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Hey everyone!

I'm going to be reopening my Tictail shop on October 22nd at Midnight PST (or Monday morning, technically). It'll have most of my leftover convention stock, including Kill&Eat, my new doodlebooks, a bunch of Sweet Bear stuff, and more~ It will also have the last of my Wayfinding copies; I'm not currently planning another reprint, so please grab one if you've been looking for it!

For those of you who are new or who haven't participated in one of these before: I'll be making a post with a link to my password-protected shop, along with the password, at the time above. You can just copy paste the password when you click the link, and you should be able to fill out your order as normal. Please DO NOT share the password with non-patrons, even your friends; this is a patron-only sale and I want to give preference to patrons.

The shop will be open until the 27th only, and will be closed again until November while orders are fulfilled.

I'm planning to sell again in November around Thanksgiving, but it's going to be a public sale so that I can try to clear a lot of older item stock, so I'd recommend buying what you want in this sale since there is less competition.

If you have questions, feel free to ask them here!




Omg yesssssss


ohhh awesome!! does it make sense to wait with the kill&eat order for the patreons patch you're planning or try and get one right away?


*throws wallet*


The patches for the goal rewards are going to ship directly from me, not the shop, which is being run by a helper and ships from a different location, so it won't be possible to combine those orders; you should definitely order it right away if you want one lol. There's also going to be patches for sale in the shop, but you don't have to order it there to get your reward ones, it's completely separate. I just wanted to make sure to get those up in case anyone was bummed about only getting to choose two~ But yeah, again, it's totally separate :))


You are the death of my credit card xD


is the hannibal doodlebook SFW? and NSFW hannigram stuff is in the NSFW doodlebook (along with other pairings)?


Yup, the Hannibal Doodlebook is (mostly) SFW and all of the NSFW is in the NSFW Doodlebook; it's because I have to print them at different shops so it's smarter to combine the NSFW content into fewer books, rather than include it in the other two books~




right so I'm saving all my money till Monday then! Yay!


Well I know what I'll be doing in the wee hours of Monday morning.


never heard of "kill and eat", what is it about?


They're a compilation of my Hannigram Omegaverse comics, The Contemplative Man and The Persistent Hunter :)


So excited for this!!