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Hey there!

It totally slipped my mind that the tutorial bot breaks almost immediately when upgrading from an in-progress 0.2.1 save to 0.2.2!

In 0.2.3, there will be a console command to immediately shoo away the annoying little bastard, but for now, here's how you can get rid of it!

1) Find the game's data directory. The easiest way to do this is to pause the game and click the little hammer/wrench icon next to the logo on the pause screen (it should say "Open Game Files" when you hover over it).

Alternatively, if you're on Windows, the path can be found at:

C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Fek\Rack 2_ Furry Science\

2) Open up your user.rackSettings file. This can be found inside of the "savedata" folder. Even though it has a .rackSettings extension, it's really just a text file, so if your computer asks you which program to use to open it, choose something like Notepad or Wordpad.

3) Find the <tutorialFlags> section and copy/paste these flags into it. When you're all done, it should look something like this:

4) Save the file and restart the game. The tutorials should now all be marked as complete, and you can enjoy the game in peace and quiet!




I just start new games when the new builds come around. Makes things interesting




looks like need to remove &lt;tutorialflag&gt;LAB_EQUIPMENT_MATERIAL_SELECTION&lt;/tutorialflag&gt;


thank god lol thx fek :D


mac users o.O ;)


Definitly good to know


I'd actually be interested to know who managed to carry over a save from 2.1 to 2.2, because nothing I had made in 2.1 would carry over. The save files were present on the file select, but selecting them did literally nothing. Bring the subject up - and admitting openly I may just be an unobservant wank - I don't remember there being a warning for 2.1 that 2.0 save files would be purged by running it...


I had no problem just booting up 2.2 with my 2.1 save file. I just had to open the app. However... I ended up having to restart my save file anyways because of the tutorial bot. I figured I'd just do the tutorial to get rid of it until I got to the part when I had to do research... and since I was in freeplay there was nothing to research.


So, I have to say that I love the new update, the tutorial bot is a little bit weird to see floating about, but if you're on a new file it walks you through very well! My only complaint at all is the lack of vaginal sex toys that count towards the goal. A lot of female and gyno-male subjects get the short end of the proverbial (And I suppose literal) stick when it comes to that bit and it results in more than a few less than stellar clients. Even if it's just implementing sex with a cockring on as counting, I'm looking forward to that bit getting stomped out.


Seriously, it was pretty aggravating to finally unlock the dildo and not really have anything to do with it. Why subjects ask for something not yet in the game is beyond me.


Neuronyx-&gt; This is because some stuff are implemented and supposed to work with some others stuff which, are not implemented yet. It's explained a lot of time and obvious because of the patreon page, this game is wip and the developer is doing a great job


Mwn H-&gt; You explained a lot of very obvious things most, including myself, already know. And none of it is a valid answer. It's a small issue anyway, my complaint mostly revolves around why a seemingly simple issue remains that would be easy to fix.


<a href="http://www.openlettertopatreon.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.openlettertopatreon.com/</a>


So i did what you said and now the I can't even play the game. It just sits on the intro screen with the rain except there's nothing there. I can't even exit without hitting CTRL, ALT, DELETE. I deleted the update and downloaded it again but the same problem happens.


how to use it?


Hi Fek, I loved your first Rack game and I been playing the first Rack game for awhile and every time I played the first Rack game I said to myself that I can see the Rack game/concept be expanded/updated and when I knew you were making a sequel, (awhile back), to the first Rack game called Rack 2 I was excited to see what was expanded/updated from the first game and so far it seems that Rack 2 takes everything that made the first Rack game a great game and expanded/updated that and also added new features/content but with that being said I tried to download the newest version of Rack 2 version 0.2.2 and I clicked the download link to the Mega website and it downloaded to my download folder on my computer and then I click on the application file in my download folder on my computer and then it said since it is a zip file it would work better if I extract the file so I did that then I click on the application file in my download folder on my computer and then it said error a file is missing so can’t open the application, (and I think the “missing” file name was app.info or something like that), so how do I download the latest version of Rack 2 on my computer, and I have a 64-bit Windows 10 laptop


Silly question, is there a way to better aim my cumshot? I want to paint my subjects! Instead I spray their booty like i'm a fancy euro toilet.


hi I am a new player just pledge 10$ just wondering if there is an issue with the way I downloaded as no matter what if I am in free play or campaign when I try to walk across the bridge at the beginning I fall off the map, is there a way to fix this as the game looks AMAZING just cannot do any thing, thank you


how do I bring it back? I kinda wasn't able to finish the tutorial. it told me to go into the hologram research interface, only to find that there was nothing inside to interact with. I exited the game and can do research now but as for buying stuff and any other helpful tips I couldn't find it


does disabling the tutorial bot fix the glitches in the lab?


Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing an option to -leave it around-. Have it like, follow you. Be your method of screenshots, be how you get not-first-person camera angles (obviously the motors would have to be silenced for that), perhaps display things with a holo-emitter or something similar. You know.. it's a good model in game, so why waste it on *just* a tutorial?

Michael Hunt

That's a really good idea. I mean contextualizing that sort of thing in a game is naturally something most games don't have the ability to do with what is available, or more likely isn't something they consider.


Any new info on what you're currently working on? You only have an update about once a month.


For that info you can follow the Trello ( <a href="https://trello.com/b/ULIAJ0Ik/r2ck" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/b/ULIAJ0Ik/r2ck</a> ) or catch up on the Picarto streams if you have the time. Last time I looked, he was working on realistic fur/scales and such.


Newbie question for person just trying it for first time- During the interaction scene are there keys to turn your character invisible? Also is there a way to get a more free motion view to be able to see the interaction from any angle?


Maybe you should take a look the setting menu, and if you watch carrefully, you certainly found a option for " free the cam"


I downloaded the most recent build and I'm running the game from that folder, but it doesn't have any of the new stuff. It has the new furniture but none of the interactions, or the tutorial bot. It does have the new chemicals, though. What can I do? :(


Hey Fek, how are you ? It got pretty quiet on your patreon lately. So I hope every thing is fine. Anyway, I noticed that the Bug 226 was marked green on your bug tracker. So I wondered if there is there hope for a female player "pussy hotfix" in the near future ? My sexy lab-mousey got a pretty sore ass allready, as it is the only way to harvest avianium for her right now.


My game straight up does not work anymore. I tried deleting it and re-downloading it, but it doesn't work. I think it might just be broken forever. Does anyone know what might be going wrong.


Hope things are well for you Fek, appreciate the hard work being put into this game, I can live out some of my fantasies with this &gt;:3 Keep up the good work! i really like your plans for the future!


Eager to see what Fek has in store with the next update, since he already left november out for an update. Not meant in a bad way. What i mean to say is, that i just hope that the wait will be well rewarded with a bigger update than usual. Keep up your awesome work here.


I agree. Last we heard from him was late October. Love his work, but I wish he'd communicate a bit more about what he's working on.

Kravenar Games

Notepad++... It's nice to see that is a common tool used by creators :D


is anyone else having trouble with having a vagina on a male player? (i designed a maleherm character, only for the game to not register any sexual action when the pc rides a npc. My submissive npc keeps asking if he did something wrong and "why did i stop" even though im littterally breaking his dick


i've been seeing that as well. happens when i make herms too


It's so cool furry game, I like your SCI-FI holo style of GUI. I'm going to sci-fi style in my next project too. Good luck in dev!


Hey Fek! long time viewer/player first time actually noticing you have a Patreon (I'm blind AF) I was wondering if you had Bedplay anywhere accessible! (i've played Rack 1 but need to play the rest of your games lol)


it's on the left hand side in the tags, just click on bedplay and it should take you right to it


Any word on the next release! I love the development of this game! :)


Fek doesn't really reply on Patreon, Furaffinity, or Trello. He might reply while doing streams


Do it will free?


Not complaining, just stating that this is exactly the reason why I stopped to be a patron for Fek. He is unresponsive and the game progresses MUCH MUCH slower than it actually could. I am a programmer too so I know how much time it consumes etc especially doing everything by yourself, but still a game of this caliber shouldn't take longer than 2 year even alone IF the time actually spent on development would be around 8 hours per day. <br> <br> When fek started to work on the game about 2 years ago he said himself it would take him about 2 years... that 2 years has passed, and the game is not even in half state. <br><br> As somebody who had been a patron from the very begining until recently, I sadly have seen that as he got more and more money from patrons per month, the actual development of the game slowed down more and more too.... <br><br> It is a shame tough as i like the idea a lot and he is doing a very impressive job basically, so my prolem is with the speed of the development and the way he handles his patrons (being unresponsive ) <br><br>If he would improove on those I would be a patron of his again but right now its just not worth 10$ a month for me "because I'm fickle and shallow" too. xD


i may be missing something, but where is the install/.exe file? I'd like to install and play but i can't find out where to being... any assistance would be appreciated.


Fek is doing as best as he can, if he is working alone im Very Impressed how far he has come


Also, keep in mind it's almost Christmas. We should all just leave him be till Jan for some kind of update. I don't plan on asking for an update till he goes 3 whole months without one.


yes, its all good and true. but then again, if you think about it, he got about 50.000$ FOR NOTHING. I mean, for nothing we can see, and not even a word about update to let his patreons see that he IS working on it. <br><br> My problem is not exactly with the lack of actual updates, whats an even bigger problem is that he is NOT communicating with his patrons to let know what he had done in that month with the game.


Hey Guys i have some amazing news from today. I was watching Fek's Stream and asked him when the new update comes and he told me at Christmas or shortly after Christmas. So Have a nice Christmas with your family and stay patient


He really isn't. He spends way more time doing art commissions and playing D&amp;D. Just keep track of his streams and trello. He only works on it about 4-5 days of the month. He gets a lot done on the days he does work on it, but Rack2 isn't his full time job like he says it is. That goes to commissions (which he also gets paid for). $10.00 monthly/each update is a grossly large amount to ask for since he treats it more like a side hobby instead of a job. There's a reason he doesn't communicate unless it's an update or bug in the code. He has no deadlines so he puts out a small update every 1-3 months to satisfy the people giving him money on a monthly basis. I'm one of those people, but I won't be for very long.

Aromatic Hyena

He used to stream rack 2 every day of the month, ever since player unknowns came out all its been is that, commissions and D&amp;D, I stopped supporting the moment is saw him gaming on his stream. Only drop the 10$ if the new update when it comes out. paying a monthly fee for nothing is a waste, just drop the cash when the content actually gets here. You can watch for the new update on the rack 2 website.


Finally somebody who is getting my point!

Perverted Platypus

So you mean to tell me he should not do anything else in his life but making the game? That sounds pretty ridiculous.

A Furry

@little tree, bro... give him some space to have a life. theirs more to his life then getting people off XD


Everyone needs a life and personal time, but if you're going to ask people to give you money for something you barely work on anymore and call it "full time work", it's straight dishonesty. It's looking like the gas in his engine is running out. He met his goal for the game. He should close the patreon campaign if he's not going to work on it any longer.


The simple answer is that there are many unfinished systems in place, and a lot of those unfinished systems have elements that were added solely for testing. At this early stage in development, I'm *just* starting to work on actual gameplay. Most of what I've done up to this point is just get systems ready to go.


Not yet, but this has definitely been requested a few times. Makes sure it's listed over at <a href="http://furry.science/ideas" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://furry.science/ideas</a>


Ah, sorry about that! I'm in the process of overhauling the physics system, and at low framerates, that's known to happen sometimes. Try turning some of the graphics settings down, if you can - if you can boost your framerate, it's less likely to happen! Either way, it should be resolved soon.


&gt;"if he's not going to work on it any longer." That is... quite a reach. The holiday season is always busy. In the past six weeks, I've had two Thanksgivings, a week at MFF, two birthdays, a 3-day visit from the MIL, and three Christmases. To make things a little more aggravating for my players, most of the work I did manage to squeeze in was Mac/Linux compatibility work, which I can't stream, because I'm jumping between operating systems or not using my main workstation at all. I know it's been slow, and I know I need to get better at communication, and I apologize tremendously for not keeping the pace up as fast as everyone (including me) would like. But trust me, I'm not abandoning the project. XD It's become fairly routine for me to have a slow month or two, then a highly productive month or two. In fact, that's become so routine that it's fairly common knowledge among my supporters. For supporters who prefer not to support me on my slow months: that's *completely* understandable! I have no grudges against folks who prefer to hold their pledges if they're not satisfied with the rate of development.


so is it ten for just one build or ten for any current build and whatever comes out in the future?


Good to know


Happy New Year to everyone! ;)