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I am pleased to bring you another Illustration Support Pack, which includes [6] item illustrations, a full character illustration and a landscape scene.

Item Illustrations

This month's item illustrations are connected to the Thalian Griffon Riders | Dwarven Outpost Map and depict the equipment of one of the Thalian Knights. I had a lot of fun considering the type of gear they would carry and how it could make encounters fun and unique.

These item illustrations were done by Stephen Bell.

The items included in this illustration pack are:



Griffon Saddle

Thalian Shield

Dwarven Bowcaster

Thalian Back Glider

Full Character Portrait

This full-character portrait is done by Clark Oleasa and portrays one of the Thalian Knights and their bonded griffon mount. I really loved the sense of purpose and nobility that Clark managed to capture in this piece, as well as integrating several of the illustrated pieces by Steven into the overall mood, tone and design.

Landscape Scene

This landscape scene depicts a building in the town of Bryn Shander (or any homebrew location), caked in snow and the potential destination of your party as they make their way through the desolate tundra. It could be the welcome sight of a tavern, or a formidable barracks of a group of mercenaries. I leave it up to you to decide! =)

These illustrations are for personal use only and not to be distributed in any fashion without permission from Morvold Press. All rights reserved for artists Stephen Bell, Clark Ocleasa and Manon Krapf.

I hope you can come up with some good ideas and fun adventures with these character, landscape and item illustrations for your party!



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