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Thank you all so much for your patience!

I know this build has taken longer than most previous builds, and I'm as eager as you are to get back into the swing of things. The move was a little rough, but we've got most of the major issues sorted out, and my schedule is mostly back to normal!

Here's what's new!


- Set up a tutorial framework to help guide new players through the game. Currently, it introduces basic interactions, inline dialogue, chemical conversion, research, and crafting. The rest will be done during Phase 3 - Content

- Made some more adjustments to help smooth out framerate spikes and the bugs associated with them

- Added screenshot functionality. The default hotkey for screenshots is F12.

- Cleaned up a handful of existing interactions - especially interactions that required head IK / movement, like blowjobs

- Added cunnilingus interaction

- Added facefucking interaction

- Added rimming interaction

- Added an orgasm rating monitor

- Fixed a handful of bugs:

- 0000305: [Bugs] Realtime monitors do not properly detect which is closest during interaction

- 0000304: [Bugs] Penetrator burial threshold doesn't line up properly with post-IK position

- 0000303: [Bugs] Ears scale unpredictably at low character heights

- 0000302: [Bugs] Framerate spike causes painful interaction

- 0000183: [Bugs] Dialogue breaks sometimes

- 0000285: [Bugs] Player character falls through floor

- Please continue to report and discuss bugs at: http://furry.science/reportabug/ 

Download Links:

WARNING: The links below contain ADULT CONTENT, and should not be accessed by minors or anyone who cannot legally view said content.

MAC/LINUX USERS: Unfortunately, crossplatform builds are still very buggy and unlikely to run properly, if at all. I plan on using funds from the next payment cycle to purchase test devices so I can get Mac/Linux working properly. Thank you so much for your patience; I know it's incredibly annoying to feel like second-class citizens.

WIN64:  https://mega.nz/#!NFgTBAYD!U5kodxshvsi7YLEIz6XMZAL_k2RRQ3wFmQRvM-t2LEM  

WIN32:  https://mega.nz/#!0IowRCTY!KI9c19B3cclfJBOgLyZFhHyRU1mGi5R4k6KXuTQw9_o  

MAC:  https://mega.nz/#!lUB0QJpT!vnLMxsKMMcpDgv47955KcDXNrloWuCQyW373gbocGwo  

LINUX:   https://mega.nz/#!sZJFSBDJ!pSm8xd_wvDMatBZ2zVc0jwBi8-o7Ck3qgVqeq-A9-Mk 




You work so hard! This is great!


your like some kind of legend


Woo you live! Lol I was debating if I should pause my pledge or not but here we goooooo.


This game now needs something. An EMP, a 22 pistol, or a fucking baseball bat to swat that buzzing little prick out of the sky at great velocity towards the nearest immovable object. It's not enough that I already know how to play, but now I have to listen to that high-pitched whine AND have it exhaustively walk me through what I'd like to do at my own pace or on my own time. Aaand now I can't even get rid of it in my existing save, because the research projects are gone.


does not work on mac


ive had this problem since 1.12c and the issue is the game launches and loads the screen with the storm and facility in the background with the back buttion in the top corner. i cannot navigate any thing at all, is there any registry or cache that i can delete? I have removed every version i had and had no avail. does anyone else have this issue and is there a fix or file i need to remove?


Woah! You're getting testing devices!! I'm a Mac user, and i'm really glad you're tackling the problem. Keep up the good work!


Yay! New update.


Any chance of more specific sliders in the future? Thighs, chest, triceps, etc. I'd really like one for the upper abdomen so I can make a more rounded character, instead of always looking like it has a gut or beer belly.


I mean, the patience is worth it. I know there's plenty of pissants who gripe about incremental updates and feature creep and "lol fek squeezing every penny he can out of the suckers"...this shit doesn't happen overnight. But lets be real, what's broken this time? :p


Yay!!!! New version Thx!!!!


again excellent work fek :D


Man when you post an update it's like christmas!


Vag stuff still doesn't work properly, at least for me. I am unable to pleasure the client nor myself, while the client just sits there while i go to town and is like "dude. you like gonna do something?". Also it crashes whenever i dismis a client


the face fucking is a bit wonky as my character keeps hoping into the air


The wait is so worth it! Honestly refreshing the page every day on Patreon just waiting for the post is like waiting for a paycheck... It's a great day <3 keep up the good work!


It’s turning out great! Question though, does anyone else have the problem where the nipples are just holes in the characters? I’ve had this problem since last patch, assumed this patch would fix it

Caliso the Dragon

what a great work Fek, it is amazing <3 now i know again why i am your Patreon ^^ @ Deedrix, its like christmas, eastern and birthday in once^^ (sorry my english is not the best, i hope ti is al right ;P)

Teddy Tiger

I'd love to be able to dismiss the Drone in Free Play mode. It's kinda pissing me off.


Good job‼︎ I played right away, but this update is wonderful!!!


Is it expected that we cannot load saves from the previous version? They show up, but selecting them doesn't do anything but play the selection sound - they don't run.


Anyone know how to transfer your save from one version to the next? I already had to start from scratch last time i dont want to again.


Go to where your saves are and there are 3 files for each of your characters. One file has your character specs this file should have something where it says version 2.01 or something like that i cant exactly remember but change it to the new version 2.02 an save the file go thur the other 2 files an check to see if they say they same thing somewhere (no sure if they do or not cant remember) then it should work. It worked for me but ill check it when i get home an give you more information on it


Relax. He spent time creating that to help people learn what to do. No need to be so aggressive about it xD


First off, would like to say your tails work AMAZING and rests on the ground perfectly. So cool! Right now the way that features scale on a character, it feels as though it's made that way due to the limitations of the design or game itself rather than some form of "realism" that is being forced onto it. Which well, I do not want limitations at all nor do I think it's in the best interest. I personally feel the customizability for ears, nose, jaw, cheeks, and neck are extremely limited as it feels I am choosing 3 options if not one. I think the nose should be interchangeable and resizeable by much larger margins. The ears should also be swappable, but I guess thats what importing a brand new model in is for I guess. It would probably save you a ton of work and time making parts interchangeable (extra modder friendly options) such as; ears, eyes, nose, TEETH, tongue, etc. But I do understand it might have tons of compatibility issues with how the animations n' such function. Console command like "Size" has a cap at "2", doesn't increase your size beyond that. Whats the point of console commands if they have a cap on things that don't even break the game? Can this cap be removed? Is there one for the penis and will there be? The chemical to increase size also caps the same way it seems. Last I checked, the Rack chairs were able to handle it regardless. Why remove the option or is this temporary??? It just seems like a rather mundane feature if it's only just gonna pump maybe a foot or two on the character. I'd say for many things, let the player decide when it comes to "whats gone too far". Masculinity meter is a great addition, but I think the shoulders should be able to be broader. I also believe the size of the penis should not be dictated by the species it belongs to and the scaling meter for this amongst other things is extremely limited. I think character files directory should be changeable by the user or at least somewhere where it isn't going to be deleted by a newer version of Rack 2. It would also be nice to be able to export characters sexual characteristics and preferences from the edit appearance options. Pretty sure some folks would wanna copy pasta it often or closely. CANINE EARS: Cant be pointy nor be centered even though the option is there...??? Ears are a bit bumpy and blobby when I try to make my ears 'normal' looking for a canine. The ears are just so far apart, not that it's bad it's just the option to center them doesn't seem to center themmm..... GLITCHES: -My dick goes through my back while power bottoming. -Dick piercing goes through my throat, if anything probably the dick too. x) -Cock isn't drippy after getting off of it anymore...Maybe it's just my imagination, but it was a thing I thought. -Staring a new game on Free Play at first has no save files visible under the category. Once you've saved and went back to title screen, you will find TWO save files under free mode, one from Story Mode and one from Free Mode but both will have same "progress" stats (max). It's just weird and probably should be fixed to remove the confusion. -Ears BWOOMPH in length as soon as size is altered, not that it's gonna kill me to go back and edit the ears.


About time! I mean that with respect, I've been looking forward to more from you for so long, i'm glad you're safely moved in!


I seem to have an issue where I cannot complete the drone's tutorial. I need the canidine specimen, but cannot collect so much as a drop of it.


how in the heeeell do you dismiss a client? I'm sure I overlooked it but I cannot find this to save my life.


Some good opinions there on the customization bit, though I don't believe that will be extended anytime soon. I say this as there is a dedicated content section after he works out all game play elements while the build is in phase 2


Does anybody know how to do the face fucking?


Confirmed; same unix-type file path issue still exists, and nothing useful is logged in Player.log. The workaround (at least on Linux) of creating a symlink similar to this appears to still work: # ln -s /home/$USER /$USER


You'll need to provide more context. What steps do you take to reproduce this after launching the application? I suspect you may have a character file that is no longer compatible with the game.


Set up an inversion rack, put a subject on it, select penis.


When do we get to grope the boobies?!


Ideas that I'm sure there is no shortage of: Can I touch the tiddy? And how about kissing? I think that would be a cool way to get Av. As for glitches: I'm not sure if it's a glitch but that drone really likes to get in the way of menus in character creation. Cunnilingus is wonky on the table. And animations in general on characters with both sets of genitalia really seems to put fingers places they shouldn't go. Other than that, I love it. Especially the client framework. It seems easier to please them than it has been where you do everything but one heck up and you get pennies.


My character still gets no pleasure when interaction is set to handsfree automatic, and the rack.net is picking characters that my preferences shouldn't allow, such as hermaphrodites and gynomorphic males. Also, vaginal fingering gives clients no pleasure whatsoever, though they still apparently feel pain. Also, I'm hoping there will be an option to pleasure self anywhere soon. There was a glitch a few versions ago where if I selected to pleasure self in the shower, and then hit escape, I would exit the shower but continue to masturbate while having full movement control. Nothing like flicking the bean in the middle of the street!


The tutorial is great, and I love Tutorial Drone.


That bug has officially been acknowledged and is on the list of things to figure out.


Fingers cross you will focus on fixing Mac and Linux issues next as you have stated. Last 3-4 version I couldnt even load as others have stated


Yeah... so if you already have the material research station researched, you won't be able to complete the tutorial. Is there anything I can do to end the tutorial?


my game still won't load. freezes on startup :(

Aromatic Hyena

In the amount you’ve donated you probably could have bought a PC that’s actually fitted to play games


Curious question, what software is required to run this on Linux?


If you are in hands free mode and move the mouse around without clicking and changing the speed the pleasure meter will shoot up which can cause the character to orgasm too soon.


A modern install (I run Ubuntu 16.04), a VERY GOOD graphics card (I run an nVidia 1070), and a couple of tweaks - you will need to either symlink your home directory to /, or at least create a directory in / with your user name and symlink your ~/.config directory there - this is a work around for a bug in the directory path handling in the game.


Been waiting on the Floor fix and if it works now... I'll be happy as hell.


Love the game, but I have a curiosity question, will there ever be an option to have the monitors for your interactions to be part of a hud or something. I like how they are displayed like holograms, but depending on where you move your camera, they sometimes won't be seen. Great game so far, I am eagerly anticipating seeing the rest of the game come together.


I'll download this ASAP. Mega is being a pain saying I have no bandwidth and not telling me anything else, always fun.


really enjoying this update and i hope the nxt update fixes the chair as its still a bit broke


Having an issue where whenever I start my save file it attempts to join the racknet lobby but then never actually loads so I'm stuck, any ideas?


Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but rack.net character models aren't loading for me. They like, almost load and then disappear. edit: okay so, actually it appears the models are loading, but then zoom out so far they're only like 10-20 pixels in size for some reason.


Love the game, but for the love of god please take that horrible stupid little tutorial drone out of the game. Or atleast give it a little 'X' box so you can dismissive its overly obvious advise. It makes annoying noises, and is constantly buzzing around I absolutely hate it.


The cunnilingus doesn't work for me. I can choose the interaction but after that, when i try to let my character do it, nothing happens.


Ring a ding baby