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Resetting this post.  Expect new chapters by the end of September.


Feibel Sebastian

I reread the story and noticed that instead of chapter 39, chapter 38 was uploaded.


I corrected the chap number. i have to delete the entire post and then upload all the chapters to make edits on older chapters but it is done

Silver Beard

C50... Sale, sale, sale! Sell that thing. Given his ability will just grow; and second why would you want to draw attention if you don't have the levels to defend it...which our MC does not. All I can see now is a MC swirling the toilet bowl... it's inevitable he loses... do I really want to watch him drown?!

Feibel Sebastian

c53 let me guess both are in the same area?! (Hahahahahaha!! this to good)


Just setting up some havoc for the future. The player will be on a quest, pass through Malcum, and be like wait that loud female Dwarf was named Breda….and she is the city planner….that foxkin had the same name as….where is this town lord, we need to have some words

David Zimmerle

Yea I could never see a world I was living in like that with such realistic AI as "Just a game".

David Zimmerle

Also hard pass on using the scroll on a simple altar. I'd be saving that for making something legendary as if he really pours himself into the work he can make epic plans with enough effort from what we've seen.


i will alter the text to show quests without rewards listed depend on how 'well' the quest was completed. also that the MC tried his best to make the best alter and could only get very rare. and that he hopes to get another similar scroll reward

David Zimmerle

Man those admins are assholes


Thanks for the chapters!! I'm all caught up now and eagerly waiting for more.


Omg! This was an incredible read. I wish there was more. What a cliffhanger :)


there are two more chapters in the first arc but i have had trouble writing them. starship engineer will probably end in a few months and I will return to this

Silver Beard

Curious... why you paused this story?


Are there any new chapters?


just at chapter 61 or 62 here. i am doing a grammar edit refresh at 5 chapters a week. when i get caught up i will add 4 chapters a month. i need to refresh the story in my head since it has been so long


Love this story just as a soldiers life!💪 Keep up champ

Silver Beard

Ch 41.... seeing the gnome relationship between cook and Order Mage; think he's got enough 'sprouts' to start recruiting via connections instead of just the AH. Word of mouth will always be the truest form of advertising. Surely among his newest followers...they will know of others? Save the AH bids for the exceptions.

Silver Beard

Town needs healers. If the garrison is coming from a fight they lost... they'll likely not be in the best shape. I haven't read about any true healers in town?!


One very minor healer and the lightning mage has healing magic too. Also the angelic s have healing magic


Chap 43 posted...maybe pushing these plot elements too early. the chapter was also supposed to be around 4000 words so need some work

Silver Beard

And Ch 43 looks to be less than 50 words. Looks like you didn't post 42 at all...but added whatever bit of 43 you started working on. Definite 'jump' in the story