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Content warnings: Homesense: Kevin/Cole, contains smut, murder, people being a little too cool with murder, and a really vague reference to homophobia




The GHOST is killin me cknfkfflfl "Fuckin jeez dude at least take me outside, you're ruinin' the carpet"


The more I see this ship the more I want to see It *_*

Jessica Hausoul

Oh no, couples spat right after a flight, Kevin fix your baby a samich he needs hugs and protein!


Omg this is the greatest thing


Again with the great expressions. It’s like… I don’t know even when it’s the bystander ghost (and I always love your bystander characters), or when Cole and Kevin’s forms become a little more simplistic in second to last panel, it’s still so expressive. Cole is so squishy I just want to squeeze him, and that last shot of Kevin’s face… his raised shoulders is such a great touch, we can feel the shock and worry hit before we even get to page 3.


lol omg xD


*rolled up newspaper* Bad, Kevin! Bad! No killing in the house! How many times.......