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How would you prefer I do my Full Uncut Reactions going forward? (winner of the poll does not guarantee that's how I'll do it, just want to get an idea of what people think)


Mike Ramirez

I think it’s pretty clear everyone would prefer for you to keep the full uncuts the same. But as you explained in your last post, you might be having issues with Vimeo moving forward so perhaps you should be asking “If keeping the reaction format as-is was no longer an option, which of the following would you prefer?” Unless you’re actually thinking of absorbing the cost of upgrading with Vimeo or passing along the added fees (which would be totally logical), a question without “leave everything the same” as an option might actually help with your decision.


Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out a solution to that, and if I come to the realization that I have to stop showing the movie/show, then I'd probably do the poll again but without that.


I voted don’t care anything is fine. I definitely prefer the way you do them now, but if it’s gonna be a huge hassle for you, then I don’t mind making the switch to having to sync up.

Mike Ramirez

Your second poll is pretty enlightening, actually. People seem to heavily prefer unlisted YouTube as the streaming option. Perhaps that can be the middle ground for new content moving forward? Meaning obstructed video and no audio to avoid copyright issues. I subscribe to other Patrons who do just this and I have no issues with it. Yes, your way is more convenient for probably most, but if it’s no longer feasible then we just need to adapt. Could you leave your existing Vimeo content there as-is, and change up the edit for YouTube unlisted for all future videos? At the end of the day, it’s a good problem to have that your views are growing at least? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Kelsie McGonigle

Honestly with all the Patreon people I am subscribed to the way you do your reactions is my favorite. I can still make-out the video perfectly and the audio, which I love.


If you're not worried about copyright issues and for the convenience of the average viewer, they way you do it now is great. Just click and play the video, no syncing needed. Quick and easy. For the safety and longevity of your business I'd suggest blurred footage with no audio. In the short term you might experience a slight fall-off in patreons going with this option though as some have probably come to expect the full unblurred view.

Arthur Fields

I like it the way it is now. BUT would it be possible for you to show us maybe a 1 minute sample of the other four ways so we can get a feel for how those would be.

Arthur Fields

If you did have to raise the membership price to cover Vimeo's extorti.., um, I mean exorbitant fees, how much would it be?

Radek Nohejl

Is not possible all videos with full reaction be on VIMEO just 720p (not full HD) is this help or not? Full HD can be than somewhere as a google drive.

Michele H.

Maybe two lines on top and two on the bottom…


They are being really frustrating right now and not responding to my email asking what the price would be, but I have heard from others that they were told they need to spend THOUSANDS per year for it. And they'll just keep raising it as my bandwidth goes up anyways so it's not worth it.


Only timecode isn't enough. Cause people can have different copys like blu ray, or having ads before the video. So include more syncing cues than only timecode. Visible subtitles can be an excellent way of doing it.


IF you change things, I think blurred, no sound is best. That way, any format that folks own the media would work.