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Oooff. So, as I already wrote, we found all serious bugs, so most likely you will not encounter any big problems, but I still ask you to write about all the bugs that you can find, especially about the untranslated text. It is very difficult to find.


1. Mechanics of text events on the map. Right now it is just one event and it is repeating . There will be many of them in the final version.

2. Card damage is calculated from strength and agility.

3. A gang of clowns (2 clowns)

4. Comics after defeats.

5. Event icons (if you bought a radio from a professor).

6. Training at PayMay and Trainer.

7. The availability and number of cards now calculated only depending on skills and items.

8. Buffs and debuffs are shown.

9. The mechanics of aerobics training.

10. The mechanics of cooking. The first time she eats, then she simply prepares food in the inventory that can be eaten.

11. The mechanics of using items in inventory (including food).

12. An animated screensaver with a hero (I’ll make the animation better).

13. Comics from the roof(before first fight against pervert).

14. Pop-ups when moving around the city.

15. New stores of Professor/PayMay/Trainer.

16. Now she knows how to dodge attacks. The chance is calculated from agility.





Если играть в оконном режиме, то тренировки не адаптируются под установленное разрешение. После того, как нажимаешь на шкафчик в раздевалке, съезжает что-то и Анабель ходит выше, чем нарисована комната, вернуться невозможно, только загружаться до этого момента.


да, это уже починил, будет исправлено в апдейте. Пока просто лучше запускать в фулл hd


im sorry. but the file for windows is unavailable


Hello! Check the link for this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/have-good-35086910 OR! version for 15$ https://www.patreon.com/posts/cheat-versions-35126747