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Ey folks!

So this build is specifically for Windows users who are experiencing the TriLib bug! It is a patch build, not a full release build, which means it will only work properly if you already have v0.2.10 save data.

If you are a Windows 64-bit user who has been experiencing the TriLib bug, and you'd like to help me test/debug some fixes, you can help by following these steps:

1) If you haven't already, go download 0.2.10, run it, and create a save file.

2) Download the patch package, unzip it, and run the EXE.

3) Report whether or not you encounter the TriLib bug in the poll below.

4) If you still encounter the TriLib bug, please email your output_log.txt to: fek@fek.onl

Thank you for your help!



In this devbuild, NPCs are disabled, and a few testing hotkeys are enabled:

0 - Teleport to test room

5 - Open character selection (single client)

8 - Open character selection (three clients)

9 - Open shop menu


Master Leon

The hair is not longer glowing in white, but now there are no mor NPC's to interact, in V0.2.10 the NPC's was spawned normal an worked.


Ah right - should have noted that! In this devbuild, NPCs are disabled, and testing hotkeys are enabled: 0 - Teleport to test room 5 - Open character selection (single client) 8 - Open character selection (three clients) 9 - Open shop menu

Master Leon

Have started it, heavy graphic-bug the left wing of the spawned dragones is flipping(Rack-stock, Char: Leon a white lion with black mane)) around while you interact with her, and breasts are flat witout texture. On an other character(Zirion, black tiger with red glowing stripes and small wings) the dragoness have no wings but the character have small ones here the breasts are show normal. ind some positions of movment the wings here flipping too.

Master Leon

On my female character Nightshade(Blue leopard with yellow glowing spots) the tail is flipping wild around when she is near to a test subject. Here my System-Config: CPU i5-4th gen, 32 GB DDR3-RAM, GeForce GTX1060(6GB) with newest driver, Rack is started from a SSD-Drive from Samsung. Hope my report will help you fix the problems.


Where is the option for I don't know because no npc characters exist now answer.


A little hard to tell if this fixed it as the hot keys are not working properly for me, the only client spawning one that is working is the single client option one which is bound to 8 for some reason, and since the textures for the first client always loaded correctly (at least for me) I cant really say for sure if this is fixing it.


so it seems to have worked but i was just wondering if your ever gonna put the boobs back to how they were in build 0.2.5 they looked so good in that build and now they are super stiff and barely move and the left breast is kinda squished it just kinda looks bad and ruins it for me i just want to know if you have plans to put them back oh and my screen no longer melts either so thats awesome


no npc...


... What is the TriLib bug?


no npc@@

Lee Thompson

If the TriLib bug was the unplayable psychedelic color trip then that is fixed, BUT - I was only seeing it when I talked to the NPC about the test clients with that shortcutted out it's hard to say it's fixed or not.


Only issue I see is that when I hit 8 for three clients, I only get one client. Same for when I hit 5. Other than that minor issue, I don't see rainbows and get yeeted into the Nth dimension.


As others have stated if the TriLib bug was the crazy color show I'm a 64-bit user that was experiencing it, if that's not what that bug was then pay me no mind but the only thing that did trigger it was chatting with the test subject NPC so cutting out that middle man means it's not really testing if that bug is squished or not...


Screen melt bug seems to be fixed on test subject selection (the only place I was experiencing it). Also, the all-white-texture bug on fur also appears to be fixed!


Everything worked for me. No problems with the hot keys. and the TriLib is gone. But I think I only experienced it when talking to the MPCs.


I would get the TriLib bug when choosing a client, but it seems to be fine now, Thanks!


Works like a charm, and the masturbation doesn't make me fall through the floor. BUT, now no NPC's.


a bug which I can't seem to fix is losing translations, so whenever I want to do something else I can't and if I even try to change interactions my character just stands there and I need to restart the game.


Sometimes I will loss conturl and I can't actually close my game.


Hotkey 5 doesn't do anything and hotkey 8 just pulls one single client. Things otherwise seem to be fine, even loading a loooot faster than usual.


After this test will there be a "normal" build with NPC's and all the other things in this month? I like to play the game like it was in the last build just with the bug fixes ;)


I tested it with a few character builds that usually got the bug and couldn't reproduce it. Good job Fek! Thanks for finally fixing both of the bugs that have been driving me nuts for a while now (both this and being unable to place the specimen cooler).


I can't say if it actually worked because i ran into a problem where none of the npcs spawned


The markings menu is still buggen when adding markings at some point, its hard to costumise when it keeps bugging. ill wait some more till it gets fixxed


When I use the hotkey to get into the testing room it just teleports me to the elevator area. The door at the bottom refuses to open. When I try to choose a character it says my game is missing files and stays at 0%. The older version seemed to work fine. This one doesn't seem stable for me.


I noticed also another thing, dunno if relevant, but riding someone doesn't build up the orgasm meter. Is that MEANT to be like that?


If the tri lib bug is the one where selecting a client would make the screen freeze on loading and a color would blur across the screen, then yes, this build fixed that issue for me.


The trilib bug is when the embellishments would not load correctly and/or appear bright white. Embellishments being the fur in the ear, claws, barbs etc. Has nothing to do with the melting colors.


As soon as I spawn NPCs in testing rooms, I just see a black screen. I tried adjusting it in the graphics. But when I un pause the game, I still see the pause menu, but the colors just bleed and separate to red/green/blue duplicates. Plz help.


i can to get my game to start I start the application set it to the beautiful setting and then click start it opens up and I'm stuck at black screen the screen has textures on it so what is a loading screen but it's loading infinitely Note I did get the game the start but I close my laptop screen when the application was still running I open it back up and it's still working but I have no music so I save my game close it reset my laptop and then try again and now it won't Let me pass the loading screen By the way just downloaded the game So I have no older versions of it on my computer if that was going to be a problem


ok i need help my game want start if i start the game form my desk top i will be stuck at a Loading screen I got the game to work or but now it won't please help I did get game yesterday and I did play it at all because it was working then but i wasted all the time it did work making a me a character Didn't close the game but I get close my laptop yes it's a gaming laptop so I can run the game fine whenever I start up the game it won't work I even tried uninstalling it and reinstalling I'm actually lost When someone can't help me get the game working do I just have to wait to get my money back from a refund or Willie release another build soon they will fix my problem 2h Jen She OK big problem just tried loading up an older version of the game got the same bug that means something wrong with my laptop I'm actually mad now what's going on does anyone know

Mr Cake

Just curious, was this the October build release or just a patch?


Getting some really horrible stretching problems on the character models, the lack of npcs and hotkeys also make for a lot of problems. Character creation is still pretty buggy; adding colours/markings breaks it, and embellishments are still appearing bright white


same problem, when i select a save file the program becomes a whole black screen. I am wondering if it is a graphic card problem


What I need is the fix to the melting colors. It's a pain always having to close the game and open it back up.


It's just a build with NPC's turned off to see if it works without screwing the proper game up.


I've been able to get around that by going into the first person camera when choosing the clients. After you select them, you should be able to go back to whatever camera angle you prefer.


I will try it out and see if it works. Thanks for the suggestion.

Jonathan Girard

This trick works for me. Only odd thing I still see from time to time is the genitals messing up. More noticeably when the penis becomes super long and looks like a narrow flashlight beam.


Is a long penis a bad thing? sorry I had to make the joke.

Jonathan Girard

Only when it's indefinitely long and has the power to split a planet. Then, and only then... yes... a long penis is a bad thing. ^^


Im still getting the bug where it doesn't allow me to get past the build selection screen. I click the mode i want, my frame rate drops to the floor and im stuck looking at an empty street. Anyone else whose had this problem feel like giving a hand?


Trilib is the crash on character load if google serves me right? In the patched (b) version (with a new save made in 0.2.10) it crashes about 95% less with me, only crashes when there is an 'abnormal' model (i saw a big shiney mofo, then it crashed when i prepped the char) Still getting the color blobs crash but only on 'masturbate'; then the chair the testchar is sitting on skyrockets in to the universe and blobs appear and it freezes.


Oddly enough all the NPC's disappeared for me when I ran the patched version, gotta roll back to 0.2.10 because I can't select test subjects, I wish I knew how to reproduce it, I started it up and next thing I knew the lab was empty


<strike>patched version is super fast... But theres no npcs now so im unable do anything. </strike> I just noticed the part on the post about the patch that says NPCs are disabled and a few testing hotkeys are available... I feel dumb &gt;.&lt;


Few days ago I tried play Rack 2 v.2.10. Game works OK but when I tried choose test object, my processor started overheat in few seconds and game shooted down. I tried diferent graphic setings. Anybody had got something similar. My parameters: Intel core i7-9750h Nvidia RTX 2060. About fix: Game looks beter but NPC's are mising, and when i tried talk, desktop turned in to colorfull stains.


The npcs are disabled in this testing version - use the keys above to skin past the npc interactions (0, 5, 8, 9)


What's with the 5DEC19 update that's mentioned on the Furry Science web page? It was originally listed as ver 0.2.11, but was then changed to 0.2.10b. It mentions the addition of an additional toy, fixes for TriLib bug and interaction balance. I just installed the version from Patreon, and it does not have the new toy. I therefore assume there are no new additional patches or reworked software. What gives?


Same here bro. Although, for me at least, the screen melt HAS been fixed. However, yeah, nothing new (aside from settings actually being saved). Same buggy broken game. Can't even give a proper rimjob without getting turned into a noodle. I'm done supporting Fek until I hear good about this game for once.


Yep, I'm in the same boat. I get that he's a one man team writing a very good game, and that takes time. On the other hand, if the numbers are to be believed, he's making 20k+ / month to just ignore his supporters by never replying to anyone, and post updates once about every month and a half. For that kind of money, I expect a shitload more from him. Until I can see there are more updates about what is transpiring, I am out.

Billy Mays

This game is in a pre-alpha state. The fact that you are seemingly expecting a finished, polished product is laughably ridiculous.


Thanks Mr. Obvious. No one here actually realized that the game is in development. Thank Christ we have people like you to add stupidly ridiculous and pointless comments to threads. Keep up the great work.