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View post - https://liardart.com/commission-206/ 

Angle 1 of 2 uploaded

rant -

Finally setup a way to render on my second pc, so started rendering the second angle not too long ago. Wanted to get that setup instead of rendering on my main pc again. This will make my rendering more effective, which is great \o\ It also luckily means I can work on 1 pc while rendering on the other :D I was really slow setting this up, and should have done it a while ago, but I was so new with maya it kinda semi scared me trying to set it up, but now its done, feelsgoodman.

Anyhow, other then that, I have not yet decided on wether i want to do a christmas animation or swap, as I want to get my game as close to beta as possible during january - february, and sadly I had to spend longer then I thought on my pc setup as I managed to delete one of my favourite folders that ive filled up throughout the years. (the folder had various wall/ground and furniture textures, with lots of recoloured versions, and it had my candle light animation.) Ive managed to regain some of those files, but very few as most got corrupted. Ive given up since, and at least I am fairly happy I didnt lose my game files or maya / model save, but yeah it sucked a lot. 

but yeah, back to the point then, this week I want to try to get my games questing/ dialog system to a fully working state, and get a bit further on my item inspection system, so that I can start working on proper questlines and adding sex animations later this month or during january. I feel like I should have at least a few test quests and sex animations in the game before I allow any beta testing. 

For those wondering about beta testing, Im hoping to have the first beta pushed out sometime during late january to early march.




hot af! <3


Is there an archive somewhere? It is not practical to go through so many posts.


Use the search function on my website, it lets you filter.