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Hi everyone!

So I got back from my restful week-end and I'm almost (if not completely) done with smoothing out the bugs of "Invaders... From Space!" !

Therefore, the weekly recap should be coming tomorrow!

But the actual reason I'm writing this before going to bed is that there's two brand new (free) games that I want to share with you!

First, good friend Jakub Wasilewski finally released Dank Tomb, his mega-tech-demo-puzzle-game that's super pretty and actually stunning from a lot of different point of views! I didn't get to play it yet but after all the time and effort he put into it I think it's impossible that it's any kind of bad. So check it out!!

Second game is Nicky Case's The Evolution Of Trust! Very different kind of game, this is actually a very interesting social phenomenon put into game form. As usual from Nicky Case, the subject is something you've probably seen / had to deal with in your life and the execution of the game is very much on point. You also get free game theory lessons and that's cool. So check it out too!! 

Thanks, have a good one!


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