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The full release of the earlier development builds (plus a little more)!


- At long last, I'm beginning to hammer out the subject sensitivity, endurance, and orgasm numbers. 63 of the game's interactions should now behave roughly as intended in terms of getting the subject (and the player!) off - check the spreadsheet to see which ones are still being worked on: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UDXBGDJDMCe9VN8QBMGmyGWlkh44clTfOXsZxSeHvQw/

- The bug that was causing the screen to melt when selecting a test subject (or occasionally while in the shower) has been fixed

- Several new bugfixes have been made in regards to the long-standing "TriLib bug" (where embellishments and clothing don't load, or load with white textures), along with some new reporting mechanisms to help me track down where and why the bug still happens for some users.

- A new toy has been added: the vibe wand! Once you've unlocked it, you can craft it at the Gyro Dock.

- I'm aware that the bugtracker is being eaten alive by bots. My disappointment with the bugtracker system I'm using is immeasurable, and I intend to switch, eventually.

Download Links:

WARNING: The links below contain ADULT CONTENT, and should not be accessed by minors or anyone who cannot legally view said content.

WINDOWS 64-bit: https://mega.nz/#!8RBznSaA!1RMYqjlbh-XFVEO8LMnYw0Ot_AviaXTMs4fxnkrSBBc

WINDOWS 32-bit: https://mega.nz/#!gRZ0GaLR!6KPe6Hxzjr-nHnJn04aUMyOyjWCD-cVr2ezNnYMBuzA

MAC: https://mega.nz/#!hZIGkA5Y!5_J7FOAzZGye4hE2iZqYFNuIDaOVaxCPGDK9xHc14LI

MAC (OpenGL): https://mega.nz/#!AZZgjKzD!OlwK0vb0EIW_n_0RytqRTqr57vgMQzMzdKyKxJJ_kFs

LINUX: https://mega.nz/#!0JA0DaSA!Yb5JAL_A-gw6u4Jy3wXG-NfSGSioYm4HU2S9YzvAk_0



Finally a new version ♥♥♥♥♥♥


:3 yeah baby yeah <3

warren dunstan

the rackchair keeps dropping to the floor, is that normal


Sweet!!! Omg I'm so excited!❤️


what do you mean with "causing the Screen to Melt"m




screen melt was an issue for the last full build when you were choosing a test subject. It basically turns your game window in to a bunch bright colors that you cant play through and freezes some things on screen


Pardon my french, but what the FUCK? Screen melt HAS been fixed yes, but everything else is still bullshit. When I try to do something on a platform, it just keeps going up and up until I stop. Can't even do anything orally anymore in this game. And no option for the vibe wand? And yes I know how to craft it, it's just not there. Yeah I'm done pledging to you. Was stoked about this new version, all I got was a polished turd.


Im getting a bug with the rack chair, during the animation it moves up and down, and my positioning is all fucked up, to explain... my arms disappear completely, genitals are dragged under the floor and my eyes are missing. I wish there was a way to screenshot this and put it here. v2.09 is still my version of choice, this update and the one before are just way more buggy than the older versions. c'mon Fek, you can do better!


Im getting the same problem, i think its a bug with the new animations system.


even with so little this game has im still finding so much to have fun with, i do hope to see this project go far fek, keep up the good work


Love the build, cant wait to see more


My version is acting up, how do i remove it from my computer? i can't seem to uninstall it. Windows 10


I just tried the build and I'm still getting the TriLib bug. How can I help you track down why?


still no translations for English just me? If not how do I fix it?


Sex Gui is Invisible....--


black screen...


I want to point out that this game is a little buggy but remember he's doing this by himself think of this game like Fallout 76 in an alternate universe where they are not a bunch of greedy cunts In time it could be something great just hold on


indeed, the last thing you want is to rush the developer and have the developer loss faith in the game. <3 As Shigeru Miyamoto Quotes once said "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."


Can't complete objectives for paying clients ;-; no worries we know you're trying your hardest, keep up the good work!


How do I update my game? it's stuck on v0.2.10 after replacing the files.


is anyone else having problems with the spring system?, im trying to have relations, but when i trust or anything, the platforms that raises me or the chair or stock, etc, change height constantly, it kinda ruins the expirence in that if your a realy tall character, your never on the same level as the subject


Your game is so cool :p


Game won't start up at all. What's going on? Basically the game opens on a black screen, it shows some text briefly loads up quickly then it stops on a sort of honeycomb like background screen with a tiny blue bar thing with a line through it in the top left. EUREKA - EDIT - I figured out how to fix it. Go to your computer > Users > Computer name > Appdata. Then delete all traces of Rack 2 which should mostly be files with Fek in the name. Completely wiping it fixed my issue!


Now I'm running into the same issue I always run into. Only being able to collect Yellow, Orange, and Blue chems. I can never get the Green, Purple, or Reds Also all clients are considered 0% satisfied. UPDATE Well kinda got the chemicals to start working, but now platform glitches where the character bends at odd angles and the camera keeps wanting to reset to the Rack.


how does one delete app data


im getting the tri lib again with this full build can we try going forward with this game not backwards i think im gonna start only paying when a new build comes out then cancel my sub cause this is just messed up and you act all smug about it on other posts with people saying the same thing one day your gonna lose all your patreons cause of this stuff


Where could I find instructions on how to install/run the game from the linux build?


Hey I've been trying to run the last 5 builds as they came out and I keep consistently getting stuck on the initial load screen (black screen, no text, faint hexagon background). I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling every build but nothing works. I want to play this game but I haven't been able to for over a year now. Running windows 10 64 bit. Any help from anyone would be appreciated.


Also I'd like to note that I only ever have one build installed at once. I've been trying this one and nothing seems to be working. It will flash white text for a fraction of a second and then I'm suck on the black screen. Cant find any working solutions.


Is there an Faq somewhere? I ask because I don't see an application file that can be used to start playing the game.


If you're still looking at this, go to C:\Users\[your profile's name]\AppData\LocalLow and you'll find the Fek folder. Don't delete the AppDate folder, a lot of other programs use that ;P Also any saved characters you have will be deleted if you dump the whole Fek folder, so back those up. You can also get to the Fek folder by clicking on a button in the game's pause menu.


I haven't heard of one, but I'm sure someone knows of one. It should be in the zip file, which you would need to unzip. if you have the origin and transfer location open at the same time you may need to reopen your transfer location to view all the files. This is my experience with the windows release, but it could be completely different from your experience.


Anyone know how to fix my translations, I've tried reinstalling older version all the way up to the newest, yet still I have no translations during interactions, it's completely game breaking and only allows you to access the default animations


I'm loving the game so far. One issue that I'm having is whenever I try to find clients and there's a racknet character in the selection, it says "Preparing game files" and stays at 0% indefinitely. It's kind of hit or miss whenever it does show up, but it's still frustrating. Do you know when this will be ironed out?


Läuft das auch unter VR Oculus ?


1) Once I selected "call back one of my favorites", I could never get more than one customer to pick from, rather than the usual 6. 2) no matter what a subject pain and "negative experience" modifiers, they don't like getting bitten.


The one bug I've been getting consistently for a long time now is sadly still present: when altering a character, regardless of what it is you edit, sometimes the labia and penis stretch to ridiculous lengths. Every edit after that seems to make the problem worse, and the only way to fix it is to leave the game (just going back to the menu is fine).


So the mac version just straight up doesn't even open, that's cool I guess


is there a way to completely reinstall the game, my translations are broken, I literally can't do anything out of default animations


its been a while and i'm trying this most resent build all the others didn't work so fingers crossed


still no luck...


FEK maybe include a "read me" to help us =<


my game wont advance past the "rack2 has been updated" screen directly after startup


Thanks for including a Linux build!


I had to close and open the game again and where it asked chose use my old save, then i had to delete it and start over :( but it worked and after a few hours of playing I'm close to my old save. still miss some of the subjects i had...


I'm trying to get the Gyro Dock to create the vibe wand, but I'm not sure how to get it to work. Can anyone help?


Hey Fek been a big fan of your work for awhile. im very glad i was finaly able to be able to support you in your projcets. Rack 2 is looking great!

Professor Membrane

Looks fantastic! The only thing I would say is that there's a lot of preformance issues that need to get patched. Even with a monster rig running a 2060TI and 16gb of ram it still clocks my pc up to about 96% memory. Which - Is weird considering my framerate is typically great in the game. Dunno, might just be something to look into!