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Emergence 2.11a

                                       – o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

Genesis glanced up, the sight of the Bio-Ship just outside the fence taking off into the night sky of Happy Harbor catching his attention. As the ship vanished into the distance, his gaze shifted to the floating figure of Miss Martian as she cast her own glance back down, before flying through an open window back into the school.

So far, so good, the thirteen-year old thought to himself. He worked his fingers at his sides, flexing them as he kept his head on a swivel. He couldn’t afford to get distracted, considering how serious this mission was but being on perimeter watch wasn’t exactly exciting.

A minute or two passed this way, and Zeke took it upon himself to follow up on an earlier order, taking a moment to focus on the slight push he felt in his head.

[Genesis at the front door, reporting as ordered.] A pause followed his announcement — a silence Zeke had come to anticipate. Then, a sharp, almost palpable sensation resonated within his mind.

[Understood]. A response.

The mental voice of Aqualad echoed in his mind, as taciturn and terse as ever, but also a tad strained as if the team leader was multitasking or… irritated. He could never be sure with Aqualad, really. The blond Atlantean always seemed to have a slight chip on his shoulder, but to be fair, he did have to herd around a team far less mature and focused than he seemed to be. [Report again in ten minutes or if anything seems out of the ordinary.]

Genesis mentally nodded, the concept of the non-motion somehow perfectly transmitted through the link. [Understood, boss.]

As boring as it was, being outside and alone did allow a lot of time for certain things.

Like thinking about all sorts of stuff, for one.

Namely, the sudden animosity that seemed to have taken over half the team with the addition of their newest member.

Artemis — and something about that name was still familiar — seemed to have managed to antagonize both Miss Martian and Kid Flash in just the last hour and a half, the majority of that in the last ten minutes of the mission somehow. Wally was actively antagonistic right back and the reason for his attitude was obvious but Miss Martian on the other hand…

Zeke wasn’t really sure what was going on there, and he also didn’t really think asking the green girl would get him anything truthful. Maybe she felt threatened not being the only girl on the team or something. That sounded as good of a reason as any but still… that one would need some more investigation.

Pretending not to notice the team's dysfunction seemed to be Aqualad's chosen method of dealing with it, at least until a time when they weren't on a critical mission. Rather than confront the three of his teammates, Kaldur had simply decided to separate one from the other two and the easiest way to do that…

…was sending her out on perimeter duty with me apparently. Zeke had been confused by that, especially when he'd been told he had front door duty.

Right out and in front was where his team leader wanted him, for some reason. That hadn't made much sense, and just as soon as Zeke was about to mentally voice that exact statement, Kaldur had been gracious enough to offer him an explanation.

                                          – o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

[Range, survivability, speed and evasion], Aqualad's voice rang across the mind link, the slight, authoritative tone in his speaking voice carrying almost a physical weight through a mental connection.

Genesis simply raised an eyebrow, not at all following his team leader's non-sequitur. [I don't ge-]

[Within his powers, Superboy has survivability and speed. Even if he were to be attacked, there is very little that could do him harm I imagine an assassin could have on hand and he is able to provide defense against anything that Robin… might be unable to handle], Aqualad announced through the link as he stood by the entrance to the school in front of him. [That’s why he is to go with Robin to pursue the Fog.]

The subtle sense of pride mixed with frustration that came through the link from a specific member didn't go unnoticed by anyone in the link. Zeke chose to ignore the conflicted emotions unconsciously projected by his gruff team member, focusing his attention on their leader as he continued. [Range and agility rests in Artemis' skillet. She can attack from afar and is well trained enough to avoid most attacks on her person.]

Zeke blinked, tilting his head slightly to the right. [And I…], he began only to trail off nearly immediately, already realizing where Kaldur was going.

[You possess both range, survivability, and speed], Kaldur announced with a final-looking nod. [I find those traits sufficient enough for me to grant you the position of overwatch. At confirmed sign of enemy approach, you initiate at range and inform the Team for backup. Understood?]

The thirteen-year old gave the taller teen a nod to match his own, parroting his words right back at him. [Understood.]

With that said, Kaldur gave the three of them another nod, Artemis and Superboy splitting in opposite directions as Ezekiel craned his head up to look at the roof. Even with that explanation, he still couldn't help but feel not exactly sure about this. However, there was something slightly more important than his misgivings weighing on him at this particular moment. …How am I supposed to kill time?

                                            – o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

Granted, he would have expected Miss Martian to be on outside duty, but asking that had only given him an explanation that he couldn’t reasonably find a problem with.

Durable as she is, Miss Martian is susceptible and specifically vulnerable to a great deal of attacks, especially compared to you or Superboy, Zeke recalled, mulling over Aqualad’s words. If a shock or fire-based attack incapacitates her, we are left without telepathic communication entirely. It was solid logic, and honestly, the pre-teen didn’t see himself arguing against it in any way that didn’t sound like whining like an annoying kid.

So, as much as he didn’t like it, he had to guard the front door while Artemis was on overwatch on the rooftop by the back entrance. What better place for a normal girl with an arrow, right? It made sense, it really did.

Sighing, he brushed off the unwanted thoughts and leaned back against the front entrance of the building. His gaze roamed across the school grounds stretching before him, the empty landscape not even offering the slightest hint of trouble.

His lips curved into a grin as he let out an impressed whistle under his breath. Barely five feet tall and in all blue and white, he must have appeared like the strangest night guard ever. Still, he was a night guard.

No sir, nothing's slipping past me. Not on my—

His train of thought halted abruptly as a shiver shot down his spine.

Genesis jerked his head from side to side, a knot of nerves tightening in his gut, only to be met with empty air. Weird he mused, brushing off the unusual sensation as he resumed his visual scan around the ground. His body relaxed slightly, but it wasn't long before his nose twitched, an unfamiliar scent pricking at his senses. Is that...?

His eyes darted to the side, tracking the harsh aroma. An instant later, those same eyes widened and his heartbeat pounded in his ears as they landed on something utterly unexpected. "Holy sh—"

A solitary figure stood several meters away from him, perched against the fence and leaning backwards. The light from a lamppost shone down directly on him, plunging his face into shadow as a lit cigarette danced between his fingers.

The stranger had no business being here.

It wasn't merely the sudden and out-of-nowhere appearance of the man that rendered him out of place. No, it was something more than that, a disconcerting feeling that Zeke found it hard to put a finger on.

The man looked like he had seen more than his fair share of years, the craggy lines on his face and the stubble dusting his jaw suggesting that the man was possibly in his mid-thirties. Streaks of white threaded through his close-shorn hair at the temples but his body was sturdy, his physique obviously that of a man who kept himself in shape. Dog-tags clinked around his neck, partially obscured by the simple black t-shirt he wore, the shirt itself partly hidden underneath a long, dark gray trench coat

On the surface, the man seemed ordinary.

Maybe a random bum smoking at his old high-school, drunk or whatever.

But something about this guy just felt 'off' to the thirteen-year-old.

Like his brain was telling him that this guy wasn’t normal.

Not wrong, or anything.

Just… off.

Genesis couldn't pinpoint what left him feeling uneasy. But it was there still, poking at the back of his mind…

When the man's gaze finally rose towards Zeke, he felt himself swallow instinctively. His body tensed and the young teen held his breath. Observe.

Kyle Abbot Lv ??

The Demon’s Hound




The Demon’s Hound… The title was enough to send his head spinning, the fact that he couldn’t see the man’s level was another worry. The only people whose levels he hadn’t been able to spot immediately were either long-time heroes, their rather powerful sidekicks or really tough villains. His thoughts focused on that piece of information, mind racing as he realized that this man was far stronger and more dangerous than he looked. Who is this guy?

Suddenly, the stranger let out a humorless chuckle, a raspy, smoky sound that sent shivers down Zeke's spine even as far away as the man was. The sound echoed around the empty parking lot the man stood in, the boy taking an instinctive step back before he realized it.


Before he could elaborate on his situation, Aqualad’s commanding voice cut him off through the link, adding a new wrinkle to the situation. [Miss Martian, Kid, Genesis, Artemis, we are under attack in the computer lab.]

Zeke closed his hands into fists, refusing to shut his eyes in case he lost track of the man in front of him. [I don’t think I’m gonna be able to help there.]

[Are you… under attack?] Aqualad asked him, his mental voice sounding a bit more strained, and not simply from stress. That’s not good.

It definitely was not. Aqualad was an Atlantean, and probably one of their tougher ones, given that he was Aquaman’s sidekick. Anything that could work him over would steamroll him, most likely.

Artemis, without a doubt.

That left only Miss Martian and Kid Flash, and he didn’t have a whole lot of faith in KF.

The preteen felt his eye twitch. [Not… not yet.]

Mission Gained!

Hound of Hell

Kyle Abbot has decided to confront you under the light of a waxing moon. He’s suspicious and weird, but remember, as a member of the League of Shadows, he's not your everyday walk-in-the-park kind of villain.


Defeat Kyle Abbot

Success: 10000 XP, Increased reputation with Batman, +1 to [Martial Arts]

Failure: Full Moon Fever, Death(?)

Bonus Objective:

Defeat Kyle Abbot without causing noticeable property damage.

[Scratch that. Come now! Come n-]

"I wasn’t even supposed to be here, you know?" the man finally asked, his voice gravelly and rough enough to focus Zeke’s attention fully on him. Everything he said sounded like a threat, somehow. The man took another puff from his cigarette, the tip flaring up in the night as the smoke snaked its way into the sky.

Zeke blinked. “What are you t-” Shut up!

By force of will, the sidekick clamped down on the heated comment that nearly slipped out of his mouth. Don’t piss him off. Just keep him talking and stall. He glanced between the man and his lit cigarette, a plan already piecing itself together in his head. He didn't know what was going on, but he certainly knew why this guy was here if the rest of the team was already under attack. “...okay?”

He took a deep puff from his cigarette, before dropping it to the ground. The orange glow of the tip flared in the darkness, as his now-free hand reached into his jacket. “This isn’t personal, by the way.”

Genesis felt himself tense, his body ready to move even as he spoke the words he knew were unnecessary. “What isn’t p-”

The man let out a loud growl, a vicious bestial noise that sucked the words from Zeke's mouth just as Abbot charged forward at the same instant. His eyes widened as the man seemed to shift into high gear from a standstill, his body nearly a blur. Abbot’s coat flared out behind him, billowing like a cape as he lunged forward.

He leapt, and the boy saw what he had reached into his jacket for.

A dagger, sharp and gleaming.

It flew.

In a frozen moment of realization, Genesis saw the knife hurtle towards him, straight and true. Abbot hadn’t wasted a moment in throwing it the very same second he left the ground, his arm strong and his aim true.

Zeke's reflexes snapped into gear, adrenaline pumping hot and heavy in his veins. The sharp tang of fear was a jolt, compelling him to move, to twist away from the hurtling blade.

Instinct took over.

He was in motion even before he knew it.

His body hurled itself in a sudden, frantic dive to the side, narrowly evading the dagger as it sliced through the air. His heart hammered against his ribs, a wild drumbeat he could hear in his ears. The sidekick curled into a roll, thankful for his suit as his knees met the rough ground before springing back onto his feet.

Genesis was barely upright when pain seared across his arm, a series of burning lines traced by unseen claws. The sudden, sharp sensation had him crying out, the sound torn from his throat before he could stifle it. His eyes darted down to his arm. Scratches — deep, raw and bleeding — had been carved into his flesh, the claws that had done the damage shredding through his new jacket like it was nothing more than tissue paper.


Resistance: slashing Lvl Up!


His mind was a whirlwind of panic and pain. "Shi-Fuc-God!"

The words were out of his mouth as fast as he could think them, half-formed and hurried, his voice echoing through the otherwise still night. Panic made his mouth move as fast as his adrenaline-charged body, spitting out words as he spun around and jumped back and away from Abbot. Superhuman leap carrying him across the concrete, his gloved hands surged with blue energy the moment he took to the air, mana pulsating and crackling as it licked against his fingers.

Without another thought, Genesis extended his arms, the blue energy swirling within his palms released in a wide arc. His scream — unintelligible and raw — filled the night air as he channeled as much force as he could manage into the attack. The blue energy, fierce and wild, rocketed from his hands as he pumped his arms like a madman, leaving streaks of cobalt in its wake. He screamed with every motion of his arms as it all rained down on Abbot, the man’s body momentarily lost under the storm of energy. The boy didn’t stop even as his wild assault tore through the foliage that had surrounded Abbot, shredding through the once well-trimmed bushes with ease.

Just as he was preparing to unleash something even stronger than half-formed Mana Bursts, a sound cut through the night — a yelp, like a wounded animal, loud and clear.

Genesis faltered, the noise ringing in his ears and making his heart skip a beat. His breath heaved in his chest, slight fear making his limbs tremble. He couldn't afford to let his guard down, and he certainly wasn’t going to.. Zeke kept his hands raised as the energy at his fingertips dimmed, but he didn’t dare let it leave completely.

It hovered there, ready to spring to full power at the faintest hint of danger.

The haze of blue light slowly faded, revealing the battleground. His mood raised at the roughed-up sight of Abbot — the man’s shirt ripped apart, his chest an ugly canvas of bruises as he stood hunched over, one dark-clawed hand gripping at the wound above one eye, bruised and dripping with blood.

“What the…” Hell?

Abbot had… changed.

The man’s sclera had turned a demonic pitch black, a chilling contrast to the tiny white pupil that stared back at him from his one visible eye. His face was narrowed, nose protruding, ears pointed and teeth far sharper than before as he bared them in a vicious grimace, accompanied by distinctly pointed canines that brought the image of a predator to mind. Zeke’s eyes darted to Abbot's hand — elongated, clawed, and smeared with blood.

Reality sunk in, fear fighting for a place in his thoughts that was quickly beaten back down by Gamer’s Mind. Despite the lack of fear, Genesis found himself frozen to the spot, his eyes locked onto Abbot's as his mind raced for an answer. Vampire? Zeke’s own eyes widened in shock at the idea, before relaxing slightly as a thought passed through his mind. No. Demon’s Hound… Werewolf!

The sidekick relaxed a bit more only to tense up an instant later as another thought occurred to him. Wait, that’s no better! I’m still screwed.

“Heh… alright,” Abbot spoke again, his voice possessing a much lower timbre and far more guttural, more a growl than proper human speech. “That’s first blood.”

Zeke swallowed, feeling his heart pound against his ribs. And now, he wants last. He could feel a chill crawling up his spine. His hands rose again, fingers glowing with the familiar blue light, ready for the next round.

But Abbot didn't attack.

Instead, the assassin simply straightened up, his transformation receding along with his movement, flesh rippling back to something more human as the man rose to his full height. Even still, blood still poured down his brow, his wound untouched by the reversal of his transformation. If anything... it seemed worse. 

"We'll settle this later." The assassin flashed him a wolfy grin, displaying canines sharper than the average person's. "You're a better fight than you look."

The boy felt his eyebrows raise, a clear surprise filling him both inside and out as he mouthed the man's words before blurting out a confused, “Later? What?!”


Zeke jerked his head to the side, eyes widening at the sudden call of his name. Kid Flash rushed through the front door of the building, Miss Martian flying right behind him —  Artemis, Aqualad and the audibly complaining form of Dr. Serling Roquette floating behind the green girl in a telekinetic carry.

“Guys! I need your help! This guy-” Zeke jerks his head back to face his opponent, only to see an empty parking lot.“...is gone.”

Zeke stared down at a small puddle of blood, and scraps of torn black fabric on the concrete where Kyle Abbot previously stood.



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