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Angle 5 of 5 is up!

Edit:  There is some flickering in tyrandes hair that i didnt notice... <:D so im going to have to re-render that. now im so dead tired though of my current rendering setup, that only allows me to render on the pc i work on(which means I cant work while rendering, as it requires my gpu) So, Ill delay re-rendering this angle a bit, and instead setup my second pc with maya, and rendering capabilities for this new renderer sometime later this week <:D Ill give you all a heads up when the fixed version is up.

New update - (11.07.2020)

Just 2 more renders to go now and then ill get started on my next game! Ill also finally have some time to fully finish Genn's Vision of Nzoth VR feature. (Im only missing adding motion controllers to the menu, and then its done :) )

For those who have been asking about Genns vision of Nzoth. Yes, it is for the most part finished.  Genns visions of Nzoth was only planned as an 'Interactive scene'. (Aka, its only supposed to play animations, and let you view them form different angles.) some people have asked me if I plan on adding walking/gameplay to that scene, so to clear things up. No, its only meant to be an animation viewer. My next game however will be an actual game, so youll probably be more interested in that. 

summary of some game features - 

This new game will feature a small map, with a player character(Night elf female) that can walk around, and interact with another npc(Night elf Male)(talking to, having sex, generally interacting with.) The game features are inspired by games like amnesia, before the storm, telltale games, red dead redemption(npcs) etc. In its rawest form, the game will have walking, sex, multiple choice dialogue, a mood system for the npc(The dialogue options the player choose will change the npcs mood.) A tiny bit more linear sex with a start and finish, dialogue during sex that is not randomized, an npc who walks around, and interacts with his enviorment, 1-3 outfits for both characters. (lingerie, fully nude and fully clothed options etc) voice actors for the moans. (Likely not for the dialogue due to the multiple choice, but we'll see.) , simple objectives/quests.

im one person, so I wont be able to do anything ground breaking gameplay wise, but I have planned the game to feel like a little short story with sex that will be more linear, with a start and finish. (No cum though as I am a newbeginner with unreal engine, and cum/liquids like that are not well documented + its intermediate. Ill do my best to see if I can fake cum, but its not priority for this next game.)

Last but not least, I will start working on a 'character' swapping option, but I am unsure if this game will allow actual character swapping or not. I am instead considering adding a third character whom can be swapped later down the line, as I have a bit of a story planned for this game. 

Old Update - (08.07.2020)

Rendering has taken a while, mostly due to me completly failing, and not noticing issues until I have finished rendering. I seriously need to get better at doing quick dirty renders to check for flaws before I start the actual renders. so far ive re-rendered both angles 2-3 times, and each render takes 10 or so hours minimum, so ive wasted a lot of time on this...

I am going to do my best to make sure I get my workflow fixed on the last 2 angles <:D... 

The last 2 angles will be a close up on tyrande, and a angle showing all 3 couples + a pregnant version of the big angle! :) After im done rendering this commission, ill start right away on my new game, I really need a break from rendering xD




Nice anim, just a little question: Do you have an archive of your content somehow and when not are you planning on adding one some time? Especially for your older content, because downloading all anims/pics from your page one by one is pretty time consuming.


I dont plan on doing 1 big archive, due to how easily it can be shared around, making my efforts to keep my content on patreon void, however I do plan on eventually doing a single download button on a per post page basis, so people can easily download all angles/ full post contents, I just need to get time to set it up, and add it to posts. sadly I have to do it manually , so its going to be a lot of work, hence why its not fully priority right now, but it will be eventually.


About time Shandris got a good seeing to, she looks great,nice job my man


I remember when I first joined on and I'd gone through so many posts one by one to look at everything. :) One option that might be considered would be to send out monthly archives. Some artists I follow send out links to Patrons via DMs, wonder if it's a feature for creators to mass-DM.


it is a feature, but people can share the archive. I might setup a easier archive on my website, but itll take a while to get done, so I cant prioritise it yet sadly. I appreciate the feedback though :)


awesome work, as always!


Mega awesome! Thank you. Love the preg variant too