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video link -   https://gyazo.com/86812fae225b5f0211076e29a1f45d7f 

10+ hours later, and I am now able to make choice based dialog, that by the end leads to the next storyline objective. There was some bugs I had to sort out, but the dialog itself seems to work out very nicely now. the npc is able to differenciate between you starting a new quest, or wether youre on a quest/going to complete it. If you try to interact with him without finishing the quest youre on, he opens a secondary dialog like in world of warcraft, where they ask if youve done the quest objectives or not. 

once an objective/quest is complete, you can go back to him and finish it. After that, you will get a new conversation/objective to do depending on what ive set up. 

this system is currently missing the background point system it needs though to change his mood. (every reply you give, should give you better chances of either sensual sex or more hardcore sex. )

Good part about this though is that I make a dialog tree like this on a quest basis, so all of the dialog will be custom for each quest, and since ive already done the coding, i just have to copy/paste these nodes, and change the text for it. In the background, before each conversation, it loads the quest, which loads the dialog tree that belongs to said quest, which makes my life easier :D



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Is there a plan in future to implement various sexualities? I'm guessing right now the plan is to focus on the two hetero characters.


That's so awesome! Really impressive work you have going on.


Yeah eventually. Mostly skipping it for this project to spare time. Same goes for character creation.