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Hey all~

Just got home from Yaoicon!! The con went great and I'll definitely go again next year if they accept me! Thanks to all of you who visited!!

Just a note: I had several con pickup orders left at the end of the con. I'm not sure whether folks thought the pickup order form was an online order form or if something happened to prevent them from arriving at the con, and I hope you guys are okay! I wouldn't actually be bringing this up, except that it was actually pretty frustrating to realize I had packed up and carried these special orders to the con and then had to cart them all home again. I know that I sometimes write a bit too much explanatory text on posts, so it'd be easy to accidentally skip that it was supposed to be only for folks attending the con, but please try to read as much as you can before filling out these forms. I'll work harder on keeping things brief and less confusing.

Thanks guys~ Looking forward to working on doodles tomorrow!! Thanks for all the spooky prompts!!



Rest up! Cons are exhausting!


Oh man hopefully you clear up the mix up


Glad you had fun.

Eddie Fly

It was really nice meeting you. 😄 I do hope you get that cleared up. I'm tired and I only have a few things with me I can't imagine having to carry extra stuff around.

Cotton blue

Thank you for bringing the books I ordered!


Glad the con went well for you! I was hoping to attend this year, but I didn't plan far enough ahead. I'm looking forward to whenever you open up the Tictail again for copies of Kill and Eat, if there are any left over. :3


Shit, I might have reserved a Kill & Eat copy. I got one, but I didn't ask for my reserved one. -_-;

Alyssa Vanderwulp

I'm actually curious if you're willing to share with us what the going rate for Kill and Eat will be once you open up the offer of sale to your Patrons; I need to know how much of my paycheck I need to save back for one, please and thanks. 🙇


It'll be $20! I'm not sure about the shipping cost though, I haven't really been keeping track if the USPS changed their rates or anything recently. I'm planning on putting them up around October 20-22; I'll know for sure by the end of the week and will post about it then~ Thanks!


Thank you for coming! I hope I was not too weird when you came by XD


I ordered plenty so they'll definitely be in the shop; I'm aiming to get the shop up around the 20-22 this month with all my new stuff in it :))


Will you be selling online any of the special copies you had prepared for the con? I’m sure they would sell right away, but I would definitely love to purchase a copy!!


Hi, I'm new here and I hope I'm not overstepping when I ask is there some sort of protocol for ordering Kill & Eat? I really don't want to miss out on acquiring a copy but I'm not sure if there is something I'm supposed to do first (like preorder it).


Nope, I'll post a link to the shop before the end of the month, so as long as you're a patron then and don't miss the post, you can buy from it; it'll be password protected and open for about a week, and there are lots of copies, so I'm hoping stock lasts for awhile~


There won't be any difference between the ones I sold at the con and the ones online, so it's nothing to worry about :)) Thanks!