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Hi Patrons!

New development report here with the progress made during this week:


After remaking it for third or fourth time (I've lost the count) from scratch looks like the new area for the arena is taking some interesting shape.

Just take a look at the screenshot below:

The landscape is already sculpted and painted, I've put a lot of rocks and trees and now I'm working on adding some grass, flowers and small plants.

After finishing with the foliage, I'll fix some problems with the collisions of the trees, and some other problems with the LOD from the rocks (for better performance).

I'm also working again on the icons for the items after quite some time.

Take a look at this three new ones:

I think that I've around 60% (or more) done right now I hope to finish them before the end of this month. This icons are for weapons, ammunition, healing items, and other items but not for key items.

And finally, Meguido... I supossed that I don't have to mention it again, but in any case, I'll remember once again, that he's working on the Jill V2.0 (making lots of boring and frustrating stuff).

Remember! If you have any question about Bioasshard take a look at the new FAQ and if you have any question not present on the FAQ, please, don't hesitate to ask.

Midnight Assault (in collaboration with Kouen Works)

We're working on the post-processing phase.

This is taking longer than expected :/ .

2 of 26 pages + cover has been post-processed.

I hope to increase the productivity during this week, if no new problems appears once more.

See ya next time.

Regards <3


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