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 - The crafting framework is up and running. You can now unlock and purchase two crafting stations: the Material Synthesis Station, and the Gyro Dock.
- It is now possible to craft toys using a combination of money and other toys / components. For instance, you can craft a Cock Ring at the Material Synthesis Station, then take it to the Gyro Dock to turn it into a Vibrating Cock Ring.
- You can now press TAB while interacting with a test subject to change their equipment, including their clothing and their equipped sex toys.
- You can now drag some toys (like the Dildo) onto your toolbar from the inventory screen (TAB).
- You can now remove clothing by clicking the paper doll, instead of having to click the item labels.
- Research subjects can now have multiple prerequisites. For instance, the Vibrating Cock Ring requires you to have completed research for the Cock Ring and the Gyro Dock.
- Dramatically improved the performance of penetrator girth polling, which means you shouldn't run into severe hiccups as a character becomes more erect. The new system also polls toys and other penetrators dynamically, paving the way for custom / importable dildos.
- Sex toys can now be linked to a gadget interface. For instance, the Vibrating Cock Ring has a remote control interface when equipped on the player or a test subject.
- Items can now have properties, allowing for a moderate degree of customization. For instance, Dildos and Cock Rings can be manufactured using various materials, which persist even as the item is upgraded / used as a component to make other toys.
- Rendering performance in the research rooms has been improved.
- All of the physics in the game are still buggy and unfinished, but I've fixed a few issues related to breasts, tails, and butts behaving even more oddly than normal / failing to react to gravity.
- The random character generator now properly distinguishes between mherms (flat-chested with masculine faces) and fherms (breasts and feminine faces).
- Some minor interface improvements
- Some bugs have been fixed:
- 0000053: [Bugs] Tail seems to become larger overtime.
- 0000064: [Bugs] Finger target assignment doesn't scale properly
- 0000054: [Bugs] Appendages / hair don't change to ghost shader during zoomed-in interactions
- 0000052: [Bugs] BondageApparatus initial scaling happens correctly after creation, but needs to also be done after new subject is loaded/rebuilt
- 0000057: [Bugs] Game receives onMouseOver events while minimized
- 0000063: [Bugs] Using special characters in name breaks save system
- 0000048: [Bugs] infinite loading
- 0000059: [Bugs] Vaginal with hermaphrodite causes penis to inflate
- 0000061: [Bugs] Character Loading Screen Glitch
- 0000060: [Bugs] Menu and character editor open simultaneously
- Please continue to report bugs at: http://furry.science/reportabug

Download Links:

WARNING: The links below contain ADULT CONTENT, and should not be accessed by minors or anyone who cannot legally view said content.

MAC/LINUX USERS: I have absolutely no idea if these builds work. I plan on getting my hands on proper testing rigs at some point, but for the time being, I'm just shooting out blind builds. Please let me know if you are able to get the game running.

WINDOWS 64-bit: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/rizajbajsyl7noj/WIN64.zip

WINDOWS 32-bit: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/d7q8fvsy7mfr0vq/WIN32.zip

MAC: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/sc63vql4atw67cy/MAC.zip

LINUX: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/psoeym9ezlc9bhc/LINUX.zip




Awesome update!


Sweet, got some toys now


These updates just keep getting better and better! Noticed a pretty good performance upgrade too.


love you fek keep up the good work<3


Any console commands/cheats in the works?


So far so good. Except that sometimes unequipping a dildo will lock the camera into the inventory view camera which then cannot be exited unless you quit. Just lettin' ya and anyone reading this to know and be careful. Just an annoyance right now


I'm having an issue that I go to the requisitions officer to order equipment but I can't order anything. Any Ideas?


the game still chrash when i try to add hair body details or nosering


only in the editor


Nevermind I figured it out, it had something to do with my imported character.


I seem to be having issues opening the lab door when I go into the lab editor in this version. Am I the only one?


I encountered this too. Easy fix for now is to enter editor mode while in the room by pressing L while inside.


Played about an hour of 0.1.5 without issue. Can't go more than about 2 minutes in 0.1.6 without it crashing.


I can't really hear the sounds very well when interacting with the subject. Like the sucking, and pounding sounds are just really faint.


Can confirm, tails most definitely get bigger over time. I'm tempted to leave the game running in the background to see how ludicrous it can get. -EDIT- Apparently it resets when you reload the game.


Anyone having issues starting up the game? Or it just take about 10-20mins to start up, I'm stuck on a loading screen without no sound.


works for me, however i had some smaller physics glitches

Joshua Woofter

I know I'm probably missing something incredibly easy, but how do you scroll on the personal preferences clipboard? Nothing I do seems to work!


I'm still stuck on the loading screen. I don't know whats going on. I'm using Windows 64 bit. and it won't load properly.


for me I keep clipping through walls as well as even if i slightly move forward, my character just freaks out and rapidly moves back and forth. i thried issuing a big report but the site givien wont let me even get on it.


how do ifind out the clients request


i had the same problem while speedhacking the game xD cause i dident want to wait.


How do I interact with the paws and other things? Do I need to unlock them? Or not in this build? Plus I do not seem to be making any money to buy things, even though I am interacting and collecting specimens.


You can't do those interacions yet. You can do paid research. Or you can use cheat, but that's kinda not interesting...


I still have the problem of tail grow :(


seams like you can't get into the labs now to upgrade them, the doors won't open when you are in edit mode


Just enter the lab and then press L on your keyboard. Bam! Edit freely.


Hey Fek, brand new patron here, running on MAC. Do you have any guides for keyboard controls? I'm kinda lost on how to do anything after I talk to the character and take the elevator down to the test floor. I actually got myself locked in a pitch black test room once, had to crash the app to get out. Any help you can give on controls would be awesome!


hi in the Bulider Mode you can't open the Lab Doors for aditionale Racks


wow, $20,000 a month. that's like what, a quarter million dollars a year? HOLY SHIT.


As I and others have suggested in other comments, just go into the lab then press L on your keyboard to enter edit mode already within the lab.


Not really a bug... the upper left text in the opening screen is for V0.1.5.


I cannot do anything at all besides create a character and go up and down the elevators. Why is nothing else intractable?


Anyone figure out how to get the clients to pay you money? I've completed some research but i can't get any money


sooooo, ho does one money, I have taken many clients and have not a penny to my name...


Money cheat???


@HornyBear90, just press ~ and then type help


@Fek, any chance of we getting bigger limts for body parts? And is bulge (belly bulge) going to be in?


Wow this sure takes a long time to load..........


inflation and large insertions + displacements are going to be in game. The groundwork for the fetish is already in the options ingame.


It has to generate the characters the first time, or it's still loading slowly for you after that?


It's been 4 hours. Still on the same screen.


Windows keeps telling me the game isn't responding, even after I lowered the graphics and went to windowed mode.


I have problem about editing lab. when I goes guy for editing it works but I couldn't enter labs for editing. Doors dont open...


Try to edit the lab but doors wont open when I do, help.


This has been answered soooo many times by now... Just enter the lab then press L on your keyboard.


Murp.. Either I'm really lazy and can't read for stuff like this or I'm just experiencing this for the first time but with the new update when I started I kept running through walls and glitching under the floor and such @_@


I couldnt find save folder. where is the game saves?


C:\Users\User name\AppData\LocalLow there should be a Fek folder in there which has the save files.


Donkey was nice! ;-)


its running but i cant make any money from clients no completion indicator or meter


It can only finish 57% in 0.1.6

The Assassin

Is there a place to see what the client wants for satisfaction?


how do i move the camera around to show different views instead of my backside?


With the 'F' key you can switch the camara from 'follow-mode' to 'free-rotation-mode'


thanks, and that allows me to unlock everything or no.


how do i sell sex toys?


Are strapons implemented or only cockrings?


When in the edit mode where you can place bought items, how do you enter one of the Rack rooms? I cannot press "E" like usual to open the door. What am I missing? D:


you can't open the door when in edit mode, just go in and press L to open edit mode inside room


I'm new to all this, but how do you get the program to work?


You're going to need to be more specific about what you've got and what you've tried to make it work. Things like... What OS do you have? What thing did you download? Where are you getting stuck?


Hello, I'm using Windows 8.1, I downloaded directly from here. For some reason the breast physics are kinda messed up. They seem to vibrate and jiggle constantly. I'm running and AMD build with a R7 370. The vibration also extends (lol) to the balls, both seem to vibrate, specifically the breasts against one another and it really throws all the immersion off. Furthermore the breasts when not inflated to the absolute max seem to hang waaaaaaay out to the sides, rather than look natural. I'm a fan of big breasts, but if they are smaller, I'd hope they would look more natural. Anyhow, that's all I got.


I think the IK Rigging Needs a little work in terms of physics animations and such dynamic stuff also frame rate is a little shit even though i recently upgraded from a shitty i3 3220 to a i7 3770k but all in all i love the new stuff you have been adding i am hoping to see more content in the future :D


how far along is v 17?


check on this link <a href="https://trello.com/b/ULIAJ0Ik/r2ck" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/b/ULIAJ0Ik/r2ck</a> there hasnt been much activity for a while &gt;.&gt;


Can you play as a male and receive oral from a client yet?


he's taking his sweet time, the 250k a year must of gotten to him.


What should i do with the volunteers to get paid ?


its the 19th, ten more days without a release, and i'm withdrawing support.


He has nearly 20 grand a month coming in, and he's one person, coding and modeling and everything else, himself, from scratch, (in unity). You're making yourself look bad by trying to threaten him, both for not taking the opportunity to see his work on picarto or actually see him working on this shit, on a regular basis, and for thinking you make overly much of a difference in his income, unless you're throwing like a grand at him on a regular basis.


over the past week or so, he's been streaming nothing but DND. plus i really don't care about the pitty story, if I dont get my moneys worth im not going to throw it away, especially when fek now has a quarter millon dollar income. call me an ass, but i have limited money. besides, he just released so you can shut up now.


How about you go shove your threats up your ass. 1 guy coding a 3d sex game releasing updates 1 to 3 times a month. That's an incredible rate. Not to mention that he is working on it pretty much every day. You are not his only supporter and not likely even a significant donor. You do not dictate this project. To top it all off you were not even promised a monthly update. You are not entitled to one. The money we donate goes toward whatever coding project Fek feels like doing with the update schedule at his discretion. If you absolutely must know the current progress then actually go watch the stream you're helping pay for. Otherwise unsubscribe you over-entitled piece of shit. edit: edit: I was wrong about the income. My bad. But that solidifies the point I was making about your insignificant donation. If he's gone a whole 30 days without updating and he promised an update then I could understand voicing that you were going to end your support but don't expect that just because you donate you are entitled to something. Because in the end you are promised nothing. That is what a patron is. Someone who financially supports the creative endeavors of an individual out of generosity and desire to see more of their work. Nothing more.


... I think he's getting the quarter million as a yearly figure, and wouldn't have resorted to such an aggressive tone, but other than that, basically "This ^"


Hey, is it possible to make that really sciency-guitar song (baseline, not sure what to call it) into a ringtone or downloadable song? I think it'd be an awesome alarm or thing to listen to :D


"how about you go shove your threats up your ass" i stoped reading after that. minus well be kindergardeners calling each other gay.


also, he's not entitled to update, i'm not entitled to pay. Just like you being an ass and rude, its not illegal, but that doesnt make it any less rude.


oh, before you make another shitpost, here is some frendly advice <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2k0SmqbBIpQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2k0SmqbBIpQ</a>


The terms of my license only allow me to use it as an in-game background track, but the song is located in the game's appData /bgm/ folder.


I'm assuming my save data is no longer valid and has been wiped for this new version? <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/auhw87xgrxr32tu/unknown.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/auhw87xgrxr32tu/unknown.png?dl=0</a>