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Hi everyone!

We hope you've been enjoying Damocles Gaze!

That post title is a handful but it's actually quite comprehensive! Here are the details on each point:

We have a new website for you to claim your games on! You can go on https://punkcake.club, log in with Patreon and claim Damocles Gaze now! All our next games will be accessible through this website from now on. This website was made by Bigaston whom we thank very much for his work! Bigaston has french podcasts about games and game-makers which we recommend if you understand french! We'll be making the website a little prettier when we get a minute for it!

We'll be doing an AMA session on Thursday at 6pm CEST for Damocles Gaze! It will be happening on our Discord server in the Patreon-exclusive #ask-us-anything channel! I will do my best to answer your questions about the game and its development! Make sure to have your Discord account linked in your Patreon settings to have access to the channel!

Our next game is in its last stretch of development! It's called Spectrum Forces and it's a horizontal shoot-em-up where you have 3 levels to complete and 9 pilots to complete them. For each level you'll have to make up your squadron of up to 4 pilots to put on the job, and then you'll control them all together. Do your best to dodge bullets, and get through the level to the boss if you can! We're aiming for a release on the 20th, stay tuned!

November will be a bit of a special month! First of all, you won't get charged on the first of the month, we'll set the Patreon on pause for just a few days over the time when you're usually charged. Second, no new PUNKCAKE game for November, that's why you're not getting charged. Instead we'll finally be doing the Steam releases, and hopefully we'll manage to get the Mac and Linux ports done as well! We'll also update Antecrypt with a brand new OST by Pentadrangle, and speaking of which, Pentadrangle will be releasing the OSTs of all the PUNKCAKE games on his Bandcamp! So. It's not quite a break for us, but it will give us the time to get all that stuff out of the way and we should be able to get back to our rhythm of releasing a game on every 10th of the month. We will have a new game for you in December! Oh and for those who didn't get the memo, you will be getting a Steam key for the games you already own, whether you got em from the Patreon or directly from itch io. More info on that when the releases happen!

Finally, t'is the spooky month of October, and it so happens that every game we've released so far can be considered at least somewhat spooky in one way or another. That's why we felt it was relevant to have all our game go on sale at 20% off for the second half of October, from the 15th up to November 1st! (except Spectrum Forces, we're not doing launch sales)

Ok, I think that's it! Thank you all so much for your support and your following, this project has been pretty crazy so far but we don't intend on stopping now!

See you soon for Spectrum Forces!

EDIT: We're pushing back the release date for Spectrum Forces from the 20th to the 25th! The extra days should make sure we get to finish the game properly! Thank you for your patience!!




Cool to hear you're taking some "time off" to release the games on steam. We will get steam keys? I'm sure it's explained somewhere but I don't remember now haha


Yes you will! You will get a Steam key for each of our games that you already own, whether you got it from the Patreon or bought it on itch io. :)