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Game to do list - 

So, for the to-do list, I am going to start on the sex system pretty much. The first part of that is how to initiate sex, or start to masturbate. Ive already gotten pretty far on the idea phase for this, and trying to make it feel ''natural''. Going over to the bed, and choosing ''fuck np name'' is kinda the thing im hoping to avoid, so ill likely try to go for more of a 

'' talk to npc > tell them to go over to specific location > Watch them go to said location > then get an option to initiate sex on location'' 

These will be pre-defined locations, like beds, couches etc. With the asking for sex option, im also going to code in a little background system/initialization system for future games, that checks what gender / sex the npc and player is also, as I expect people probably want to be able to fuck various types of npcs in future games. Including trying out different sexualities. I wont go too deep into this, but yeah. Essentially my goal for the next few days is to get the npc to go over to the bed and stay there for a while, and to give the player a fairly obvious / easy way to initiate the sex afterwards. 

The hardest part I assume will be to make the npc be able to walk to where I want them to walk, without running into a wall, but we'll see kekW. Either way I cant wait to start getting to the juicy parts soon TM, like interactions, smex, posing etc.

Game updates ive already made - 

- First of all! Ive fixed the npcs face kekW. Ive also experimented a bit with his head rotations, and also given him eye rotations, which im pretty happy with. Ill probably do the same for the female in the future. (she rotates her head, but not her eyes)


The look at rotation for the npc also ofc works in the dialog mode, which is pretty nice. Im going to make sure that mode is turned on for the player character too soonTM as it adds a tiny bit of immersion when the characters move poses. (the look at system allways looks at the npcs eye level, as a real person would)


- Fixed an issue where items that were picked out of the inventory, would appear in a default state, rather then its customized state/ look. (ex: a customized book would change back to the default parent class books look)

- fixed an issue where reading books, would not update the text of the book until you switch the page.

- fixed an issue where if the player was sitting in a chari by a table, and the table was too close to the character, the player would be pushed backwards.

- implemented a functional progress bar with points that update per reply given from a player during dialog.

- made the interaction component a bit smarter, so that it requires less extra code to work on new items/ furniture being coded into the game. (interaction component is the extra code needed for the interaction system to work. it basically tells the interaction code what items it is allowed to ''use'')

- fixed a problem where book titles werent properly displayed in read mode.

There were some more fixes ive made too, but most of these have been fairly minor but needed hotfixes essentially. 



antonio kontos

Is there a demo? Or just you keeping us in the loop


Im hoping to get a demo out next month, once the sex system is coded. Right now there isnt much to test gameplay wise


ah yes "THE SEX" i have a lot of "THE sex" :D


really looking forward to the demo release! Looks so great already from updates you post


Wow, you've been so busy! Looking like it's coming along great. Watching the video where she walks up and talk to him made me get a morrowind feel between the atmosphere and text styles ^^