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I am currently at a comfortable price range with my model commissions, compared to how many hours they equire vs the price.

My animation commissions though take 3 times the time to create compared to a model commission, but costs half the amount. Due to this, I have adjusted my prices a bit again. 

Ive adjusted it in 2 places. So cost per character animated, is heightened by 20 dollar. Ive also added an additional cost of 50 dollar mandatory per commission.

General price examples -

1 character masturbating.  (50+70+10) = 130 dollar.

2 characters would be - (50+70+70+20) = 210.

I allways feel bad when upping prices, but as im a norwegian, and we have high taxes + high prices on everything, I need that extra money to not go broke mid month. Especially considering the fact that I work on animation commissions for up to a week, means that I really just have to heighten the prices.

Anyhow. With increased prices, I am also increasing the range of your discounts. 

The minimum discounts will be increased to 220 dollar, and the max discount will be anything above 220 dollar.


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