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In a previous month I had a prompt that made me want to draw this short comic, but I had to shelve it because it was taking too long and I had to switch back to my side project... Now that I finished it I went back to look at this and managed to finish it today :) Short form doodle comic, so it's not super fleshed out like a full comic, I just realllllllly wanted to explore this idea :)))))))))

Pages are queued up to go up today and tomorrow! I will add links for navigation when I'm able!

Content warnings: Homesense: Kevin/Cole, contains smut, murder, people being a little too cool with murder, and a really vague reference to homophobia



Megan Noone

God I love these two


*claps hands excitedly*


Shades of dexter ❤️ this is gonna be great


Oh my gosh, “If food is expired don’t eat it anyway,” I DIED. There’s such an art to pacing in comics and you’re such a master, just each comedic and reveal beat is perfectly placed. I love the body in mid-dismemberment process, a lovely touch. As always, I love your expressions. I marvel at your ability, every time, to… convey such complex emotions, like there’s no confusion, for me, what they’re feeling, no misinterpretation on my part at all, it’s just… masterful. Also-- it might be weird of me to say but I adore Kevin’s posture here, like he’s making himself smaller, kinda, the hunched back/slouched shoulders and holding his hands up, palms out, like a “I’m safe and calm” posture. I just like a great slouch and it looks gorgeous.

Aunt Kwan

I love details like that, there's a whole story implied by that black eye.

Aunt Kwan

YES! Although my take on the body posture is, Kevin KNOWS he screwed up. If he was a dog, the tail would be wagging while being tucked between his legs. XD


Ooooh, those guys! \o/ Why am I not surprised Kevin's a serial killer?

Olivander Addams

Love the Dexter vibes in this. Also, is no one going to mention that Kevin's just in his boxers?! 😋💗