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I am happy to release Stage 2 of the Yawning Portal Inn, an action-packed 2nd floor that features many additional rooms and spaces to support any sprawling narrative!

Concept Image repainted by Manon Krapf.

To download the Map Pack, please click on your Tier link below and the download URL will be listed there in map release order.

Tier 1 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/tier-1-dungeon-81146477

Tier 2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/tier-2-world-map-81312503

Tier 3 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/tier-3-master-87793681

Tier 4 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/tier-4-master-87797001

The Map Pack provides both transparent PNG tiles that can be laid over the original map, as well as all of the usual file types for folks wanting to use the maps separately. I also included versions that featured a view of the lower level.

The 2nd Floor contains a wealth of new spaces to explore:

Private Booths - the 2nd floor includes [10] private booths around the periphery of the balcony, allowing a sense of privacy while still having a front-row seat to the festivities below.

Crane - a large, wooden crane looms over the balcony of the 2nd floor, allowing parties to load up within a large basket and be lowered down toward the portal floor in style.

Small Bar - a small bar in the southeastern corner provides a way for guests to get easy access to additional drinks and some food without having to travel back downstairs.

Beholder Room - this private chamber has a mounted Beholder upon the wall and features a private gaming table for high-stakes games. The owner of this section of the tavern holds games of chance with adventurers, inviting them in to his lush suite for refreshments, discussion and, of course, high-stakes games.

Secret Room - this secret room behind the Beholder Room allows guards to be at the ready should someone threaten or attack the owner. A small device is also located here, allowing the user to view through some of the tentacles of the Beholder to see what other players may be holding in their hands and relay that to the head table.

Beholder Room Barracks - this small barracks houses the personal guard of the owner of the Beholder Room, ensuring that his business is not threatened or interrupted by any of the adventurers he may swindle.

Dwarven Corner - the northeastern corner holds a dwarven-themed set of tables and stools, along with a dart board built for throwing axes.

Private Bedrooms - the 2nd floor contains [7] different rooms for rent, ranging from tightly-packed bunk beds to lush 1-bedroom apartments. Many of these are large enough to support an entire adventuring party, making it convenient while they wait their turn to delve into the portal.

Yawning Portal Theater - in the center of the 2nd floor is a small theater with a stage, backstage, dressing room, storage, ticket office and front office for the owner. The stage is large enough to accommodate entire plays, bardic performances, duels and much more.

Mind Flayer Room - this austere chamber hosts a long black marble table, bookcases, comfortable chairs and a side table for important meetings. A private bedroom comes with rental of this chamber.

Dragon Seance Room - a large table dominates the center of this room, holding the skeletal remains of a dragon skull fixed with an amethyst crystal the size of a medium-sized creature. Rumor has it that the spirit of the fallen dragon has been captured in the crystal and a seance can be held to commune with the dead to ask questions of its vast knowledge -- but at what price?

Privies and Baths - these exist for the people that want them. You know who you are.

I hope you enjoy the 2nd floor of the Yawning Portal Inn, and can make all kinds of fun adventures!

NOTE - If you aren't already a Patron, I would love your support to keep bringing you content like this! =)



Michael Menezes

Hi, sorry I have added this map along with the ground floor to my campaign, but I realized the ground floor is scaled to be 45 x 33 and the first floor is scaled to be 90 x 66, which does mess around with the proportions. I love the maps they are fantastic!! But just wanted to bring this to attention.


Thanks, Michael! I can't believe that I didn't realize that while building. Well, there may just be something magical at the ole' Yawning Portal 2nd Floor. ;)