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Would it bother you if I paused the show/movie I was watching to speak rather than speaking during scenes? Keep in mind that I am able to listen and speak at the same time, and I try my best to only speak when characters aren't actively talking, but some people feel as though I should pause if I wanted to say something. Let me know your thoughts please! 



Have only just joined your Patreon and found your channel again recently but the main thing I'd really like more pauses in is your Game of Thrones reactions. Not every time, just when you're saying more than a couple sentences. I feel like a show so heavy with dialogue, pauses are important. Even though you might hear what they say, I know from when I've watched it, talking about something from the previous scene or about a specific character makes you focus less on the conversation you're speaking over. You do what feels comfortable though. I just personally like pausing more with Game of Thrones in particular

Mike Ramirez

With the way you do your full length uncut reactions (embedded video & audio), I never have to worry about syncing up. I think pausing would be a great way to share your thoughts while making sure you aren’t missing some dialogue. I know you say you can do both, but I’ve noticed it as well (talking over scenes), although it doesn’t bother me so much I just assume you catch it during editing. You obviously should talk and emote otherwise we would just be staring at your blank face the whole time LOL


Well yeah that's the good thing about using headphones is that I physically can't talk over dialogue because the volume on my headphones are so loud that I'm not even hearing myself speak lol. But yeah I am more attentive when not speaking obviously but I can still understand the convo even while saying stuff as long as it's not a lot of words.

Mike Ramirez

Also, from what I see from other channels, pausing between scenes is better than in the middle of one. And the ones I see that pause just add a simple pop up countdown saying “Pausing in 5…4…3…2..1…” and then “Resuming in 5…4…3…2..1…” I would poll your followers though and see if it’s really worth editing in timers. With how little the embedded video is obstructed and the audio balance being good, I can’t imagine it’s that many that play a separate copy over yours.


You're going to need to pause here and there. I'm good with it. I think it will help you over all for editing and working through the many plot points. You're going to be introduced to soooo many new characters and places in Westeros it's crazy!


I think I just rarely do it because I'm always worried of pausing at a terrible point that completely ruins momentum built up from a prior scene. But I guess it wouldn't hurt doing it every now and then


For dialogue heavy shows I think you should pause it doesn’t bother me when you don’t pause but for something like game of thrones where a single line of dialogue could have so much meaning you should pause for sure. Thanks for asking though loving the reactions man


I’ve followed a good handful of reactors on patreon over the last few years. Yours is the only one I’ve kept a solid subscription to. You seem to be the only one who really is just reacting and added some extra dialogue when you see fit and it rarely goes over parts where the dialogue has started again. So many other reactors want to throw in this extra nonsense and seem to forget that we’re here for their reactions and they tend to start putting on more of a show then reacting. They throw in way too much dialogue and jokes that they feel they need to cram in. That format works on YouTube videos but not for full length reactions. Your reactions have always been the best for me and have rarely given me a headache for the constant talking that some need to do whenever there is a moment to fit something in. I’m all for a paused video if you have something more detailed to add. I can never get enough of your thoughts on characters and the music score with them. Keep up the great work!


I don't think you necessarily need to pause every single time you need to say something. Just try to talk when there's not other dialogue going on because even 5-10 seconds of dialogue in this show can be very important. thanks for the poll man!


I think the pausing issue you're seeing is mostly during reactions with a group. Not really with 1 or 2 people reacting. But I'm on the side of pausing and I still agree with you on not trying to add in more content

Arthur Fields

I agree with Will. It's not the length of your comments. Sometimes it's the timing. I think the only people who are bringing this up are those of us who have already seen the series once or twice and we know what gems are in the dialog. I think you are doing an amazing job. We just don't want you to miss anything.


I agree that its good to stop in dialogue driven shows like GOT. You easily miss stuff and can wonder later why Giga Chads do what they do. In nudity scenes it doesnt matter if you pause and read The Great Gatsby, because everybody is just looking titties or Aquamans butt.

Dale Lisle

I'm gonna be honest, I follow you and one other guy religiously because you both are very amazing at how you do your reactions. You don't stop constantly and when you do or if you do, it's needed. You know what to do, just keep doing you, I think you do great at it, but to each their own opinion. <3

Janet Michelle

Also shows like Mindhunter, Succession, Broadchurch or any shows where a singe sentence could be a big statement/hint/foreshadowing...any shows like those.

Scott Kerr

I say just keep doing what you're doing. You're doing a great job. Your discussion after the movie/show is great, in my opinion. There's always so much to say then.


Do what you're doing. I watch your unedited reactions along with the movie opened in another screen so i can basically be at the movie with you. Pausing it will throw everything off. Do what you got to do, but it will def cause my pause when renewing.

Christopher Hawkins

Yeah - I'm generally anti-pause because I watch the actual show in another window. The only thing I'd say is once or twice you missed an important plot point in a show/movie because you were talking. That might be an argument for a pause, but I feel like it would break your immersion to keep pausing. I think I like reactions when the person is honestly immersed, which doesn't mean not commenting.


I think I'll only pause if I have like A LOT to say that'll take more than 30 seconds or so. And to be honest I don't think I ever miss things because I am talking, sometimes I just didn't fully understand what someone meant by what they were saying lol. But I usually piece it together later on anyways so it's never a big deal for me personally. I have loud headphones so my voice is never louder than the show/movie audio anyways