be perfectly fine, since I wouldn't consider it necessarily a whole AU.


Eeeey as we're approaching October, this comment reminded me how much I love Lost Boys. 👌👌


Another theme could be NSFW of Cryptids and other funky monsters! A big list I've got is all of these Hydra Griffin Mothman Cockatrice Manticore Karnak (tho he is an Egyptian monster) Bigfoot Harpy Hobgoblin Goblin Gremlin Medusa Cerberus Zombie Chimera Ghost Ogre Vampire Roc Ghoul Leshy/Forest God Koschei Cthulhu Baron Samedi Mummy Charon (tho of course he's Greek mytho) Witch Spring Heeled Jack Invisible Man Skeleton And then of course there's all the dragons and closely relateds - Wyverns, Dragons, Drakes, Ampitheres, Wyrms


Will / Hannibal: hurt/comfort (like Hannibal stitching Will up, their previous kill got feisty! SFW or NSFW. Sexy times could be soft and slow because of injuries 🥰 Jonah/Esh (or any ship you enjoy): Date at the aquarium! I just love aquariums 🐟🦈

Tyler Woodard

Being honest, I could eat REAL GOOD off a month that was nothing but cryptids/monster prompts. (Bigfoot x Big Lumberjack? YES.)


Hannigram, Waylon/Eddie, Jon/Tormund, Kirk/Spock. Am always interested in oneshot horrors like Cabin in the Woods, Silent Hill, and any pairing au's for said horror universes


Person Of Interest Reese/Finch


Would love a Dragon themed month. All sorts of scaled beasties and any amount of their would-be sacrifices, stolen princes, captured knights, and unlikely mates.


Am also going to toss in a suggestion for a Star Trek/Sci Fi Theme.


So what drew me to your work was your Spirk material (yaoi life). So I'm gonna always want that, in any form. I really really adore your idea of Spocks genitalia. I also adore your monster themes and your interesting ideas on anatomy. I also really love your Omegaverse stuff. Im a huge fan of anything regarding that topic. Also I think the only hard part is not suggesting what you have already done. I had to really dig through everything to realize some of the things i suggested you had done some version of already. But I think you have a wonderful start. A few posts up from this one, they have an excellent list of monsters could make some wonderful doodles.


I've got a thing for monster under the bed being much more interested in giving it's bunkmate sweet dreams than nightmares. Maybe something with a lovingly creepy Hannibal reaching up to lend a few dozen helping hands to a sleepy and confused Will?

cecil chop

everyone has such well thought out ideas, i just cant stop thinking about your slutty twink tintin x captain haddock art (you've awakened something in me)


I'm not sure if this fits what you're looking for, but palette challenges could be fun?


I’m here for Hannigram <3


Mythological suggestion! Wolpertingers! Creatures of Chaos, what are they really? No one knows!!!


seconding (thirding?) the theme of spirk - I love those Space Husbands <3 I also love anything nsfw and monster-y, especially dragon-y and wolf-y stuff ;) Theme: bottoms that are the larger/more traditionally "alpha" character like in your Geraskier pics <3 vampires are also a great theme, especially anything involving blood play >>


I would love to see more Nicky/Joe


You might want to consider adding a monster category, for all of the weird monster kinks--that and Witcher (bottom!Geralt FTW!) are, like 90% of the reason how I found you. Also, are you still open to drawing pieces of your original work? Personally, I ADORE all of the Wrut pictures. And I just wanted to say how THRILLED I am that you have Nicky and Joe on your list already (yes, yes, yes to their first time!). <3


As for horror franchises you haven’t done- may I humbly suggest dead by daylight? 😃 it’s a video game, but like, it includes so many other established franchises in it that it wouldn’t be much research. There are a lot of lovely husbandos to draw. Personally, I’d love to see some Dwight/David, or trapper/jake.


Each month will have a different set of prompts; the list above is just an example of one month's set of prompts, to show what kinds of suggestions I'm looking for. I'm adding a lot of folks' suggestions to a larger list that I'll pick and choose from each month to hopefully curate my own drawings more and also make a variety that folks will like. Hopefully it'll make more sense once I get rolling into it!


Ohhh! Horror Franchise, the "It" films er or novel by Stephen King, with with either Pennywiwe or Richie/Eddie


I'm going to suggest horror stuff because I'm so ready for Halloween right now. So, horror franchises I'd love to see your take on: Phantasm (The Tall Man/Older Mike), Evil Dead (Ash/anyone), Friday the 13th (Jason putting down the machete when one of his victims catches his eye), Children of the Corn, The Prophecy (Lucifer/Gabriel would be amazing), Wishmaster (the djinn has such an awesome design), and more Universal monsters please. Also, any mythology work from you is great so exploring more of that would be wonderful.


I was originally here for some Hannigram...but if you haven't done science husbands (Brian Zeller + Jimmy Price) art from Hannibal, I'd be interested :[]


Definitely more Spock/Kirk! I love both ToS and the new AU version :)


Garak/Bashir is always good ;)


I'm entirely here for the Hannigram and their rarepair variants!


I've become quite obsessed with the way you draw Nandor/ Guillermo! Would love to see more of them being intimate😳 Would Nador like roleplaying??


TLDR: Alpha Omega Jeraskier where Jaskier is the alpha and Geralt is the omega. I am all aboard the alpha/omega Geraskier. Especially if it turns out Jaskier is the alpha. Power bottom Jaskier is my life. Geralt assumes that Jaskier is an omega too (I mean just look at him) or at the very least a beta, so when Geralt goes into his heat he thinks nothing of it... until Jaskier smells *his* omega Witcher! Bonus round, Geralt conceives after his heat and a "several weeks later" flash forward shows an absolutely miserably sick Geralt realizing what has happened and Jaskier is trying to soothe him but also RIDICULOUSLY proud of himself because who in the whole world could say they bonded with a Witcher???


Thank you so much for all your wonderful art and for being so communicative with us! Could I perhaps suggest an alternative mobster husbands from Fargo, Mr. Wrench and Mr. Numbers? They're a mob duo with midnight cowboy vibes and one of them is deaf so they only speak in signs and it's really lovely :) if you wanted to maybe add that to the list to try a pairing you havent done before I would love it! Thank you once again ❤


Themes is a fun way to get over artist block an such. They can be simple but leave so much room for creativity if you’re struggling for that creative freedom. You could try working on batches like each month is a different theme or maybe every other week is a different theme? So like for example, the first week of the month you release a batch of drawings that are one theme and then near the end of the month you release the last batch that are another theme entirely? It might seem like a lot but I feel like it could be a possible way to space things out. Or each month could be a different instead of every other week


i dont think you've ever drawn spacedogs before, with Mads character Nigel from Charlie countryman and Hugh's character Adam from Adam. it's my only rarepair lol


Mythology! Yes, please!


Throwing my hat in the ring for more Spirk, always and forever (sfw and nsfw, your most recent nsfw Spirks were excellent). I am also always down for more random movie selections: your Monty Python art was great! Maybe a random movie of your choice that hasn’t been done before? Especially one that doesn’t immediately lead itself to smut material like Monty Python, comedy or older drama films or something! And your mythology art is always wonderful too.


Looking forward to see the new system! :3 I’m not sure whether you enjoy scifi stuff but perhaps I could suggest scifi/aliens as a general theme. (I’m a sucker for Mass Effect’s turians, just to put some kind of example out there.)


Please more Hannigram I got an ITCH that needs to be scratched


Ah shoot, I definitely wrote more of a prompt than a theme. To that end, I'd say incomprehensible monsters, sleepy longing, distant calls in the night.

Aunt Kwan

For fan inspired, I've always enjoyed every incarnation you've come up with for Hannigram & Kirk/Spock, thicck Thor, and Homesense was an unexpected delight. Some of my faves of your originals are Wrut, Rudy & Julius, and your monster boys. I've also really enjoyed your artist-inspired work, Like Giant and (and Wrut). I'd love to see more of your take on other artists' style or works (just at random: Norman Rockwell, Degas, Klimt, Jack Kirby, Dali, O'Keeffe, Rubens).


Omg if you do do the aus on the bigger list pleassseee the hannigram wendigo babies are so damn cute 🥺 that and the cryptid hunter au God I love monster fucker will 😂 Anything Hannigram makes my day 💕

Dollia Maraka

Something Id lovw to see in your art style is anything evolving Remus Lupin or Newt Scamandwr and Percival Graves.


Thanks a lot for communicating on this! I really like all the Spock/Kirk things you've made (the foursome ones particularly XD). Wrut is always a riot too. I also love how you draw fat and/or big characters (and fat isn't a negative word for me ><). Any fandom that contains monsters is a go, your Witcher works are amazing. Harry/Draco might be getting old but it's a ship I still like, especially with your style and with monsters added in the mix ^^" And lastly, I've been enjoying The Untamed/Mo Dao Zu Shi a lot, the amount of feelings and the potential for kinky stuff is amazing in there.


Seeing more video games fanart would be delightful. Resident Evil, Zelda, Detroit Become Human, The Last of Us, Red Dead Redemption, GTA, Death Stranding, Metal Gear or any others you feel inspired by. All your original works are sooooo spectacular. Seeing more about your OCs, anything really would be absolutely magical. Movie suggestions: Critters, Doctor Sleep, Star Gate, Underwater, Tucker and Dale vs Evil, Crimson Peak Have you noticed how little is said about sex toys in Star Trek fanart/fic? It’s about the future, there should be endless supply of freaky machines, toys and gear. What about a monthly recommendation from your audience? Would you be interested in people sharing something they think you would enjoy and picking one to try or at least learn more about?

Erin O'Loughlin

You know how Death Stranding's on roping and bonding, right? So, that gets me to think of Sam in some shibari (Japanese Rope Bondage).


Maybe weird idea but constellations/zodiac signs as theme? Or countries? Different characters in different countries? 🙈


ANYTHING Geraskier omegaverse but here me out: omega DRAGON Jaskier knocked up by Geralt (the actual lore was if you WIN a dragons heart you become fertile — fic of mine) and nsfw Jaskier riding Geralt (pregnant enough to show - chest soft but not legit tits) and his libido is just THROUGH THE ROOF and Geralt is honestly struggling to keep up with his monster mate — meanwhile Jaskier is totally losing control, red scales all over his skin, maybe a tail wrapped just a bit too tight around Geralt’s thigh, leaving a big ass bruise