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Game -

So ive started completly from scratch on a new game. So far Ive set up the world of warcraft type mouse and keyboard Wasd keybinds + zooming. Ive also started testing side walking. The animations are for the most part testing animations at the moment, so ill either clean up some of them, or completly replace them, but so far everything is working good. Ive used a lot of what I learnt from the game I was test making last year, but ive made a few changes to clean up, and simplify the code. 

For the next few days ill probably be focusing on making the walking look a bit better/natural, and adding some standing idle animations to make her feel a bit more alive. I also want to make a better zoom system, so that people can zoom in on the important parts :-)

Then I anticipate ill add an npc, or start coding the saving system again.

Animation angle delay -

So I had checked the animation on wether it looped or not, but then id made like some minor changes to tyrandes hair, and then I checked if the first and last key frame matched ,and they did. turned out though somehow the second keyframe was fucked, so ill have to reanimate the whole angle again... feelsbadman <:D



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Glad to see you're making more interactive content. What will it feature? Will it be VR compatible? Is the Genn/Sylvanas one done?


I will try to make it vr compatible for sure :) The genn x sylvanas one is technically not done, I need to finish the vr on that one, but after the vr is updated, it is done.