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Hi all! Rémy here!

My apologies for the delays on this one, it has been a wild ride and I'm definitely guilty of having been over-ambitious with it. But it's here! Damocles Gaze, a radical 12-min roguelite action shooter!


And! We have our brand new website for redeeming it! You can go to https://punkcake.club/ and connect with Patreon by clicking the big "Patreon" and you should be able to redeem the game if you're a Patreon subscriber! You might need to try a second time before it works, it's still a little rough around the edges. If you can't get your key, please send us a message here on Patreon or on Discord!

Thank you all for your patience with this one! We hope you enjoy the game!!



Damocles Gaze 👁 Release Trailer

⌛ Get Damocles Gaze: https://punkcake.itch.io/damocles-gaze 💖 Get the PUNKCAKE subscription: https://patreon.com/punkcake



Love the game so far! Is the v1.1 patch available on Patreon? It seems like I can only download the original build, but maybe I am doing something wrong


The 1.0 version is no longer available, so it's the 1.1 patch you can download through Itch, even from Patreon. :)