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Just wanted to share this new stamp I got! And also that finally, FINALLY, the mini books are going to be going in the mail in the next few days. Please let me know when/if you start receiving them! By every possible estimation they are deliverable at regular postage cost but I'm worried USPS will mess up and decide they're too thick or rigid or whatever. Look for this big boy in your mail!

I yelled about this on twitter, but I was actually ready to start sending these about two weeks ago, but then the bookmarks I ordered came misprinted. They were supposed to be black and white but for some reason showed up red. In the process of trying to replace them, I A) discovered that the company, who admitted full fault, was not going to ship replacements until February, B) decided to just order with fast shipping from a whole different place, C) seven minutes after placing that order, the original place shipped the replacements early, D) I got the replacements first and they were better but still bad, F) finally got the second place batch and they were good. 

So long story short, I'm sending out two bookmarks for everyone, the original misprint that has rounded corners, and doesn't look that bad except that it was supposed to be grayscale, and the new version which looks more like what I wanted but is a little thinner and has square corners. You can choose your favorite~

Also I'm sending zines AND bookmarks to the top tier folks. Those of you who said you wanted a bookmark instead, I'm still sending you both! I hope that's alright~

Also also now I have a bunch of leftover bookmarks because of all the misprinting so please don't be offended if they start going into shop orders in the future lol, I've got so many of these and don't know what to do with them orz

Thank you everyone for your patience!



Ether Z

YAY!!! So happy!!! :3 this post made my day!!!


!!! I'm sorry there were so many headaches with the bookmarks but I'm so excited to now get one along with the mini-zine! You are very generous. 💜


thank you for going thru all those stressful printing mishaps for our sakes <3


Thank you!! You are amazing!!


So incredibly excited! Thank you so much! 💓


You are consistently The Best, and that stamp rocks!!!?


Just realised that I had the wrong address on file 🤦‍♂️


These look amazing!!! I just realised that I didnt have my address on my account. Is there anyway I could still receive these now I've added it?


We are so blessed! Thank you Reaper!


I'm sorry! There was a signup post that was up in early January to collect that info; I used the count when I closed it to make/order stuff so I can't add more ppl at this point. The comic will start going up soon though and hopefully we'll hit the next goal soon and I'll come up with a new reward for everyone :) Again, very sorry!


I don’t mind both at all. I’m just sorry the printing was so troublesome!


OK that stamp is the FUCKIN BEST? Also I'm sure that horrible 'extra good shit' thing will be terribly received.


Your perfectionism, while it creates a lot of extra work for YOU, results in magnificent benefits to US! <3 Your efforts are so appreciated!


Oof, I'm so sorry to hear of the misprint troubles.. (Was it a new printer?) But.. your work looks fantastic, as always! I am loving the stamp- it's so badass?!


Yuup, my usual printer didn't offer the right size so I tried a new place and they were awful loll~ Thanks!


Had to come back here and post, I received my zine today! Reaper this story is SO LOVELY. I read it through twice right away and I'm sure I'll come back to it again. Such a cool idea, such lovely artwork, and you made me care so much about them in such a short comic! Thanks so much for putting all that work into these, they're wonderful ♥️


I just got mine this morning and its Beautiful!!!


I received my zine today and cried because it’s so sweet. I love it 😭 thank you.


Ahhh, I just got it, I'm so excited!!!


I received mine today!! I love it! The story is so cute, and the bookmarks are goring right in my collection!! Thank you so much!!


Got the zine in today. The story made my heart ache, and I absolutely cried. It's incredibly beautiful. Thank you so much for creating it and sending it to your patrons!


Mine came in the mail yesterday and it definitely made me tear up when I read it. Just this morning I was thinking about how I need to make a trip to the Art Institute in Chicago and I think this is my sign. <3


Came in yesterday! <333

Liam Borja

just got mine! It's amazing!!! <3 the art student in me is dying of happiness


Got mine the other day! The comic...is so amazing. I really teared up at the end, what a fascinating idea and beautifully executed!

Jessica Hausoul

I got mine and I nearly exploded >.< so happy!!!! I’m keeping it in my jewelry box so it can be safe....it’s so cute I ship it hard


I got mine and must say that it is brilliant! <3 Thank you!