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Hey everyone~

During my break week, I decided to design a bunch of new stuff that I'm going to slowly manufacture through the rest of the year. Honestly, it's mostly because I'm tired of getting rejected from cons and so I wanted to make some new things that might have more general appeal, but still make me happy to draw. I'll be showing y'all the previews for those throughout the month :) Please feel free to share your feedback!

These are one of the sets of stickers that I'm giving out for this month's rewards, which most of you have already seen on the sign up form. I'm thinking of turning them into enamel pins to replace the Apex Predator/Black Sheep design. All of the other stuff I've worked on is original though, so please don't get jazzed up front for more Hannibal!



Apollo Armstrong

I really like these designs, and would definitely get pins with these!


Love! Would buy as pins for sure


I really like these designs (selected the stickers!) and I'm excited to see what you come up with for original designs :)


Rejected from the Cons????? How?? Why???


A lot of cons have moved to juried now, and I guess there is something about my work that the juries for a lot of cons either find unappealing or they don't feel it matches their whole vibe. It's been honestly a massive bummer, but I try not to get too bogged down on these things, and I'm just going to try a different angle until I find something that works :)


It makes no sense. Your work is gorgeous! ❤


I would love a fandom pin that could go a bit incognito with me - but I’m looking forward to seeing all you’re new stuff, and I’m sorry to hear cons aren’t as welcoming as they should be!


I would die happy with an enamel omg, everything you've been doing lately for yourself has been so awesome!


Your work is stellar and your level of hard work and output blows my mind, the cons are fools for turning you away! I'd pick up these pins in an instant ⭐


It was really hard to decide between the two. I am going to come round later and snag the other set that I didn't pick off the shop when they become available


I love your art. I see a lot of cons moving to be cookie cutter type entities and when that happens, they lose their originality and interest.

Rizzo Dulce

I would love these, in pin or sticker form!! Ahhh!!!!


Your work is amazing, those con juries don’t know what they’re missing!


Con juries just doesn't make sense to me, but what do I know? I'm always happy to see new work, fandom and original! Much love and support.