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- I realized that after spending a bunch of time getting the global illumination to work properly in the lab rooms, I forgot to actually include it in the last build. This build includes it. If you're still running 0.1.4, you can see the difference by pressing and holding M.
- I turned the B cheat key back on, for now. Have fun!
- You can now use the "skiptour" console command to skip the requisitions officer's tour when making a new file.
- Several bugs have been fixed:
- 0000038: [Bugs] Tail momentum inverted
- 0000051: [Bugs] Fake ambient/GI in rooms is still bound to the debug switch key / M
- 0000032: [Bugs] Changing from Textures menu to Embellishments menu with the color picker open doesn't close the picker
- 0000026: [Bugs] Character falls into central elevator when jumping onto the elevator pad
- 0000024: [Bugs] Shading on manes breaks after exiting the research interface
- 0000039: [Bugs] Appendage specularity fixed at 1
- 0000047: [Bugs] Blue interaction map gets plastered over PC texture when exiting interaction
- 0000040: [Bugs] Camera locks while interacting with a lab subject and "L" edit button is pressed
- 0000033: [Bugs] Foot claws on generated characters disappear when entering embellishment editor
- 0000041: [Bugs] Interact with self is slow and can be done at weird opportunities
- 0000019: [Bugs] Game Freeze For Canine Character Self Pleasure
- 0000044: [Bugs] Tour guide/Requisitions guide stops giving the tour
- 0000043: [Bugs] Cum clips through PC's body while riding test subject during orgasm
- 0000023: [Bugs] Dripping from anus not working anymore
- 0000042: [Bugs] Save screen profile pictures missing
- 0000037: [Bugs] Character creation clipboard clipped by BG fader
- 0000022: [Bugs] Tour guide/Requisitions Officer disappears into the wall on loading if you don't interact with them the first time
- 0000015: [Bugs] Adding two types of hair (e.g. tuft + ponytail) and then editing breaks character editor.
- 0000035: [Bugs] Unable to have two different hair styles without the camera glitched, making it unable to move the camera around
- Please continue to report bugs at:http://furry.science/reportabug

Download Links:

WARNING: The links below contain ADULT CONTENT, and should not be accessed by minors or anyone who cannot legally view said content.

MAC/LINUX USERS: I have absolutely no idea if these builds work. I plan on getting my hands on proper testing rigs at some point, but for the time being, I'm just shooting out blind builds. Please let me know if you are able to get the game running.

WINDOWS 64-bit: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/4s7kw6i3bzdp0jp/WIN64.zip

WINDOWS 32-bit: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/7u0wasyate92kbo/WIN32.zip

MAC: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/kvm310yyf69hdza/MAC.zip

LINUX: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/mtzdz6gg0pjzjw9/LINUX.zip




love it so far but umm is there any cash codes you can give out for now at all?


That was quick! Thanks for the hot fixes :)


So is there actually any point in spending the points into the research right now? Do you get anything from researching yet or no?


how do i get money


try the money code but I can't seem to get it right can you show me please


Yeah, I was about to ask how the money cheat works


Money code is just "money 5000" or whatever you want.


Hi. How can I open up the console? I tried to press 1, ctrl+1, altgr+1, and all possible combinations of those but nothing happened and I cannot ype in the commands either.


This just keeps getting progressively better and better, keep up the good work Fek :3


cash codes? if you mean like get money to purchase clients you can add to it by quitting to the games main menu and adding it to the rackInventoryData in the game savedata file

Lord Kiyo

Even with the light switch the room is still real dark unlike your screen shots. Is the light not makeing it into the version your sending? or is it some kind of option I can't locate? Or some kind of error?


You have to turn on the main light. its the middle one. That is the flickers on the left side of each color pallet. Go to the control panel right of the door.


How to use Cemical Synthesis bay, Gyro dock and Material Synthesis station?


does anyone else have a problem with movement? My characters just keep running back and forth


Is there a console command to undress your staff? they're frightfully over dressed for this line of work!


I can't get past the stairs. I just clip through them


That really should be in a simple .txt file (like README.txt ) next to the executable.


Using the "skiptour" console command any time before you receive the standard equipment package results in a corrupt character (mine simply would not move after using it during a talking sequence; even after restarting the simulation) I accidentally discovered you could scroll wheel in to first person POV; unfortunately looking left/right doesn't work like you'd expect in that view mode.


The new lighting does look spectacular.


Whats "the B cheat" and how do I use it


Press and hold 'B' on the keyboard to build up orgasms for you and any NPCS/test subjects nearby.


As I said before, the tile button does nothing for me. Not showing console


My own tips and tricks: 1) Hold 'F' to sprint 2) Tab 'B' to cause orgams 3) console 'help'. You can disable bloom, depth of field, give yourself money, chemicals 4) You can get down quicker (honestly the whole elevator idea is stupid) by returning to shower after loading test subjects, wait a tiny bit for the bridge to go down, then sprint to the bridge to run off it while it's extending. It only saves you a second or two, but if you spend the time to tweak something about your character or load a new one, it's worth it. 5) console 'size' lets you do size play though the interactions start to look really weird. Good values are between -0.5 - 2. 6) You have to use "Fantastic" settings to get all lights to appear. This might mean compromising your resolution to something lower. You can edit anything about your own saved characters. Exported or Favorited characters appear in the local save unity files and can be tweaked manually, past their limits. You do this while the game is running, by importing the character. You can even make tweaks, export the character, make changes to stretch limits, and import them back in. *It would be also be super cool if you could load one of these characters as a test subject.* Mac location: /Users/username/Library/Application Support/unity.Fek.Rack 2 Furry Science/characters 1) Height -- though actually, this is the same as using the 'size' console command in game. 2) "Head Size" -- your head doesn't actually scale with height, for some reason. Above height 1, your head stays the same scale and starts to look really awkward. Set this the same as your height for proper proportions. 3) cumVolume -- Increases the width of cum strings. Anything above 1.5 gets really messy (not in a good way) 4) cumFrequency -- the amount of time your character will spurt 5) penisSize -- if you're into size difference like me... 6) tailholeTightness -- It doesn't cause make it harder for penises to go in, it just makes your pain tolerance much lower, which is kind of lame. Hopefully this will change.


I figured it out. For some keyboards (on hungarian keyboards for sure) console is ö instead of ~ Hope it helps to somebody


This version's been lagging pretty badly for me, turning down the resolution and Graphics quality settings does help a little bit with that, though. Other than that, I'm still enjoying it!


so the linux breaks on the fantastic setting, otherwise works just fine :)


Fekken awesome game xD gf loves it too anyway looking forward to the next update hope it's soon @3@


Thanks a bunch for this. Been having some fun dicking about with settings. One question though! Anyone figure out how to adjust the randomized genital size on the test subjects? It'd be nice to have some of 'em spawn with larger (or even smaller for those who're into that) parts to play with! :O


the winnows 64 lags at simple and gets worse from there.


I've been having a bit of trouble with the preferences, not sure if this is just something not implemented yet, but the species preferences I enter seem to have weird results (like having the dragon slider all the way to the right and I won't get any dragon subjects and such) and the species I have all the way to the left appear quite a bit, wondering if species preferences just doesn't do anything yet, or if it's a bug?


I have noticed this as well. While my favorites do show up fairly often, the lowest rated or none rated ones keep appearing a bit more often than I think they should.


Noticed what I assume are glitches. 1. over extended play, my character's tail seemed to lengthen slowly. 2. Spending time with a subject, the hitting Esc to exit interaction mode without getting ride of the subject, then go to process specimen, then going back to interact with subject for a time again, and going back will notice no additional collection of specimen.


ive done everything i can think of from previous versions, but for some reason my game wont go past the fist loading screen. its stuck there.. i dont know whats happening


Still trying to figure out the controls...


Linux build "works" for certain values of works. It runs, but at about 2 frames per second with 100% CPU load (both cores of a Core 2 Duo at 100% per core). nVidia proprietary drivers, linking against them confirmed. Speed improves when the screen is shrunk. Graphics setting to minimum.


I saw "Genital Torture" and knew that this was for me OuO Also, forced orgasms are muh fetish so <3


Are you positive you're using your binary drivers? It sounds a LOT like you're using CPU rendering given the FPS.


If you have an AMDGPU please try switching over to the open source drivers, doing that resolved all of my issues (R9 285, now using amdgpu + mesa-git, but 12.0.3 should be good enough).


Like I said: I have confirmed the binary is linking against the correct drivers via ldd. Now, could something be happening inside the game to cause it to pull in the wrong drivers? Maybe. But assuming the game uses the libGL.so that ldd shows it using, it is using the nVidia drivers, and I have confirmed they work.


so i cant get clients to pay after session, how do i check what there objective is, and how do i collect payment?


Not yet implemented - that stuff will be coming soon, in phase 2


I'm also having trouble turning the camera, all the way around. Is there a certain button I need to push?


Cant help but notice that "Paid Research" becomes dramatically less profitable to the point of having to resort to console codes to access content. I'm assuming the features like synthesizing and the machine that makes toys are not yet implemented as well. Only bug that I can outright pinpoint at the moment would be gaining sample points from patient while AFK and if done right can gain an infinite surplus like 150+ of each.


Yeah, none of those numbers are even remotely close to balanced / final. They're all just in there for testing.


The game runs fine on Antergos(arch) linux. I have an issue i dont think is related to Linux tho. since i use a nordic keyboard i cant access the console. is there a way i can change the keybind for this or do i have to change my keyboard layout?


I was playing and everything fine and then it just got stuck on a loading screen. I've tried deleting it and re-downloading it but nothing works. Is there a way to completely un-install the game and fix the issue?


I don't know about nordic keyboard, but for hungarian keyboard the console is ö ( right next to 9 labeled button ) insted of 1 hope that helps to some.


But I think in general the console should be somewhere between 0 and the back button in the second line of the keyboard.


I have the same problem as well.


The game works but i cannot do anything besides design a character and go up and down the elevador