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Hi everyone! I have finally received the translations, and beta-testers(5$+) are soon (it’ll take 1 or 2 days to integrate translated text) to get links in PMs. In about a week after the beginning of beta-testing links will be sent out to other patrons. I’m well aware my patrons would much rather see a new version of the MLA, and not a new sheet of text, that’s why I delayed this post :)

In this version of the MLA you’ll see some animations, I’ve learned how to make just recently. This year I’m planning to improve my skills in making them. Besides, there are a few innovations, I’m going to introduce in future versions of the game, but I’ll announce them later when I have something to show.  

I’d like to somewhat summarize the previous year. I started this campaign in early 2016, thinking it’d be nice if I could earn enough for a couple more pictures. And already in June I left my day-job and dedicated most of my time to game-development. That was the pivotal moment. Thank you, those who supported and keep supporting me. Today, I have a main illustrator, and a range of free-lancers with whom I work on a regular basis. 

At this moment, I’m looking to organize a fully-functioning mini-studio of several people, hiring the illustrator full-time, for which, or course, we’ll have to have nifty releases more often. 

For those who are new here, I take up several projects at the same time in order not to stand idle while I am waiting for an art for a certain game to be made: they just cannot be produced as fast as we want them to. Working on a number of projects with different illustrators allows me to to have releases more often :)