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Edit: Just a reminder to get in any last minute prompts today! Also make sure to vote on your favorites! I'm picking prompts this evening and will be working on them tomorrow :) Thanks!


Hey everyone! It's time for doodles! If you're new to doodles, please read through the info below~ This post will be accepting prompts from today thru September 2nd!


How it works: submit prompt ideas to this post as comments throughout the week, then I'll select some of the most popular ones and some that I really like, and I'll draw as many as I can in one day (between 6-8). Then I'll post them throughout the week. Please make posts by next Sunday; posts submitted after that can't be included, since I've already selected and started drawing by that point.

I do NOT look at names or show preference to certain people in this process. I DO show preference on the kinds of things I like to draw. I may avoid things I'm not comfortable drawing or which I don't have good ideas for, despite the vote counts. So this isn't the kind of thing where everyone will eventually get one, just because it's not going to be possible. But I hope I do make stuff that you all enjoy :))


  • I will NOT draw: het, NSFW f/f, incest, or underage. I will also probably not draw trans NSFW because it's a delicate topic and not one I feel equipped to handle. 
  • Some frequently requested things I will probably not draw because they just aren't really my bag: pairings that interfere with a pairing I prefer, SpaceDogs, Kingsman, Yuri on Ice, Mystrade, Mormor, NSFW of TAZ, Hannibal/Sherlock crossovers (the coffee AU has drained me on that front), teens/kids AUs, fanart for fics (not because I have issues drawing fic fanart, it's just something I prefer to choose to do on my own), DC superheroes, drag queen AUs, AUs that may be culturally appropriative (unless you are from that culture and equipped to educate on what is and isn't okay).
  • I will also not do art for stuff I haven't actually seen yet; my only exceptions are things like the Madancy AUs (Basic Chicken and Char/One-Eye for example)
  • I WILL DO: besides Hannigram etc, I also like weird stuff, obscure stuff, old stuff; I've drawn Monty Python and Tremors smut as well as some weird ABO and snake smut so pls feel free to request unusual kinks and old 90s movies. Also I almost always yes to NSFW monster AUs.
  • Keep in mind if you do not specify, then I may draw your prompt either SFW or NSFW; if you specifically do not want it to be NSFW please say so.
  • These are doodles; I don't let myself spend more than an hour on each one, so I can't do very complicated things with them; please try to avoid requesting very complex ideas, or ideas that would require multiple drawings to convey. 
  • Please be specific. The idea of a good prompt is you are trying to put an image in my head that I can't resist drawing, but still gives me flexibility to interpret it my own way. Please do not just request "more johnlock" or "more gamer au" etc.
  • If you are making a request you aren't sure about and you specifically want to know if it's something I am willing to do, please ask me!
  • Please make requests by Sunday; by Monday I've already chosen and started drawing requests so any that are put in then won't be considered, sorry!
  • Multiple requests are allowed, just please be reasonable about it; also consider splitting different requests into different comments so it's easier for others to vote on them :)

Also, please look through the other prompts people submit on these posts and upvote the ones you like! Even if I don't pick your specific one, I might still end up doing one that you'll enjoy. Plus you could get me to do something I wouldn't normally pick if a lot of people vote for it hehe~ Click the heart beside a post to upvote it~



Angel!Will and Angel!Hannibal please.


More of the Hannibal AU where Will the fisherman finds an injured Hannibal god/monster in the water. Maybe Hannibal having some NSFW after recovering from the harpoon to the chest.


Been dying for some Rickyl and since this will be Andy Lincoln’s final season maybe a little tender lovin is in order?


Nyello, are you a fan of Zelda? Link & his shark boyfriend Sidon would be cute in your style (also like sharks have two penises if you were feeling like drawing some fish fucking)

Ether Z

In a different time and dimension Hannibal killed Will. He had planned to start their relationship on a positive note bringing him breakfast, but that rude twitchy little man repaid his kindness by shutting the door in his face. Hannibal couldn't stand such a rude behaviour, so he slowly cut the profiler's throat, bleeding him to death on the doorstep of his house in Wolf Trap, Virgina. Hannibal's life after that remained unaffected... until the visions began to appear. Visions of Will Graham, wherever he went. Opalescent projections of him laughing, sleeping, talking. At first Hannibal was stunned, then fascinated. He couldn't interact with him, It seemed like a reflection from another dimension in which Will was still alive. After a few weeks the situation was starting to get on his nerves, so he decided to ignore it. However, Hannibal still saw him, and slowly, but inevitably fell in love. That's when he started to see the person with whom Will was talking, laughing and sleeping. A translucent version of himself. A loving and loved ghost who would never be more than a shadow. Hannibal was cursed with the same fate of Tantalus, he could see what his heart really wanted but never have it. Can be SFW (like Hannibal trying to touch a fading ghost of Will) or NSFW (like a crying Hannibal masturbating in front of a vision of him and Will making love)

Nola Winters

Since you mentioned liking Ai No Kusabi I am begging for a AU Hannigram version of Ai No Kusabi with Hannibal as Iason and Will as Riki, maybe that seen when they're in bed together or when they first meet and Iason has Riki pinned up against the wall???? Pretty please :) <3 <3 <3


How about Eddie and Waylon passing some time in that holding cell of theirs? *wink wink* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (I’ve been waiting to request this since you posted that Cabin in the Woods AU)


Have you seen Repo! The Genetic Opera? Because I would love Hannibal as a GeneCo Repo Man, maybe training Will in repossession? SFW or NSFW, whichever.


Will in a kilt. Will attending some fancy event with Hannibal, and showing up in a kilt. Hannibal finding out that Will's wearing the kilt traditionally preferably the NSFW way ( ° ͜ʖ ° )


If you've seen Luke Cage season 2, Shades/Comanche prison shower handjob.


I'm not sure if you are interested in doing any more Detroit: Become Human fanart with Hank and Connor, but if you are...Hank and Connor with NSFW wireplay? AKA, manipulating Connor's internal android components for pleasure. I'm picturing a scene between them with Hank basically fingering Connor's wires while fucking him as Connor urges him on (topping from the bottom, basically). <3


Or Will is the Repo man and Hannibal is the Grave Robber helping Will get his/(now their) daughter back!!!

Christie Fisher

Maybe the guys from Houseguests? I think about them a lot. Like did they decide to stay in the house when it was bought? Did the demon take his lovers bones so they could travel together?


Would absolutely love to see your take on Wolverine pounding the absolute heck out of Nightcrawler from the X-men comics. Kurt's a flexy boy, so more acrobatic/yoga-esque (is that even a word?) positions might be fun to play with!


Remember that stag monster!Hannibal with hunter!Will? I wonder if he ever met up with satyr!Will for some fun murder times.

Tempestt Parham

I had a thought of private teachers and I couldn't help but think of Will and Hannibal. Hannibal teaches Latin and Will teaches biology, at the beginning Will didn't care for the Latin teacher but slowly they began talking and soon meeting outside of school before dating. I wonder what the teachers in love are like at lunch time SFW or NSFW...I'm cool with anything! :)


I know you do love some SpideyPool and the last one you did was NSFW, but what about a Sorta-SFW thing of Deadpool and Spidey meeting? Like Wade saying, "You're probably the cutest of all the Spideys!" and poor Peter just going, "???? Who are you!?"


Waylon teasing/edging Eddie in public or Spock sending Jim explicit images through their bond and Jim trying to hide his arousal on the bridge (or maybe trying to hide masturbating). Or maybe some Drarry making out and being awkward and gentle together cuz this whole being nice to each other thing is new


Why hello, it's me again-- and as always, I'm here to request Esh/Jonah because I'll never stop loving them. What could this month's topic possibly be?? Honestly, I have absolutely no idea so let's roll with, Old Western ABO. Jonah's a man who survived the hangman's noose, and Esh is an outlaw that don't rightly care for none of that spook talk, but thinks Jonah is mighty fine. Toss in ABO because I'm thirsty for that stomach buldge, or make them monsters.. listen, I'm just real into the weird shit.


I know once upon a time you drew a zapp brannigan art and that's actually how I discovered you. Maybe draw some more solo Zapp time??


I'd love to see some Destiel! It's been a while since you drew them and you capture them so perfectly <3


Also poten to al monster points because Kurts an adorable blue furred german, elf-like, priest who loves the Lord and Wolverines chode because let's be honest, Wolverines girth lends to a dick thats thicker than it is long.


Anything wirh ABO


*with. Also, Destiel.


Legacy of Kain Hannigram AU, where Will is Kain and Hannibal is Raziel with them having a fight turning into a bout of passion. I dig Will as a villain, but Hannibal could easily be Kain instead. Don't know how much you're into the Nosgoth universe. I just like the lore


I’m still not over Infinity War, so I’m still craving some Stony reunion. Anything will do!


Not sure is it's your bag but Daforge( Data/Geordi) or just Data in general would look amazing in your art style. Love some Android's!♥️ And who better than the original? Hehe


Oh ALSO your Preacher art was amazing, would love some consensual noncon with Jesse using Genesis for sexy times with Cassidy


Im aware you did it already but man, the eddie/waylon cabin in the woods au made me so, so happy. If asking for more of the same is too greedy, maybe put them into other horror movies? Waylon uses a ouija board and Eddie decides to kill everyone who so much as touches him until Waylon says 'i do'. also 'its the zombie apocalypse and i haven't seen a woman in years--- you'll do'. Or opposite game where Waylon was the groom and eddie the bride. I just.. really love your art of them, okay?


Any chance for some Cable/Deadpool? Maybe with Cable being bottom!

Aunt Kwan

I kind of went off the deep end with ideas for your <ahref>Hannibal Prima Vera AU I'm not asking for the whole crazy scenario, but maybe you'll see something in this mess that strikes your fancy. - Will driving Hannibal nuts when he lets customers bring dogs into their pretentious gourmet store just so he can fuss over the pups. - BUT THEN, Hannibal realizes this is something he can use to his advantage -- he brings out a jar of organic doggie treats he made himself to use for 'customer appreciation,' and Will is so excited he just says YES to whatever frou-frou item Hannibal mentions, & that's how Hannibal finally gets his 5 brands of squid ink & 30 jars of duck fat. - BUT THEN, this ends up backfiring on Hannibal, because word spreads and more & more customers bring their slobbering mud-tracking shed-factories on leashes into his pristine store. - BUT THEN, they start selling the fancy organic doggy treats & they become such a huge draw that Hannibal's spending more time making them than playing with his squid ink, & he can't even resent it because those damned things are selling so much that the shop is finally in the black which means Hannibal can place that order for albino sturgeon caviar and get more Jamón ibérico ham. </ahref>


You said that you don't do DC but is Marvel okay? If Marvel is okay I will suggest Venom paired with whoever you want or how many you want ;)))). I know you like monster boys and I though venom would be a good match for you. Some suggestions of people are Spiderman, Tom Hardy's character or really anyone in Marvel I guess. You can make this NSFW or not


How about some ABO Eddie/Waylon? I’d love to see your take on what dynamics they would be.


domestic fluff hannigram: will's baked a batch of cookies for once! hannibal, smitten, thinks they're for him (they're shaped like people) and eats the lot. but hilarity ensues as will reveals they were actually -dog biscuits- !!! hannibal's his pouty self as he's once again not the center of will's attention, there are dogs everywhere, will's upset, etc. etc.

Oliver Fosten

IDK if you're into Castlavania at all, but Alucard is my husband and seeing him or him and Trevor sfw or nsfw would be amazing. Maybe bloodplay or one of them tied up with the consecrated whip if nsfw? Post blood drinking cuddles if sfw?


Some more Riki/Iason would be fantastic too.


I never answer any Doodle Promt as everyone has a lot of good ideas and I was very happy with all the otucomes! But today I remembered Supernatural and how I missed Castiel and Dean so please: I will very much like some NSFW about Dean and Castiel, maybe a top Castiel showing a tied Dean how much he loves him :D and Dean loving everithing that Castiel gives him.


Hannigram + Daybreakers please! I wonder how you would envision Hannibal and Will in that universe.


Omega Will’s first gynecologist/omega specialist visit. Of course Hannibal is Will’s pervy doctor. Maybe an embarrassed Will has his feet up in the stirrups and is leaking an absurd amount of slick.


A more smutty version of Hannibal cutting open Will’s head please!


Ron finding a special way to keep Jesse awake in the bedroom scene from A Nightmare on Elm Street 2


The scene we didn't get to see on the beach between Scott and Jaal from Mass Effect: Andromeda


I really love your Snake Hannigram AU... would love to see more of the snake babies as they age.


Hope it’s not too late. There are already so many cool suggestions! I immensely enjoy your Kirk/Spock works :> how about another aos/tos foursome. They have so much to teach each other. Another suggestion is Deadpool/Colossus if you’re into them

Ether Z

I'm feeling nostalgic these days so.. How about battered and bloody Sasuke and Naruto making love for the first time? I don't know if you were into Naruto but Sasunaru was one of my first ships..and oh boy... so many memories.


I miss your HP smut, how about a solo Harry? Maybe he snuck back to the Prefects' Bathroom to "bathe" himself? Or maybe Draco's lending him a hand and they're both having a sexy bathtime? Either way, I think the bubbles should be almost completely gone...


Just binged the Harry Potter movies again. Harry/Draco as professors would be swell~ (or anything Sirius/Remus) 💕

Oliver Fosten

Deadpool x Colossus, perhaps? Wade struggling to give the big guy a bj.


Well, how would fusion between Hannibal and Will looked like? 🤔....Steven Universe x Hannibal


Jim Hopper and Tentacles from Upside Down? from Stranger Things >_


Hi! Do you like soulmate AU? Me I like the one with the tattoo that is representation of the soul like animal, Symbole or something. I like the first time you touch skin on skin someone like you know the other for years he is the rival/friend/roommate but when he touch him the first time the tattoo appears and they know they soulmates. You can do what you want (like sfw or nsfw i don’t care). For the ship I like star trek triumvirate AOS i don’t care who with who or Ot3 I think they are cute the three together , Drarry (for the rival become soulmate), hannigram, johnlock or sterek. Thank you amd I love your art it’s really good quality!


Heeey how about Hannigram with daemons or familiars? SFW please. C:


I’m new so if it’s been promoted already feel free to press on- but what about a Hannigram Labyrinth


Have you done any Madancy/King Arthur? I feel like that AU is underrepresented.


Maybe some harry/draco


Hey! How about an avengers superfamily kinda deal. Completely sfw gen kinda thing. Peter is the honourary son of the avengers and they can be a little over protective. (Maybe some peter/wade with wade getting the shovel talk). Thanks! (All members being of consenting age obvs)


Some Harry and Severus from Harry Potter, maybe after the war, with Severus with a big scar on his neck would be hot, after work, Auror Harry fucking Severus hehe


So I would love some cult leader Hannibal being given will as he is chosen to bear Hannibals child to bring in the new era or start the apocalypse . or whatever you choose I just want cult leader Hannibal with a little bit of omega will. sending you love


I’ve watched “The Shawshank Redemption” recently and I just can’t get out the idea of Prison Hannigram AU out of my head. Maybe where Hannibal gets a new inmate, named Will, and he is fascinated with the man... as well as his murderous mind.


I'd love to see a rare pair you don't get to indulge in. Or a favorite monster of yours getting it on with a character you like and/or created


Since Halloween is coming, I'd love to see some Hannigram Halloween style. Like Legend of Sleepy Hollow, possibly Hannibal as the Horseman and Will as Ichabod. Another possibility is Hannibal as Dr. Victor Frankenstein and Will as his creation. Of course we would ALWAYS love to see vampire Hannibal seducing his new paramour Will. I could go on FOREVER..... Werewolf mates, undead, zombies.....


If it's your jam: ff7 safer sephiroth getting tended like a bird by like Zack Fair or Cloud Strife.


I have two prompts- both terribly self-indulgent, sorry! The first is MOAR "The Heretic's Tongue", either pre-fall Hannibal and Will (maybe the "I won't miss you" scene as interpreted into this AU?) or giant Hannibal and fallen Will having some post-comic funtimes. The second, to celebrate my birthday this month, is Hannibal and Will giving each other TERRIBLE gifts.


Ah wow I'm super late! But you mentioned omega!verse Weddie on Twitter and that's what I'm suggesting *waves hands*

Strix Wong

More Eddie Gluskin art! Both sfw or nsfw, your choice for that