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The citadel itself was easy to find once we knew which direction to head. Nestled in between two towering peaks at the top of a pass, the immense structure was built for defense, though it was apparent from the well manicured trees surrounding the outer wall that some effort had been spent to beautify it.

Of particular interest were the two streams of falling water that fell from the mouth of a stone wolf head perched on the uppermost roof who gave the citadel its name. As we approached the main gate the farmer we hitched a ride with regaled us with the seemingly countless ideas on how the water got up there in the first place. Everything from dwarven plumbing to good old fashioned magic were on the table and I did not see a need to burst his fertile imaginative bubble.

Once inside, the citadel was surprisingly busy. We spotted a variety of merchants, traders, artisans, and monks wandering the four districts that surrounded the fortress itself. Despite an offer of accommodation at one of the inns, we wanted to make it into the valley before nightfall, so we headed for the back gate, a journey that took us through a tunnel under the fortress. Our papers must have checked out because the guards waved us through without more than a few cursory questions.

Stepping out the back gate and looking over the long valley that lay before me, I made a note to plan a few more days on the return trip. No doubt the citadel hid many an interesting corner and I was excited to find each and every one when I had the time. But for now, my brief visit to Moon Wolf Citadel was over and other adventures await.


I am so excited to introduce you to Jog Brogzin, a fantastic map maker and fellow worldbuilder. We’ve collaborated for this fantastic rendition of Moon Wolf Citadel! If you like fantasy, adventure, and exploring new worlds, you owe it to yourself to check out his work. You can find him on facebook and instagram, and on Patreon where he is building a cool community where you can get a high res version of all of his amazing work!

Additionally, $10 and up patrons (who are comfortable sharing their address) will be getting a postcard of the Citadel as well as a brochure and some other goodies. If you are interested in getting this awesome limited edition item, make sure you update your address  in your account.

As always, thanks for your support!




Awesome art! love the blurb as well


I like your design but feel a major design fail as it is “ nestled between two mountain peaks” would it not be butted up against said mountains as atm it doesn’t block access to the valley beyond which I would of considered the main aim of the castle? ? ?


Ok lets be real here, if this was what it was like ouroboros and his army would just walk around it, not go into/over it