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Hey everyone! I've closed the form to sign up for the physical rewards, so I should be able to process them and order the fabric asap! I'll keep everyone updated!

Just a note: I'm encountering some slight issues with a few of the entries; basically, some folks provided Patreon names that don't match the ones on the list Patreon shows me. If I'm not able to match your name to my patron list, I won't be able to send you a reward. If any of you have a display name that's different from your main patron name and you signed up, please send me a note so I can doublecheck you! 

Thanks all!!



Omg I'm so dumb I gave you a wrong name (Maitsuya). I forgot I used another one on this platform.


I'm so sorry. I'm really shy, especially with people I admire a lot so I always make this kind of stupid mistake when I interract with them. I feel so bad to bother you like that. Sorry again.


I think I did mine right, but I'm not 100%. It was the Annie K one from Calgary. I'm not sure if I my name shows up as something else, since I signed up with Facebook.


Ack I hecked it and forgot to sign up again. This is the second time I've missed physical rewards. I wish I wasn't so forgetful.... I'll just have to remember next time.


Im most certain that mine is one of the few you are referring to. My legal name was Deanna Calderon but my patreon is Dean.


I went ahead and changed my patreon name to my legal name. Im sorry if this caused you any trouble.


oh crud, i think i put my name as Charlie Diamond when my account name is charliehasnohead


I don't know if mine shows up as Elizabeth or Elizabeth Schoenherr and of course, now I don't remember if I filled it out correctly.... Mine would be shipping to San Marcos, TX.


I think I input it right but I kinda use two handles interchangeably sometimes. Mine should be Iraxm or Chocoholixx! Should be going to Sugar Land. :D


I have no recollection if I did mine right but I’m Jenn C. from Plymouth just in case 🙃


Hello. Trish Thomas aka tishy19 on like every other social media platform in the universe.


I don't know if i did it right either but just in case: Trisha Q or Kookyfan.


Hi! I feel like like I did it right, but bad luck always seems to sneak up on me... I'm George Martz from Anaheim, Ca. Is it right? 😕


I think I put my username? If I didn't I'm Rosa Quadrelli from Glasgow, Scotland :)


It shows me the display name and not the account name, so you're good! It's just causing issues with ppl who gave me their account or real name but not their display name T-T So no worries! Thanks!


I hope mine worked? MiaBeecraft on patreon, or else Helena Hegele from Berlin :)


I’m not 100% sure I put the correct address down. And we loose access to the old houses mail box on Tuesday


Am I okay? My user is basically my name. Steven Bolds