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The update is now live! The new rewards are available to the appropriate tiers! Most notably...

5$+ supporters may now claim access to the Pico-8 Doodle Trove!

8$+ supporters may now claim access to the Abandoned Projects Trove and to the Work-In-Progress Projects!

The Pico-8 Doodle Trove will be updated every time a new Pico-8 Doodle is made. (it already contains this Patreon update doodle of course)

The abandoned projects and work-in-progress will get updated when I decide that a new project can be considered as abandoned or that a project I'm working on is in a shareable state. (please note that I did not take account of that last criteria for the initial upload)

I also updated the monthly goal thing and so the January goal is 400$ of pledges by the end of the month. If we reach it, I will be making something in 24 hours, you'll get to choose what and this time I'll do it during the first week of the next month!

And just so you know, I'm hoping to publish the first write-up of the year sometime next week!

Take care!



Tim S

Woo! I like the troves. It feels like I'm raiding a secret treasure room.