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Hi you all! I don’t suppose anybody will have much interest in my page in the New Year’s eve, so this time I’d like to thank my patrons somewhat earlier :)

I have to admit outright that, try as I might, I managed not to make the MLA update release possible (at least formally) in December. It’s quite likely I’ll finish the first build on December 31st (no holidays for me this time), but translation and testing will take some more time (I’m looking at one week). It’s not to mean the game’ll be stuck in development for another month or so, no: it’s just that I’ll kindly have to ask those of you, who badly wanted the game this year, for some more of you patience.

And now, the good news :) Partially, the delay was caused by my using of the new soft I could finally get my hands on. Thanks to my Asian peers for making a free version of the programm I’d been so long smacking my lips about. The upcoming version of the game is going to include features rarely seen in other developers’ games :) The game’s got a new look, and I’m looking forward to you seeing it for yourselves. 

Regarding the intro, I can say it’s been made from scratch. The script that distributes events and fundamental mechanics has been completed. Thus, in the future updates, new events, locations, and characters will be “simply” added.

Like I said before, in order for the game to have a more of less consistent storyline, the latter had to be severely simplified, and it’ll probably be more like a demo of the fundamental mechanics. Henceforth, the plot will unravell more smoothly, of course. 

Everything I’m due to you guys will be ready very very soon. 


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