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TL:DR: Ill probably just keep coding on my smex game during january.


Just a small content update. Im still very down / grieving, so its hard to get by inspiration for creative stuff atm. So after giving it some thought, I am going to just have to ride with the wind and do a bit more ''technical'' and less creative stuff as that doesnt really require too much inspiration, more so just logical thinking lol. so Ive decided that ill try my best to keep coding on my game for now, which means that gangbang animation will have to be on the backburner for a bit until I eventually get my inspiration back. 

Ive gotten a few hours done on my game already improving my npc/ ai behaviour. Ill update you guys sometime during january once Ive added in some animations for him, as hes now able to use furniture on his own \o\

Last but not least. my brain is a bit foggy so i cant remember if ive already said this, but ive also been considering starting to rig League of legends characters over time, and play around a bit with that universe. if/when that happens ill poll you guys on what chics you prefer. 



Take care and best wishes to you and your family. I cannot imagine it is something you'd ever "move on" from. Us peeps here will be supporting you all the way!


This isn't a small thing to get over. This takes time and if you need it, then take it.


I've recently watched a Ted about grief. I don't know if their content is of any interest to you, but I'll drop it here as I feel it granted me some insights: https://youtu.be/khkJkR-ipfw It's good that you're taking baby steps and that you're considering branching out. Grieve as much as you need, but remember - lingering too much in the past will affect the present. I hope 2022 will be a year of growth for you. :)