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It's Artifact Illustration Contest Time!

How does it work?

If you would like to submit an artifact, magic item or relic from your homebrew or current/future campaign for consideration, please write a 2-3 sentence summary of the piece background, and a one sentence description of the artifact or relic and submit that as a reply.

Once we have all submissions, I will put those into a poll and have the community vote on the one they'd like to see illustrated most that month!

Here's an example template.

Using a previous artifact, here would be my submission.

The Deadstone. This rough cut amethyst stands above one foot in height with dark purple hues and the greenish image of a trapped soul screaming from within. The Deadstone is a powerful artifact that holds the soul of a captured necromancer. It was plunged into his heart as he died, capturing his soul as it escaped his body and disallowing the body to be raised/restored through any curative magics. Only a powerful spell or force could break the enchantment and free the soul.

So, post your submission(s) over the week, and I will put them up for voting on Friday night (1/5/23)!

The winning submissions will be provided to an artist to illustrate, which will then be released to the community for use!



Ethan, J.

Remorhaz Armor (Very Rare): Armor made from the carapace of a Remorhaz this armor is bound to attract attention with its blueish white iridescent color and red highlights. The armor is enchanted to retain most of the Remorhaz' abilities and while wearing the armor you gain resitance to cold and fire damage. By saying a command word as a bonus action for one minute you can ignite the armor and gain immunity to fire and cold damage for one minute and any creature within 5 ft. of needs to make a Dexterity saving throw (DC equal to 10 plus constitution modifier) or take 1d6 fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.


Alright -- since we just have 5 entries, and I was planning on doing 6 items, we will just do all of these! =) Will update with sketches and stuff on Discord.

Bob Schrempp

A favorite magic item from a friend. Magic socks of warmth. The socks are made of wool and keep your feet warm. They detect as magic, but all they do is keep your feet warm, even when wet, just like a normal pair or wool socks. This is really just a do nothing item that detects as magic for fun and entertainment in your game.