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Happy New Year!

I wanted to thank each and every one of you for choosing to support me in 2022 -- I have a lot great stuff planned for this year!

To get the best experience here at Morvold Press, I would definitely encourage everyone to join the Discord channel, for a variety of reasons:

1. Almost everyone here is a DM, and it's a great place to ask questions, get inspiration, pose ideas and provide a soundboard for your campaigns and encounters!

2. You can see updates on current pieces in the queue, as well as offer suggestions for current and future pieces. I take many people's suggestions, working those features (as able) into the maps I make.

3. Many people use Roll20, Foundry or Fantasy Grounds, and we have a lot of people happy to help troubleshoot issues, answer questions and offer guidance for getting things working in those environments.

4. It's a great place to hang out and talk D&D!  There's no obligation to participate or be vocal, feel free to just lurk in the background and read, but if you want to have say in what maps come next, how the maps get made and features you'd like to see -- definitely join!

Here is the link to join:

Hope to see you there (if you aren't already)!

Jeff @ Morvold
Published: 2022-01
Hey everyone!

I wanted to reach out and mention that after a year and a half, I was going to be making a couple of small changes. For those on the Discord, you know this has been something I've wrestled with for a while and that I consulted many of you on to make sure it was going to be "OK" because I consider our Patreon a family of DMs and players.

I really love making maps, and I would love to be able to do this at a higher level, making more maps, commissioning more artwork, developing more content in the form of adventures or write-ups, as well as providing some additional licensing for people that I hadn't before.

As a result, [2] main changes will be taking place this month.

First, the current tier prices are going to go from $2/$3/$5 to $3/$4/$6.

For many people, this will mean +$1/month, while some others it will be +$1/creation. I also want to remind everyone that you can set a "per creation limit" in your account to control your overall monthly expenditure and that decision will not affect how much content you receive. (i.e. If you set a creation limit of [3], and I release [6] Map Packs, you will still receive [6] Map Packs.)

My goal in doing this is to be able to transition toward fulfilling a dream and taking this full-time sometime later this year. 

It will also mean more content for you!

Artwork, NPCs, write-ups, illustrations, and more!

Second, I am going to be introducing a new $10 tier that will allow for commercial licensing of existing content for twitch streams, podcasts and professional DMs that want to use my maps for their profit-generating businesses. It will not provide blanket commercial licensing for any digital or physical print material (i.e. book/adventure publishing), but I am planning to begin releasing at least [1] commercially licensed piece per month for this tier that can be used for any commercial project and being open to requests for usage on specific pieces.

I've really enjoyed and appreciated everything you guys have done, and I hope that I can continue generating outstanding content for your private games, homebrews, twitch streams, modules and more.

Thank you so much for helping be a part in me realizing my dream, and I have big plans for 2022! I hope to see all of you along for the ride! =)


Jeff @ Morvold
Published: 2022-02
Hi again!

Please disregard the message about the price increase. After some consideration of the effort(s) involved and logistics it would require of you guys, I am happy to keep you all where you are!

I HAVE created the new tier, however, for commercial licensing for streams, podcasts and professional DMs, and do plan on creating more content as mentioned in the previous post.

Sorry for any confusion.


Jeff @ Morvold
Published: 2022-02
Hey guys!

I've had a few people over time mention they had a hard time finding their benefits, or asking where to find a particular map, and I thought it would be helpful to outline the general release process, and then where you can find maps after they've been released (if you missed the message).

When I release any Map Pack, I will make [2] posts. The first post will have the image of the map and a write-up/description about the map itself, and an example of what the map looks like attached to the post. THESE ARE NOT YOUR REWARDS.

The second post will be entitled "Tier Rewards for 
Published: 2022-03