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Chapter 222: Deep Pockets

“What does that mean for us?” I asked.

“At most, six more weeks of training. Spring is eight weeks away. We have already cut the wilderness training in half; we will cut the city training in half as well. I expect Centurion Decimus and Sergius to be here in a few weeks to review and select from the litter.”

Savino sat up, surprised at the news. “We haven’t completed the wild nocturnal training.”

“And you won’t,” Konstantin said harshly. “That is the most difficult training for a Hound, and we just do not have time for it.”

Savino rolled off his bed and headed for the door to tell his companions the news, leaving me with Konstantin. I listened, making sure we were alone before asking. “How did they discover Zyna didn’t have the dreamscape amulet?”

“First Citizen Boris had his uncle pressure the Collegium Scholarium to force Zyna to register the dreamscape amulet in the archives. They pressured her for weeks and even showed up at her door before she was forced to admit it was not in her possession.” Konstantin said bitterly. “You should have left it with her. I am sure Castian will be made aware of this as well now.” It was a warning to watch my back.

I digested the news. “Do I have to stay here?” I asked Konstantin, indicating the bunks.

Konstantin grinned, “I gave you two days off. If you want to spend the next two nights elsewhere, then that is your prerogative. Just know before sunrise on the third day, you better be in this room.” I nodded, collected my cleaned Hound clothes and weapons into my dimensional space and shouldered my pack, nodded to Konstantin, and left.

I circled off the main street, so I wouldn’t run into the other Hounds and headed to the upper city. It was not a long walk, and I entered the first good inn I could find. It was mid-afternoon, and two tired women cleared tables and cleaned the floor. Only one patron was eating a roast chicken at a table, savoring every bite.

The barkeep grunted in a raspy voice, “What can I do you for, traveler?”

“Best single bed room for two nights,” I replied.

He arched his eyebrow and settled his eyes on me. “Meals?”

“Just breakfast tomorrow,” I said, and one of the waitresses straightened her dress and smiled brightly at me. I was uninterested in the middle-aged woman as her eyes sized me up. She had an exotic look to her, with darker skin and long silky black hair in a ponytail.

“Four large silver for the room and two large copper for breakfast.” The barkeep said, placing a key on the counter. I didn’t use dungeon coins to pay, producing Telhian coins. Dungeon coins were only uncommon but may make me more memorable. The room was much cheaper than I expected, but the meal was more than twice what I expected.

The preening waitress stuck out her chest, “My name is Danielle. Follow me, sir.” I followed her up the wide stairs, and she smelled of beer, sweat, and waning perfume. On the top floor she went to the end of the hallway. She indicated the door and I used me key. “Do you need anything else for the evening? If you want, I could draw you a bath?” She looked expectantly and her shapely body sported a friendly smile.

“Not tonight. I am tired from work today, Danielle. I need to get some rest.” She frowned as she left. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised. This wasn’t a brothel, but from the low activity level in the city, I assumed that coin was tight. Maybe that was why the room had been so cheap.

“I will check on you at first light to empty your pan.” After Danielle left, I secured the door and window. The room smelled slightly off, like clothes that had been in storage for years. The room had a large bed with deep blue wool blankets and one massive closet for clothes. A small bathroom had a large tub with two large buckets for filling it. Two water pitchers were in front of a mirror, and the bedpan rested under the toilet.

After searching the room, I pulled the curtains and pulled out the elven tablet reader. I was curious about what all the essences and weeks of Hound training had gained me. I was quick about it, activating the table, reading it, and returning it to the space.

I was satisfied with only a few stats that did not meet expectations. The potential for quickness and dexterity were lower than I had hoped, and I guessed the essences were not as effective. Still, that was offset by my physical gains from the training.

It was easy to see why I had surpassed the other pups. A fifty attribute was an exceptional score. Generally, the men of the company didn’t talk about the tablet reader results, but the few times they did, the highest attribute that had been mentioned was a 62. I had three stats at that mark or higher. My progress was going to be much slower without essence to supplement my gains.


Strength (+6/+1)62/82

Power (+5/+3)57/87

Quickness (+4/+8)53/62

Dexterity (+4/+5)63/75

Endurance (+6/+3)76/98

Constitution (+8/+1)59/72

Coordination (+5/+1)55/68


Intellect (+2/+0)35/56

Reasoning (+0/+0)51/61

Perception (+3/+0)56/62

Insight (+1/+0)37/52

Resilience (+2/+0)54/71

Empathy (+0/+2)19/24

Fortitude (+3/+0)60/90


Aether Pool (+1/+0)24/26

Channeling (+6/+1)36/61

Aether Shaping (+0/+0)8/8

Aether Tolerance (+0/+0)50/56

Aether Resistance (+0/+0)15/19

Prime Aether AffinitySpace

I reviewed my magic affinities.  

Elemental Magics (Common)

Fire 0 

Air 0 

Water 0 

Earth 38. Earth Speak

Lightning (Energy) 8 

Spirit (Healing) 23. Self Healing

Nature (Plant)0


Unaffiliated Magics (Uncommon)

Charm (Mind) 5 

Illusion 13 

Clairvoyance 0

Protection (Guardian) 30. Air Shield


Celestial (buff)0 

Abyssal (debuff)0


Rare Magics

Space 101. Dimensional Pocket

Time 90. Slow Aging

Displacement 80

 Materialism 9

 Worlds 88

 Void 22

 Convergence74. Metabolize Essences

All those displacement essences had increased the affinity to 80. Still, I lacked the aether to utilize the spell forms I wanted. I also had not found any spell forms for the World Affinity. My purpose in renting this room was to finish imprinting the purify self for the void affinity.

I took more precautions in case I was disturbed while I was in the dreamscape. I attached the amulet to a string and the door so it would be pulled from my grasp if it was open. I laid out magebane and orcbane within easy reach. I wedged blocks into the window.

Satisfied, I entered the dreamscape in brief two-hour stints to study the spell form. I add books to the library before beginning my cram session. I knew I was close to finishing the spell form and silenced the my manifestations in the dreamscape—with the exception of Oscar who happily sat in my lap.

On my third cycle into the dreamscape, I felt the spell lock into place on my core. Relieved, I reviewed on how to use the spell form before returning to the real world. I stored the amulet and focused.

The purify self was going to work extremely well with my self-healing spell form. I could use self-healing to identify foreign matter and then target it. I started with the tiny tip of an arrow that had broken off. I channeled the aether through the spell form, directing it to the metal chip. It slowly vanished.

The purify self was designed to eliminate disease and poison, but it could also target larger objects, but I would have to be careful with larger volumes. I focused on my bladder next. From the text, it was important to do this purge slowly. Too fast, and you would create a painful vacuum. Over the next fifteen seconds, I slowly released the aether, targeting the urine. I felt some cramps for a few moments, and then I was fine. Success.

I retrieved the vial of Hound paralytic poison next. This could be administered in the blood or consumed. I dipped my finger, lay down, and sucked on my finger. The bitter-tasting poison acted quickly as I felt its aether-enhanced effects spread through my body, my muscles no longer responding, and my body relaxed into the soft bed. I turned the pulsed aether through the spell form. It took a few seconds, but I regained control over my body.

My haste to use it had purged other dangerous elements like viruses, toxins, and bacteria in my body that I didn’t target specifically. I kept dosing myself with the poison to fine-tune my use of the spell form. As I experimented, I got a better handle on focusing the spell form. It would always take five to six seconds to purge the specific poison unless I just purged my entire body at once with a jolt of aether. That would be dangerous as it would recognize my bowels and bladder in the purge, creating the vacuum effect.

Still, I was happy with the spell form. I wouldn’t have to fear disease or poison in the future. I sat up a little dizzy from expending most of my aether. I pulled a warm burrito into my hand to munch on. I decided to repack my Hound pack as I didn’t feel the need for sleep.

I laid everything on the bed, went through each separate kit, and packed them tightly before adding the heaviest items first. When I got to the summoner’s belt, I didn’t know what I should do with it. Remembering the backlash, either this item or the robe I had given Zyna had some type of dimensional storage.

I steadied myself and tried to cautiously to add the belt to my dimensional space. With a loud whack, the belt slammed into the far wall, and my mind spun from the backlash. I fell on the bed, letting my head clear, and waited for the inevitable knock on my door. The knock never came as a sipped on cold blood orange juice. Maybe there was no one else in the inn, or they thought I had just fallen and didn’t care to come check on me.

At least I was certain the belt was a dimensional object. The question was, how did it work? All the pouches were empty. I had searched them many times. Was there a magic word? If that was the case maybe a revelation scroll would reveal it. It didn’t quite match my Hound belt, but the coloring was not too off. The summoner’s belt was definitely a softer, worked leather.

I stood with a migraine and tried the belt on, fastening it. I looked in the mirror and thought it didn’t look too bad. I tried to put some coins in the pouch on the left hip, but my hand kept going! The coin clattered against some glass. It was a neat magic trick in the mirror as the depth half my forearm disappeared into the pouch. I felt around and guessed the space was about a cubic foot.

I retrieved one of the vials, and it was a potion! Reading the Elvish script, it was a stamina potion. I took off the belt and tried to get another potion. Nothing; the compartment was empty and shallow again. So, all this time, all I needed to do was be wearing the belt? I wanted to kick myself for not thinking of it sooner.

I decided to empty the belt on the bed after clearing away my Hound gear. Placing the belt back on, I emptied the potions, thirteen total. When I moved to the next pouch, it was full of spoiled vegetables. Yellow carrots and something that looked like limes. They were all soft, and I guessed the summoner had collected them in the dungeon. It told me the pouches were inferior to my own space in that they didn’t arrest time. Which meant some of the potions may have spoiled as well. It had been three months since I defeated the summoner.

The third pouch was stuffed with the cooking kit, thermal stone, spices, and four glowstones. Excited, I started pulling out different bones from the fourth pouch. My best guess was that these bones were the various creatures the summoner used in his ritual magic. That was reinforced when the fifth pouch had dozens of bags of different powders, and I had no idea what creatures they belonged to.

The last pouch had a dozen handwritten notebooks. They were all in Elvish, and the summoner’s handwriting left something to be desired. The bottom of this pouch had a lot of dungeon coins, all large silver. The summoner had obviously broken a few reward chests during his time, but where were the magic items? I searched each pouch again in futility.

The mess on the bed was extreme, and I couldn’t believe this belt had held so much. Six cubic feet and not adding anything to the weight of the belt. Still vastly inferior to my own dimensional space but useful. I was quickly frustrated as all the Elvish healing potions had expired a month ago. Three stamina potions seemed viable and there was one greater dungeon healing potion in the mix that would never expire and proved the summoner had searched the reward chests.

I started packing everything up and sending it all to my dimensional space. I decided to start wearing the summoner’s belt in place of my Hound belt, but I would need to line the bottom with something so it didn’t look like my arm was disappearing whenever I grabbed something.

A knock at my door had me freeze. Danielle’s muffled voice came through. “I have your breakfast. Do you wish a bath to be drawn this morning? The cooks are heating water now, and I have scented soaps.”

I considered her offer and then looked at the mess on the bed. “No, thank you. You can leave it on the floor. I will collect it when I am ready to eat,” I said. I heard her shuffle her feet and the tray tap the floor. After she walked away, I brought it inside. I munched on the loaf, hard-boiled eggs, and jams as I packed my new accessory. I hoped to spend short periods in the dreamscape during the day before I had to return.

I arrived back at the barracks before sunrise on the third day. Hearne and Cato were talking quietly in the hallway, looking much refreshed. Cato noted my approach, “I like your new belt.”

“Thanks, it was just something found in my explorations,” I noted, unable to hold a smile in. Konstantin’s heavy boots were thundering down the hallway, and I could hear the others stirring awake from the pre-wakeup call. It was time to continue with the Hound training.





I think there is an error reading the tablet. Like your air affinity is zero? So where does your air shield come from?


it was already described - aether compresses the air but yes there is another version of air shield for the air affinity

Ben Walker

During purify self do the toxins come out of his body (and if it is his first time I imagine some serious toxins will come out) or does the magic make it disappear? Could lead to some interesting situations in the future when people think they have him poisoned or contained and suddenly just get this horrible smell ha (alwa