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this is the new post for this book...trying to get the chapters to show in order so this is a test


Silver Beard

C95 Caught up; thanks for sharing.

Silver Beard

C97: "he would commender" [Commandeer]; what a pain to search for by the way! Maybe it's my accent. Looking forward to an exploration arc. With his new Sensors could be some good stuff to find that nobody or nothing has ever given a passing glance. How many asteriods, comets, etc cross the sky that we just assume are solid chunks of rock; but if we could see them completely in 3D?


yeah his little ship is quickly becoming OP. he just needs to find a good power source for weapons and the venom bots


As he searches for his brother he is going to figure some things out with the sensors and subspace. The next step for him is being able to travel faster than everyone else

Silver Beard

C99: Maybe a warning for this kind of cliff-hanger would be appreciated. "Don't read until it's over" or something...even if it takes a few weeks. Enjoyed it though. Seems like he's going to win easily. Might lose a couple Marines to the terminator bots...might be for the best to leave the ship scattered debris for the other Diamond Ranker to find.

Silver Beard

I liked the idea of another depot to pillage but it'd likely be too dangerous. He's got the means and funds to run a long while.


Yeah I haven’t decided his losses yet from the encounter….will do it when I do the MC pov for the battle next chapter. But he will have Hanson’s ship to salvage….mostly thinking getting the stealth tech, some weapons and some desperately needed efficient power cores

Silver Beard

ROFL- then he could go back to passenger lining for top execs and select military types. Likely need to work out a special dispensation of some kind. IF he figures it out he'll not be any less 'Wanted' but more...by everyone.

Silver Beard

Yes with the power cores... I like the idea of a chase into the unknown only to double back and for the top bitch to get a long-delayed signal that the Void Pheonix put into port...3 weeks...6 months away.

Silver Beard

He should give the stealth ship salvage to the Tiriani; wasn't one of his goals to potentially sell tech they couldn't get on their own? Let them have the head-ache; build good-will... and leave once the computer cores are salvaged, modified, or destroyed. Be a nice welcome present for the bitch sure to follow. Just declare the Brotherhood humanist... that will go a long way


Spoilers follow……The authors goal is when he finds and rescues his brother (and Nila) he will have figured out the various subspace layers, so the return trip will be quick but his ship needs to slowly increase in power power along the way….after all the Malevolents are coming

Silver Beard

101... waiting on 102


Just got back from picking up the parents at airport…maybe 3 hours till post but will be tonight

Aaron Banta

If he ever gets rid of the disguise he can ditch the old cargo shuttle. I kinda think that he should create a bot bay by the cradle, then the fighters would be back in the bays for fast deployment. It's not like the bots need life support.


That is an excellent idea. He did add defenses aft by converting a rarely used corridor. Two points to Gryffindor!...I mean Aaron

Silver Beard

chpt 109... time to talk FAMILY. Squirrel race likely resonate will with concept of family. That he's chasing a lost brother will do well. Might even get him an invitation to be considered 'extended' family with the Squirrel in general. That's my 2 cents


my current thought is he helps them beyond expectations (already has really) and they send a small group of scientists with him to work on the subspace data

Silver Beard

111... nice cliff; little short.

Avery Duval

i think you forgot to post ch. 112


I would realy like for him to get a new ship 👍

David Tawater

ive enjoyed this story and cant wait for more chapters


Thanks it’s a pretty fun ride. Lots of interesting stuff happening with the MC soon. And new tech…

David Tawater

Can you fix one teensy weensy peice of this world? The real life furball on this ship NEEEEEDS a suit. Literally for the entire life of this puppy he see all of every other species gain a suit..hell even the squirrels get a suit. Team puppy panzer strike suit please?!?!?!?


Zed needs an attack suit? Definitely can get him a skin suit but having a dog with weapons sounds dangerous

Silver Beard

125...loving it. Thanks for sharing. Getting real close to the big deal. I like the idea of a generation ship- Sylvan 'city' ships don't seem so far-fetched as your crew outgrows and multiplies. Maybe get the Alliance to work on it 'under the radar'...10 years out.


the next two chapters will have some major plot elements. but no spoilers. i got kind of attached to the Void Phoenix but I do think the Squirrel are going to come through and gift the MC with a cruiser so probably a time jump there while it is being built.....just need to get that pesky Rae'Ver out of the system

Silver Beard

127..not remembering additional passengers beyond the Gian's exodus. What gets me though is surely the kids talked about the super short hop from home. Doesn't take a spy to do a little math...and go a little nuts! Already precedent for line of deduction


I think there was three left over Union recruits that didn’t past the psych evaluation and were loyal to Admiral Dyson

Silver Beard

Hoping for something a bit more robust. Cruiser doesn't seem big enough to land/dock the Void Pheonix. Wanting to keep the old gal is fine; but she's had her day. Going to need better for what's coming.

Silver Beard

Seems like a lot of time spent of space management; truth, needs a ship that you can focus on how much firepower you can fit into it until it pops. A dreadnaught/carrier seems perfect. Lots of room for all the alien sensors/shields likely critical in coming fights

Silver Beard

I confess I'm not excited about this next arc. Lots of threads to pull on...Void Pheonix just one of many.

Silver Beard

Why needs the bigger ship...needs an out IF the plot gets too convoluted.


the 'rescue' of his brother should be in the next two chapters. the different forces out there will be getting into a fairly big conflict in next arc while the true enemy moves closer---can they come together to face it together??

Silver Beard

That totally sucks brother lives...more BS Drama to come. Kinda hoping he'd find dedicated corpse to return home...they deserve it.

Silver Beard

129; thanks for sharing. What a mess. The nice, quiet extraction teams seem a fantasy now. Try diplomacy? Trade tech for personnel? A definite, ugly brawl incoming. One corporate battleship for the sub-space tech. IDK... let your pilots do another jump in the drop shuttle... wow them.

Steve W

Last couple of chapters: Rogue Planet instead of Rouge Planet. Rogues are edgy outlaws, rouge is the stuff ladies put on their face. :) Couple older ones: Away With Out Leave = AWOL, couple of instances of AWAL used as the acronym. Curious to see where you go with the space elf controlled brotherhood fleet when they come into contact with the Void Phoenix.


thanks I will try to remember on the edits...i am thinking of two routes with the confrontation. i think it is going to be a two or three chapter piece as it is really the culmination of the last 50 or so chapters. right after you all are probably going to get a poll to see what direction you want the story heading

Silver Beard

bit miffed he hasn't utilized the alien shield technology as he has everything else. Or is the deal breaker you've been holding back on?


Why does it seem like there is a chapter missing between chapters 3 and 4


is there? are you reading from the start here? i remember there was a mistake in the early chapters...two chapters were numbered the same so I had to delete one and paste it to the prior chapter.... That was a year ago. Maybe patreon has the old chap? is it different on RR or scribblehub?

Avery Duval

I don’t see ch159 posted


Ah darn, no epubs :(


Not all, but a lot of authors convert their chapters to .epub format. It makes them easy to read on mobile. I don't think word has a "read aloud" feature.


it does have an excellent text to speech feature. at least the voice is great. i know the MS word app is free to download to a phone but you can not edit or write with the free version. i think the text to speech still works but not 100% certain


Google Assistant will read from the Microsoft word app but stopped when it got to the end of the screen bleh. I don't see a narrate option in the app. I can try something else.


when i open a doc with my word app, the read option is right in the middle of the bottom - it says read aloud


I see it now it hides the bar from time to time sneaky


I just started this story and I think there must be a problem with missing chapters. The chapter that opens from the ch 4 link seems like a huge time skip. There's no continuity so things make no sense.


let me check something on the scribble hub posting. i know at one point I had two chapters 3s I think






use this for chapter 3. looks like patreon never got the update. i have to delete all the posted files to post something so early and repost them but I am going to add them to a collection when I have time and do a quick edit because the grammar is horrendous before I got grammarly (and still not great after)

Scientist Valci

Desdemona Rouse fucking with his life is so fucked up. The fact they still don't have some kind of protocol for mind control and that eve is somehow the one being used is outrageous.

Zechariah West

Is this all there is to the series?

Brian N Johnson

I’m really enjoying the story. Keep up the good work!

Brian N Johnson

This is much easier than paging down a hundred times through gobs of posts (my main Patreon gripe). Might want to do a descending order though, most people will be looking for the most recent chapter.


Patreon doesn’t allow you to do that. When you post a new doc it puts it at the end


there is a box i can check when i add a chap...did that notification work?

Brian N Johnson

Not that I’ve seen. Thanks for the chapter though!


I came.. I saw... I read them all.. Keep up the good work author

Silver Beard

Enjoying both stories- thanks for sharing

Timothy Felker

Thank you for the chapters. There is only one criticism that I have at the moment, and that is the fact that Samantha ran into the pirate guy again, right after fleeing. On a planet of 10 billion +, with multiple shuttles, and paths to getting to the surface, the odds of them running into each other are essentially zero. It also feels like kicking her when she's down, and I think it would be better just to have her vanish, and just be gone. Other than that, thank you again for the chapters.


Yeah he was watching the Void Phoenix and had contacts put him onto her. I thought about killing her off but instead I think she will just escape and become a pirate herself and far in the future encounter the engineer again. The 'Long Lost Mother and Son Reunion'

Silver Beard

Kinda wondering how long he's going to be able to keep the improved shell alloy a secret. He's going to hit port someday soon and the local military is going go nuts when they can't Scan his ship.


The hull will not be a huge deal. There are materials out there that do that obfuscate from scanners like the tarps that he covered the fighters in. His real problem will be if the durability is demonstrated and observed in combat. Right now I plan for some issues to arise once he gets to upgrading the generators and shielding with alien tech. People will want that tech!


Samantha's story kinda of finishes in chap 67. you will not see her again for a very long time. let me know how you liked it...her escape was mostly predicated on the base commanders fear of being found incompetent...which he obviously was

Silver Beard

These perspectives are all out of order which makes them annoying at best. Investing time and resources into characters that are about to be dead and eliminated completely from the story is really hard sale honestly. Who wants to invest an iota in something that's soon to be gone forever? Honestly- once I realized I was reading about the deceased... I stopped reading and starting skimming... looking for the moment reality reasserted itself.

Silver Beard

Would you consider these side stories? If not then you should seriously consider eliminating them altogether. Dead Ends. All of them as they are now.


Most alt POV for starship engineer are to give the reader an idea what is going on in the background. If some of the major players just suddenly reappeared I think readers would be questioning how they got there

Silver Beard

If his perspective matters I would move it to before the owner was notified that the attack was happening... that's normal progression in a story. You tossed it out after the fact when we're all looking for resolution to the conflict; not how some stupid, hormonal idiot got killed. (either way that's not going to change)

Silver Beard

You gave up grapes earlier when you let Sam live... little disappointed... how will future Son and Mother meet if they aren't alive? So I suppose he'll be giving up something precious soon or a forfeit? Not a good way to end a month. Wouldn't be surprised if you lost a few patrons...

Silver Beard

Ch 70... nice fix. Got to speed up the upgrades now? Thanks for sharing your story

Silver Beard

Would have thought the terrorist held all the cards- holding the children hostage... that they gave up so easy and didn't see them as leverage says a lot about the core worlds.


this is the MCs turning point...he is going to become a little more of a forceful leader. he is done playing being captain and going to become one.


he also has a whole bunch of new toys to play with...the advanced tech from the core worlds and the data from governors estate is going to dovetail with his questions as to what happened during the explosion of the planetoid into subspace which changed the physics of the fuel


Ch 70, why wouldn't he immediately space her? :(

Silver Beard

blood, tears, and sweat... got to be a motto somewhere? Needs a ful platoon of harden marines on this boat.

Silver Beard

Ch 73, it really is time to space her already. Thanks for sharing. At this point- even from MC's point of view...is she anything more than a liability? He's not going to be able to keep anything if she lives to tell someone. Putting an new implant in her brain to turn her into a human steward bot would be even worse and likely very illegal

Silver Beard

The Sol credits in the vault represent an opportunity to NOT take on new passengers and finish upgrading the ship shielding and such. He's obviously going to need it.

Silver Beard

He might not be able to finish the ship; but upgrading the power suits with the new armor while in transit is certainly possible.


Need more chappies the addiction is real


Did I ever post the chapter where the other Sylvan First Citizen's ship arrived to help Rae'Ver? I remember writing it but don't remember posting it

Silver Beard

Ch 75... thanks for sharing.

Brandon Anderson

So Eve accepted the daughter role but if he is going to create playmates for the children based off Eve, have to wonder if she will claim they are hers and shoot for the wife role again.

Silver Beard

Ch 77...mixed reactions. POV of an AI...creepy

Silver Beard

Kinda hoping he'd finish augmenting the ship with the new armor dumping 20% of the original mass and then make a speed run back to the penal colony for a full platoon of marines. The 8 he has on board isn't going to cut it going forward. Enemies are just going to keep multiplying. He's got the mojo to prepare... just needs to use it


I was trying to write it as a developing consciousness with emotions...it didn't meet my expectations...needs future edits


Ch 78, I thought he said they weren't taking passengers for this leg of the trip?


I will have to check but I think I said it was to Anderson station they were not announcing where they were going and not taking passengers

Silver Beard

Pretty sure he was indifferent to whether the passsenger manifest would be filled or not. The whole liner is a cover after all. Sure, he went all in to make it look good; but has he expanded the volume? No. I suspect he didn't care either way. Finishing his upgrades needs to be first priority; then filling his 'guardians'... and then finally he can play tourist liner as he markets his wares.

Silver Beard

Have to admit I'm looking forward to the chapter when his Passenger Mongol realizes she's actually aboard a cutting-edge war machine (assuming he can get the alien sensor, shield, etc. working) with a full platoon of killers...and she's just small fry creating an illusion of respectability.

Silver Beard

...And I don't think you have expanded on why Anderson Station was anything to fuss about. It's like Expanse's Eion Station or whatever... some forbidden zone nobody is expected to travel too?


Three chapters coming this week by Thursday, one for the missed last week and two for this week

Silver Beard

Ch 81- bit of slice of life? Hoping they'd make more progress on armoring the ship. What about all the 'unmarked' Sol credits they've acquired. Save the the precious metals and get rid of the contraband funds.


I went back and fixed chap 79. All the materials for the 36:suits came to about 200,000 Sol credits. So with the upgraded fabs and materials he burned through it. The chap was to give the MC the sense of family with his crew

Silver Beard

82 was like blah... slice of life.

Silver Beard

Admit- I'm looking for the black ops group masquerade as a pleasure liner. So close; anything that bucks that off a bit more...is unwelcome