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Hi everyone!

I've been having a bit of a rough week as I apparently am still recovering from the particularly stressful last few months of 2017. Also I was a bit sick and wanted to stay in bed all day. (I didn't but I ended up procrastinating a lot instead because I couldn't focus on anything)

Anyway, I did do some work anyway! Most of all I decided what rewards would go to what tier and I did those icons you can see rotate in the gif above.

Now I'm working on the announcement doodle (as is the custom) and then I'll have to prepare the different troves, (Pico-8 Doodles, abandoned projects, and on-going projects) which will be hosted on Itch.io through the Patreon API integration, as promised!

I also decided that I would be aiming for at least two new write-ups every month (not including the weekly recaps of course) and as stated in the last weekly Recaps at least one game release every month as well.

I wanted to share the new rewards/tiers with you so I might get your thoughts on them, particularly if there's anything that would bother you in any way:

The tiers are cumulative (every tier gets all the rewards from the tiers before it)

1$ ! Helper !
- Patreon exclusive updates

3$ !! Super Helper !!
- Name in credits on both articles and games

5$ !! Hyper Helper !!
- Early look at the articles + exclusive extra notes
- Access to exclusive Pico-8 Doodle trove (source files)

8$ !! Mega Helper !!
- Access to unfinished projects trove
- Access to work-in-progress project(s)

16$ !!! Ultra Helper !!!
- Special mention in article credits

50$ !!!! Helper Overlord !!!!
- Monthly pico-8 doodle commission

Let me know what you think!

I'm hoping I can publish and announce the changes tomorrow but I'm not sure I'll have enough time so it just might come sometime during the week-end instead.

Unrelated but I'm also hoping to do the official announcement for Tiny-TV Jam 2 on Sunday or Monday!

Thanks for reading! Tell me what you think about the rewards!

Take care everyone!



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