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Hey all~ Due to the longer processing times for payments this month (it's a whole thing, you can see some of the situation here: https://twitter.com/PatreonSupport?lang=en ) I'm going to post the doodles a little late; I realized last month that posts made during the processing period will actually be partially accessible to folks who might have issues with their payments, so I'm going to avoid posting during that period from now on to avoid confusion. This used to just include the 1st and 2nd of the month, but apparently might now reach as far as the 5th or 6th, if Patreon haven't cleared their issue. Despite what Patreon says on their twitter, some folks are not completed yet; mine are still chugging along at 97% completed, so even tho they should be complete tomorrow, I'm going to delay a day just to be safe.

That said, there are a looooot of prompts that I wanna do this month so I'm hoping to fit in some extras ;) Thanks for your patience, and for sharing all your good ideas!



Thank you for the update!


Thanks so much for keeping us updated!! I’m very excited for the doodles you’re going to grace us with!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🥰

simrell (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-13 19:49:49 mine got stuck at 97% for the whole day yesterday, but it's all thru now. Hope yours isn't stuck for much longer! <3
2019-02-05 17:00:57 mine got stuck at 97% for the whole day yesterday, but it's all thru now. Hope yours isn't stuck for much longer! <3

mine got stuck at 97% for the whole day yesterday, but it's all thru now. Hope yours isn't stuck for much longer! <3


The whole site was having fits for days so I think that was a lot of folks' experience. I didn't even notice anything until patreon's twitter started apologizing for payment processing delays on the 1st, and then the site started going down... So don't stress about it lol, it was all on their end :P