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championing through model commissions before I go back to work on my game this weekend. \o\

Also, ive installed the new renderer in maya, that I used to create the dragon harem animation in 3ds max. + a texturing plugin thatll make it easier for me to migrate programs. So im closer to my new years wish, which is to leave 3ds max for maya :D Now I can properly render in Maya.(renderer keeps crashing in 3ds max, but works perfectly in maya which is a plus)

Just need to figure out some animation stuff + physics for tiddies, and some minor texturing stuff and then im good to go. My goal is to have fully moved over to maya by April this year. 




Thats nice ! But the boobs could be bigger, i Love big boobs


Your custom hairstyles are great! It's a shame that Blizz is too lazy to add hairstyles like this (not to say that this isn't hard work).


She looks really good :)