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Hi everyone!

'Invaders... From Space!' is feature-complete!!!

It even has a translation system and a french translation! (showcased in the gif)

Also a tutorial, leaderboards, gif making and sharing, ads, a watch-ad-to-continue button and many other cool things that were quite painful to make happen!

Feature-complete doesn't mean problem-free though, and I'll probably have to do one last pass on the game sometime in the next few days after "a solid QA" is done.

But basically, it's done!! \o/

(we have a tentative release date on the 29th of August, gotta get verified by Apple first tho)

So what now??

You may have guessed it but I'm super tired and I need rest really bad. So I can't really promise content for the week-end. But next week, we're back on track!! First I'll be catching up on the procgen implementations + the article, then the June goal article about code architecture and then I'm back to work on Flying Pop-Pop along with the regular Doodle Insights and 'What Magic Is That?', and then Gar's Den 2 (???).

Now, I do want to say that this contract with The Frosty Pop Corps went really well overall and they've been super nice to me and they would be interested in working with me some more in the future. We agreed that this would happen but only on a much more flexible part-time basis that would let me keep on working on my stuff and in particular the articles. So that's pretty good actually!

The money I'll be getting from that will mostly serve to pay rent, food, water, electricity, but also new equipment (maybe an OP-1??) and marketing for my own next commercial release! (and possibly event trips but I'm conflicted on that one cause they're really expensive)

Ok that's it! Please look forward to the Weekly Recap on Monday and have a super nice week-end!

Love you all! Take care!




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